Chapter 14

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Be With Me

Chapter 14



Swara walks to her room once Sanskar left from there making her listen his last decision....

She sits on the bed with pale face holding Ashu's pic....

Avi who cames inside the room and saw his mumma, with a dull face..

"Mumma what happen" Said the little Avi hugging swara from back, who was sitting on the bed lost...

"Nothing baby" Said swara taking him on her lape while her all stress vanished with the touch of his soft fingers..

The little one looks at his mother with mixed emotions who gave a weak smile to him.

"Is papa angly(angry)with mumma" Said Avi remembering how they were fighting before few minutes...

Swara looks at him shocked knowing he heard their convo..

"No baby papa is not angry" Said swara while kissing his cheeks who was not so happy...

"Pakka" Said Avi looking at his mumma...

"Yes" Said swara and hugs him tight....



Laksh Room..

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Came a loud voice from washroom making the whole mansion shaken...

"What the hell, who did this" Yelled Ragini seeing her face in the mirror which was black...

"I will not spare the one who had done it" Said Ragini seeing black paint on her towel...

She cleans her face and came out from washroom where she saw her husband who was dancing in a weird way...

"Laksh what are you doing" Said Ragini looking at him...

"I don't know baby I am feeling so much iching in my whole body" Said laksh while rubbing his back, neck and arms..

"Stop behaving like a monkey laksh, just go and change" Said Ragini looking at him...

"Ahhh" Another Shout came from her mouth as the comb glued to her long hairs giving pain to her..

"Baby what Happened" Said laksh who came out changing his cloth seeing his beloved wife struggling with her hairs...

"Ouch.. laksh see it" Said Ragini with pain...

"Ouchhhh, laksh what the hell are you doing" Said Ragini angrily as his pulls the  comb harshly gives her pain..

"I am trying to help you" Said laksh looking at her..

"Your not helping me.. your hurting me.. idiot" Said Ragini and tries to free her hairs from the comb...

"I think you should cut your hairs" Said laksh looking at her who was trying hard to remove it...

"What.. nooo I will not cut my hairs" said Ragini with fearful expressions...

"Don't worry baby I will love you after that also" Said laksh looking at her(😏😏)

While both were yelling in pain three pair of eyes were watching them holding their laughter

"Badi Dadi Ashu can't control now" Said Ashu once they entered in her room placing her palm on her mouth along with Ap and dp...

"Even I can't" said Ap laughing not able to control...

"Badi dadu Nagin masi will look beautiful with short hair" said Ashu laughing rolling on the bed holding her tummy....

"Laksh chahu's Monkey dance was so funny" Said Ashu while tears falls from her eyes due to Continues laughing...

"Ashu beta now get ready you have a function today" Said Dp caressing her hairs with love..

"Ashu loves you both" Said Ashu kissing their cheeks one by one making their eyes wet...


Maheswari Mansion Hall..

"What is going here" Shouted swara seeing all wearing white clothes and in the middle Ashu's photo was kept while priest was chatting some mantra..

"Put the garlands on the photo" Said the priest giving the garland to Sanskar while he nodes ignoring Swara's Shout..

"Stop right there Sanskar, you will not put it" Said swara jerking the garland from his hand...

"Swara" Shouted Sanskar being angry as she throws the garland on floor...

"You can't do this.. I will not let you do" Said swara taking the frame hugging it tight..

"Shona try to understand we need to do it, for our Ashu than only her soul will get Peace" Said Shomi trying to make her understand..

"Why, what is the need of it ma" Said swara looking at Shomi with painful eyes...

"Swara beta for you we haven't done it before.. You better know, already it's too late.. its been three years that Our Ashu left us" Said Sujata with teary eyes making her understand but will she..

"My Ashu is alive mom" Said swara looking at them with teary eyes..

"Where, show me where is Ashu" Said Sanskar being fed up of her stubborness...

"Here" Said swara pointing towards his heart later her heart making everyone numb...

"Swara" Sanskar calmed seeing her who was crying badly

"Try to understand our Ashu is no more, and we need to do it for her" Said Sanskar cupping her face while she was noding in no...

"Why can't you All understand" Shouted swara pushing Sanskar..

"Please leave from here we aren't doing any Pooja here" Said swara looking towards the priest while he looks at Sanskar...

"Just leave j j us t" She couldn't complete as she felt unbearable pain in her head making others Shocked..

"Swara" shouted Sanskar seeing her who was about to callaps on the floor...

"Swara open your eyes, swara" Said Sanskar patting her cheeks as she become unconscious in his arms...

"Ji call the doctor" said Sujata with teary eyes while Sanskar took swara to their room...

SwaSan Room

"Mumma" Said Avi being scared seeing swara in that condition, who was colouring a book sitting on the bed.

"Mumma" Avi cried being scared seeing swara not opening her eyes when Sanskar makes her lay on the bed..

"Avi beta" Said Sujata hugging him while he hugs her tightly sobbing...

"Nothing will happen to your mumma" Said Sujata caressing his back making him calm...

"Can you explain me, what exactly happened" Said the doctor who was checking swara..

"She was fine before, but suddenly faints" Said Sanskar who was holding Swara's hands...

"It's a good news" Said the doctor with a smile after doing checkup..

"Good news, what are you saying, here we all are so worried and your smiling" Said Sanskar looking at unconscious swara...

"Mr. Maheswari your wife is 2months pregnant" Said doctor making everyone happy...

"Are you sure" Said Sanskar looking at her while tears of happiness brims in his eyes..

"Yeah" Said doctor while everyone smiles...

Later doctor went congratulating them and prescribing some medicines....

Sanskar kissed Swara's forehead with much love while everyone went out blessing them along Avi who was sleeping on his dadi's arms being tired...

Ashu came down with ap getting ready for her school function wearing a beautiful red coloured frok..

"Dadi will feed Ashu" Said Ashu when ragini was about to feed her..

"Ashu in today's function what are you going to do" Asked laksh who was eating..

"It's a surprise" Said Ashu thinking about her mumma's guitar while her eyes shines...

"Laksh you go and drop her, I will come with ma  and papa ji" Said Ragini while Laksh nodes..

Ashu makes faces towards both of them which went unnoticed by them but giving a tuff time to her badi Dadi and bade dadu as they were unable to control their laugh seeing her expressions..

"Mumma when she wil come" Said Avi placing his hand on Swara's belly..

"She will come after 7months.. And how you know it's she.. It may be a boy also" Said swara while he pouts...

"What happened to my baby" Said swara kissing his cheeks..

"Too late" Said the little one with a cute frown making Sanskar Smiles at them who was doing some work on his laptop..

"Why are you laughing papa" He said making Sanskar to look at him with amusement...

"Who said i am laughing" Said Sanskar glaring at him while Avi bows his head remembering how Sanskar was angry at swara, making swara sad

The little one sniffs seeing Sanskar's cold behavior making them shocked...

"Avi" Said Sanskar picking him..

"Papa is angly with Avi" Said Avi sniffing while Sanskar nodes in no..

"No papa can never be angry with his champ" Said Sanskar wiping his tears while swara smiles..

"Leally(Really)" Said Avi while his eyes shines to which Sanskar nodes..

"Avi lives(loves)papa" Said Avi kissing his cheeks and later claps his hand being happy

"And what about mumma" Said swara with a pout..

"Hihihi Avi lives(loves)mumma" Said Avi hugging swara and kissing her cheeks..

"Papa ko phone aaya" Avi said in excitement as he heard his papa's ringtone...

"Hello" Said Sanskar receiving the call walking near the window..

"What" He almost yelled making swara shocked..

"Hell with Him" Said Sanskar in anger brushing his hairs..

"What happened Sanskar" Said swara looking at him while Avi was hugging her, looking at Sanskar with fearful eyes..

"I have to go Kolkata, that too right now" Said Sanskar trying to calm his anger seeing Avi scared, while swara becomes shocked listing KOLKATA..

"Why you need to go there" Said swara while fear was clearly visible in her eyes..

"There is a function which I have to attend today and my stupid PA forgot to inform me before" Said Sanskar looking at swara while she took a breath in relief..

"Don't worry I will not go" Said Sanskar holding her hands while she smiles..

"No your going" Said swara and stands Making him confused..

"Swara" Said Sanskar unbelievably seeing her smiling..

"I don't know Sanskar but I feel something good is going to happen" Said swara taking his clothes out while Avi was looking at his parents not knowing what were they speaking..

"You think so" Said Sanskar with a smile while she nodes..

"Whele(where)papa is going" Said Avi looking at both..

"Papa will come tomorrow, and he will bring gift for Avi and mumma, isn't it papa" Said swara looking at Sanskar with a wide smile..

"Yaayyy papa will bling(bring)gitf(gift)for Avi and mumma" Said Avi jumping on the bed happily clapping his hands while swasan adore their one and only son...
"What's happening here, why haven't you started the function" Said Ragini to Ashu's teacher...

"Mrs.Maheswari the chief guest haven't came yet so it's becoming late, we are really sorry for the delay" Said the teacher with a sorry face..

"Don't he know how to value time" Said Ragini being angry..

"No ma'am nothing like that" Said the teacher and ragini left from there giving a frustrated look..

"Ma I am getting late so I am leaving, only god knows when this function will start" Said Ragini while Ashu gave not interested look to her..

"Laksh drop me to my friends home" Said Ragini while laksh nodes...

"Now Ashu Is happy" Said Ashu looking at them with a wide smile..
Screen Freeze's On SwarAvi's smiling face, Sanskar Frustrated face who was in plane and Ashu's smiling face....😉

To Be Continued....

Prcp - "Swara" Sanskar wishpers to himself seeing the little kid who was holding his swara's guitar with closed eyes and a bright smile...

Stay Blessed ❤❤

Isha 😘😘

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