Chapter 16

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Be With Me

Chapter 16


"Shona what happened" Said Shomi who was arranging plates on the dinning table for lunch, seeing her daughter walking here and there with a tensed face...

"Ma I am feeling so restless" Said swara sitting on the sofa bruising her head into her Palm's..

"Swara you should go and rest, sleep for sometime you will feel better" Sujata said placing the dishes on table..

"I am not sleepy mom" Said swara looking at them...

"I hope Sanskar is fine" Wishpers swara to her self which was audiable to her both mother's..

"Swara is everything fine" Said Sujata with a fear in her hear remembering about the fearful accident of Sanskar..

"I don't know mom, he told he will call me once the function ends but see here he didn't call neither he is receiving my calls" Said swara worriedly making her mother's chuckled.

"Why you both are laughing" Said swara glaring at him...

"Yes yes why are you laughing at Avi Mumma" Came another voice who was looking at his both grandmother's with his small eyes..

"Shomi see here came her bodyguard" Said Sujata laughing while Shomi too joins her

"Avi Mumma ko Kya hua(what happened to Avi's Mumma" Said the little Avi cupping her face making swara smile..

"Nothing its just your papa isn't receiving my calls" Said swara with a pout while Avi giggles..

"Papa muts(must) be busy"'said Avi while swara looks at her son with amusement as it used to be her dialogue till yesterday..

"Shona come and eat something" Said Shomi looking at both mother and son who was lost in their own world forgetting every tension...

"Ma I Will eat later, right now I am not hungry" Said swara looking at her mother with a lazy pout..

"Avi beta tell your Mumma to eat right now or else your sister will be hungry" Said Sujata using her trump card

"Yes Mumma come Avi will feed mumma" Said the little boy in excitement while swara giggles...

"As you wish my baccha" Said swara kissing his cheeks while he giggles..


Sanskar was sitting on his seat in plane, looking at the beautiful view as he got window seat, remembering what all happened with him few hours before..

He looks at his doll who was in deep sleep, laying on him hugging him tightly...

His blood was boiling in anger seeing the innocent face of his daughter who was snuggling her face on his chest more and more...

He wanted to confront his so called brother and his wife but seeing his dolls pleading to meet her Mumma didn't let make him to meet them...

Surely today he if he met him he would have killed his so called brother for snatching his daughters happiness ..

It's only Ashu who save both of them from him today but till then when..

He had decided he would come here again after telling everyone about Their apple of eye...

That day will be worst day of their life.. Day of punishment...

Till then he was quite whatever they had done with him and his swara but today it's about his daughter who is his life.. This time they had messed with a father so the punishment would be worst that they haven't thought about it In their wildest dreams also...

He know swara must be so much worried for him as he didn't called her neither receive her calls but little did she know he is going to give the biggest Surprise to her...

He smiles thinking about her reaction when will she comes to knw her baby her Ashu is Alive..

He is damn sure she is going to cry taking Ashu into her warmth embarece when she will see Ashu..

"Damm" He Wishpers slowly as for him the passing one minute was like one year..

He was so desperate the flight to land so he could take his doll to her home where she belongs to...

He got alart feeling his shirt wet.. He heard her sniffing in her sleep, mumuring something which wasn't clear..

"Doll" He called her softly caressing her hars making her calm..

"See papa is there with you, nothing will happen" Said Sanskar kissing her head thinking she is feeling scared..

He kept caressing her hairs with much love and it didn't took much time her to calm...


"Mumma Avi will beat papa with stit(stick)"Said Avi while Swara's eyes become wide listing him..

"Avi who told you all this" Said swara looking at him shockingly..

"Chotu Mamu" Said Avi looking at swara blinking his eyes making Swara angry..

"You be here Mumma Is coming, don't move ohkey" Said swara looking at him while he nodes innocently..

"Otey(ohkey)" Said Avi showing his milky teeth's...


"Chotuuu" Shouted swara entering Ayush's Room

"Shona di" Said Ayush looking at swara who was about to burst out..

Swara's all anger vanished seeing his innocent face...

"Chotu who told you we should beat people with stick" Said swara calmly while Ayush looks at his sister..

"Our maths teacher beats us with stick when we didn't complete our homework or when we become later for class" Said Ayush with a cry face...

"Aww.. your Shona di will complain to the principal about that teacher" Said swara while Ayush smiles wide..

"Par Shona tu achanak se ye sabh kyun puchrhi(Swara why your asking it so suddenly)" Said Shomi who entered the room..

"Ma" Said swara looking at her mother with a smile..

"I don't knw from where Avi learn it, he is saying he will beat Sanskar when he will come" Said swara while Shomi rolls her eyes..

"When I ask who told all this to you than he told.." She couldn't complete as Shomi interrupted her..

"He said Ayush, that's why you came here right" Said Shomi while swara's eyes become wide..

"Ma i didn't meant it" Said swara while Shomi smiles..

"Even I didn't mean it" Said shomi with a low laugh to which swara pouts..

"I know how much my Shona loves Her little brother" Said Shomi proudly while swara's eyes become teary..

"I know you never differentiate your kids and him" said Shomi looking at her daughter to whome she feels so proud...

"You knw I wonder what good I had done that I got you" Said Shomi while Swara hugs her..

"It's all because of you ma" said swara hugging Shomi while Ayush looks at them with a pout..

"Mumma you always love Shona di not me" Says Ayush while Swara sticks her tounge to him..

"Mumma see" Said Ayusu with a cry face while both mother and daughter smiles at him..

"Chotu come" Said swara and he immidiately hugs them...

Trio and Their little world was blissful and perfect without their spineless father.

"Shona I think Avi must heard mine and chotus's conversation yesterday" Said Shomi while Swara smiles..

"He was saying me about his maths teacher and Avi came here that time" Said Shomi while Swara shook her head..


"Papa when will We go to Mumma" Said Ashu who was Hugging him and looking outside..

"Soon doll" Said Sanskar ruffling her hairs while she smile wide..

"Papa stop" Yelled Ashu making Sanskar scared..

"What happened doll" Said Sanskar stopping the car with a jerk..

"Ice cream" Said Ashu licking her lips looking outside..

"You want" Said Sanskar looking at his daughter and there she nodes her head several times.

"Ohkey come" Said Sanskar and park the car.

He carries Ashu in his arms while she snakes her hand around his neck...

"Bhaiya give one chocolate ice cream" Said Sanskar while Ashu looks at her papa with a wide smile.

"Papa knws Ashu's favorite flavor" Said Ashu in joy while sanskar smiles..

"One more papa" Said Ashu when he gave one ice cream to her...

"Ohkey.. Give one more" Said Sanskar with a smile..

"Uncle give one to papa also" Said Ashu while licking her ice cream..

"Which flavor" Said the man with a smile looking at Sanskar..

"Yes papa which flavor" Said Ashu making Sanskar's eyes wet...

"Strawberry" Said Sanskar with a heavy voice as his doll doesn't remember her papa's favorite flavor..

He know it's not her fault.. She was only two when they separated her from her parents.. If she was with them she must be remember it...

He felt like killing laksh and Ragini for separating their love of life from them...


"Doll don't say Mumma that you were with Your masi and chachu" Said Sanskar sitting in the car after finishing their ice cream party while she looks at him with a smile twinkling her eyes..

"Top secret between Ashu and Papa" Said Ashu feeling so much excited not knowing her father's real intension..

"Yes top secret" Said Sanskar pecking her hairs while she giggles as usual making Sanskar thank to God for returning their happiness


"How dare you both do it" Shouted laksh angrily looking at his parents..

"How can you give Ashu's passport to Sanskar" Shouted Laksh angrily..

"Ma how can you snatch my daughter from me" Said Ragini crying (😬😬😬)

"Ragini she is not your daughter, she is swara's daughter" Said Ap to which she receives a slap..

"Ragini" Shouted dp and slaps her As she slaps Ap..

"What the hell" Shouted Laksh seeing it...

"Ramuuu" Shouted Laksh angrily while Ap and Dp was in tears..

"Ji sir" said on of the maid bowing his head in front of laksh..

"Lock both of them in store room and you must not give food to them" Said laksh while They become shocked..

With hessitaion Ramu locked both of them in the store room while Ap was all numb...

They were crying on their own fate...


"Laksh do something I want Ashu at any cost, I don't want to be tagged as a women who can't become a mother" Said Ragini with her tears while laksh console her..

"I will bring Ashu back at any cost" Said laksh consoling her..

"Go and pack our bags we are leaving for  Mumbai and yeah we should take them with us" Said laksh thinking something deep wiping her tears and kissing her forehead(Kya kya likhna padhrha h😭😭😭😭)



"Kaka go and check who came" Said swara irritatedly who was playing with her food while her both mother's we're trying to feed her...

"Why your bursting at him" Said Shomi rolling her eyes while Swara huffed..

"Swara Sanskar will come, now eat" Said Sujata trying to feeding her..

"Betiya Sanskar baba hai(it's Sanskar)" Said Kaka while Swara get up and moves to hall while Shomi and sujata followed her...

Sanskar smiles wide seeing swara while others smiles seeing him all fine..

Swara stops right there and turns another side showing her back to him,  letting him to knw she is angry at him making him smiles at her as he know in few minutes her all anger will vanish..


"Mumma" Came a voice making her baffled and same was with others..

Swara's eyes filled with tears hearing the melodious voice after long three years while others stood numb seeing Their Little Ashu, who stands near Sanskar...

Thinking it an illusion swara walks inside but was stopped as she felt a pull on her pallu..

"Mumma" Ashu called again making swara more vulnerable...

She place her hand on her heart which was beating fast but she had no courage to turn...

She know once she turn her Dream will be broken which she don't want...

It's so peaceful to hear her daughter's voice which she missed each and every day...

Ashu's eyes become wet seeing swara not looking at her while all others were so much happy seeing the life of the mansion...

They were shocked beyond shocked not understanding anything but right now they were so much happy..

"Is Mumma angry with Ashu" Said Ashu sniffing making swara to turn but with closed eyes..

"Won't you see Ashu" Said Ashu while Swara opens her eyes with a hope that her daughter will be in front of her when she will open her eyes...

She wished It won't vanish like other days...

Swara opens her eyes slowly and there she saw her baby sniffing, holding her pallu

"Ashu" Swara said In a shivering voice making Ashu smile with tears...

To Be Continued...

Prcp - Day Of Punishment


"No she is only Ashu's Mumma" Said Ashu pushing Avi Making him fall while the little soul cries making others shocked..

Stay Blessed ❤❤

Isha 😘😘

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