Chapter 1

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A/N In This FanFic I Decided To Make Aphmau A Little Different Then In Normal Fanfictions. Hope You Enjoy!!

---Aphmau's Pov---

Italic Writing Are The Characters Thoughts

"AHHH" I yelled. "Im so freaking lost!" I left home and started walking so i could, i dont know i guess start a new life. I was hoping i could just walk away from my past. Hopefully have a better future.
I want to find a village or something to make sure im even on the same planet. After all ive been walking for like 4 hours.
I keep walking through a deep forest for what seems like forever. Until i see..... A MAN?
"Hey wait can you send m....." He started to run away. "Hey! Hey Wait!!!!! Wait Where Are You Going???" I started to chase after him. "HEY WAIT YOU DONT JUST BREAK TWO LOGS OF A TREE THEN LEAVE THE REST!!!" I was following him for what seemed like 10 minutes. He led me to a village with HUGE gates around it. Woah is this a.. a village?

---Garroths Pov---

Me and Zenix were just minding our own buisness until this guy just started sprinting... and i mean running for dear life towards the town. I started to chase him but he was too fast. I continued to chase him until i heard Zenix scream. "HALT" Im pretty sure i just literally jumped out of my armor. I ran back to see a person in full diamond armor and a sword. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR TOWN!! WE HAVE A PRISON YOU KNOW! WE CAN IMPRISON YOU IN A MERE 5 SECONDS!!!" Zenix was screaming. He doent do that unless he means buisness. The person looked terrified and the body inside the suit was shaking so much it made the outside metal clang over and over. I put my hand on Zenix's shoulder. "Its ok Zenix. Calm down." "Uhh i...i..i uh" The person said. "Its ok calm down. Would you mind removing your helmet? We just wanna make sure your not on our wanted list" I was trying to calm her down. "Oh o..o..ok" She starts to take off her helmet and takes her hair out of it. She shakes her hair then puts both the sword and helm on the ground then steps away with her hands up. " i free to go.. go in?" Holy crap shes beautiful. Her eyes are the color of chocolate yet sparkle like the sun. Her hair is... GARROTH NO! YOU HAVE A VILLAGE TO TAKE CARE Of!!! WHY AM I SO DISTRACTED. WHAT AM I FEELING?!? Never Mind What Im Feeling. I Just Have The Need To Protect Her. I Dont Know Even Who She Is But She Is Special Im Sure Of That. "Ahem. Sorry for mine and Zenix's here atittude. Your are welcome in." I say looking apologetic. "Its o..ok" she replied. i noticed that she breathed in heavily before she said something else.

---Aphmau's Pov---

I was able to finally say a sentence without studdering after that guard yelled at me. "May i put my helm back on? I dont want anybody else to see my face." Immediately they both stared at me as if in awe that i said that. Im sorry but my face... my past. I just cant deal with it. I dont want anybody recognizing me, though i doubt anybody even would remember me. One of the guards cleared their throat. "Yes you may. Im sorry for the inconvenience."

---Garroth's Pov--- (A/N Sorry its vey short i just wanted to add this in the story)

I wonder if Zenix realized shes more talkitive with her helmet on.

---Aphmau's Pov---

"Its fine. Uh i had one question." "Yes?" The guard with the helmet on almost immediantly answered my question. "Um i dont have anywhere else to go may i?" "YES! I uh mean. Ahem. You may. Though we dont have any empty houses so you may crash at my place until we build another house for you.." "Thats very nice of you... hmm i guess i didnt ask for your name." The guard that didnt have a helmet responded with a bow and by saying "Hello young lady my name is Zenix. Im sorry for the way i acted. We currently do not have a lord. He was assassinated and everyone is wary of the situation. We are all very worried." "Nice to meet you zenix!" Then the other guard turns to me. Hmm how strange why is He wearing his helmet and Zenix not? He walks up and bows. "Hello my name is Garroth. Im the head guard of pheonix drop." "Well nice to meet you guys my name is Aphmau. Thats my middle name. I.. i dont remember my real name. I remember the hard things in my past but." I accidentally shed a tear. "But i dont remember the important parts. Like where im originally from. Who my best friend was..." I started full blown crying under my helm. Im pretty sure the guards knew only because my voice was quivering. And there were tears coming out of the helm, i knew that garroth wanted to comfort me but he just stood by getting antsy."Aphmau you do not have to share this with us if you feel uncomfortable" Garroth said looking extremely concerned "its been a while sense ive shared my past and i think its time." Garroth looks down "I... dont even remember my real name. I remember there was a man who.. he said he was a doctor. I had a pretty bad fever at the time and i trusted him to heal me he... uh... gave me a..." Im full blown sobbing now "he gave me a potion that made me 1. Relive every single bad memory that i had 2. Forgotten everything that was important to me." I look over to see Garroths knuckles are white from creating a fist. I suddenly see Garroth And Zenix pull out their swords and sheilds. Garroth looked terrfied. I was partly confused until i saw them not look at me. But behind me. I turn around remembering one thing. "Guys run." Garroth and Zenix both stared at me in confusion. "Please i dont know why but i dont want either of you to get hurt." They gave me like a I-Feel-The-Same-Way-About-You Look. Like we have been friends forever. Garroth mouthed that they arent leaving until the guy goes away and im safe. Zenix mouthed do you know him? I sigh knowing this may be the last thing i say "THAT IS THE GUY WHO GAVE ME THE WRONG POTION!!" And after that everything went black.

Sorry Everyone For The Cliffhanger! Thank You All For Reading!! Love You all!! New
Chapter Is Goin Up Soon!!

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