Chapter 14

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Guys Last Chapter Took Me About A Week Because Of School X( But This Chapter Should Be Up This Weekend. If It Is Then Smile For Alexis! Haha Me Make Funny Joke. Uh.......Woo Chapter! *Awkwardly Walks Out Of Room*

---Garroth's Pov---

Its been two days sense Aphmau went into her house. She hasnt done anything sense. Not even slept in a bed, Speaking its still at my house. Im so so so worried about Aphmau. I want to go check on her. Speaking that she may.............have.............gone to Scaleswind. No. Haha theres no way she wouldve...... Not without protection...... did she let someone know?! I sit up still havent being able to fall asleep after 1. "Ill go check on her. Hopefully she will let me in." I walk out grabbing my helmet and armor and quickly put it on, Shaking the whole time. "She....she has to be there right?! RIGHT?!" I run over to where i saw her last. In her new house. I knock on the door and hearing nothing i think about Guard rule number 11. If a resident hasnt come out for over a day you are aloud to break in to see whats wrong. I sigh then realize. This is going to be totally uncalled for. I will totally owe her a dinner. I throw tnt down next to the door. "Sorry Aphmau" i light it then back up. It blows up and there i see a weak sick looking Aphmau sleep crying in a corner. "A...a...Aphmau?" "Hmm i guess shes asleep." I pick her up to see her beautiful hazel eyes staring at me. "Hi Garroth. I..." "Hey its ok." I say cutting her off. "Also im sorry for breaking your door down. I was just super worried." She nods. "Its ok" "So how about I take you to a lunch?" She smiles and i blush and realize no one can see me. "Sure. Though its like 4 in the morning." I laugh looking at her confused look. "I know i ment tommorow." "Oh" She laughs. It makes my d....well morning i guess. We get to my house and i put her on the bed. "Sleep here tonight, we will move the bed tommorow." She nods and as soon as i put her down she falls asleep. I smirk knowing she was exhausted. I lay down in bed falling asleep thinking about the afternoon the next day.

---Aphmau's Pov---

I wake up and notice Garroth sitting up with his helmet off reading a book. "Hey Garroth" He looks up and smiles. "Oh hello Lord Aphmau! How are you feeling?" I stand up. "I can walk without crutches but it still hurts. It hurts really bad to breathe and laugh, but other than that my face doesnt hurt" "Thats good" I look at the clock. "Oh my Irene! Its 1 in the afternoon?!" He laughs. "Yeah you were tossing and turning in your sleep and i didnt want to wake you up." I smile. "Well about that lunch that you were talking about. Is it like a date or something?" (A/N This Is A Reference! If You Get It Comment)
He blushes. "Well...ah... uh... only if you well want it to be i guess" I laugh then flinch. "I was kidding. You need to ease up Garroth!" He looks down. "Yeah i guess so sorry." "Its fine let me get changed." He nods and i walk to the bathroom. I change into a beautiful black jacket and purple inside shirt. I wear black pants and black tennis shoes. I put my hair into a ponytail and walk out. As soon as Garroth sees me his mouth drops open. "Do you like it? Cadenza made it for me." He shakes his head as if trying to snap himself back in the real world. "Oh.. Uh Yeah i love it!" I smile. "Thanks Garroth! You ready?" He nods and we walk out. "Actually let me ask Kawaii~Chan if we could eat at her diner" I smack my forehead. "Yeah i kinda forgot that part." After that we just both laugh. He walks off and i see Zenix at his post waving at me. I wave back. Then i see Garroth walking towards me. "Alright its all settled lets go." I nod, and we start walking. When we get to Kawaii-Chan's place she smiles already waiting for us. "Hello Aphmau-Senpai! Garroth-Kun told Kawaii-Chan that you guys wanted to have lunch!" I nod and she opens the door and points to an empty table. We walk in and sit down. I see Garroth sweating. I whisper to him. "Hey Garroth its ok. Im not gonna bite." He laughs, as he whispers back "Oh thanks for reassuring me" We both laugh. As a little maid walked over. "Hi my name is Kaito. What would you like?" "May i have the spaghetti?" Kaito and Garroth both look at me basically saying order. "Ill have the same." He nods then walks off. I say "Hes really cute for an animated doll" Garroth nods. "Thats true" He comes back about 7 minutes later with our meals. By the time he gets here i was starving. "Oh my Irene that smells good." Garroth laughs. "Hungry Lord Aphmau?" I smirk. "Maybe a little." I start to eat until Garroth gets serious. "Lord Aphmau? I went to check on you last night because i thought maybe that you left for Scaleswind without letting someone know." I shift in my seat feeling awkward. "I....uh.... was actually planning to." His mouth drops open. "Are you serious?! Do you know how important you are to the world?! Do you know how many people want to kill you?!" I was startled by the fact that he raised his voice at me. He hasnt ever done that. "I just want to see my mom and dad alive" I start crying but i dont really realize it. "Aphmau. They arent al......" I start bawling and i cut him off. "I know Garroth i just wish." "Lets go talk in private." I nod. We both stand up and i hug him. He is startled because right away he takes two steps back. "Oh... i... uh... sor..." Instead of letting go he pulls me in and we just sit there hugging. "Im so sorry Aphmau. So so so sorry." I cry even harder. "It cant be true Garroth! Maybe they were just lying!!" Then he does something i wouldve never expected him to do. He.... (TO BE CONTINUED)

A/N So so so so so so so so Sorry for the cliffhanger! The chapter was approaching over like 1200 words so i decided to end it. We are so close to 1000 reads! If we get it i promise another long chapter will be out super soon!

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