Chapter 23

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HEY GUYS IM HERE TO POST A BOOK OF DA AGES. Haha just kidding im not going to type IN ALL CAPS. Well anyways..... we reached 2k reads.......wooo.....I'm gonna go now. Anyway let me just say that this chapter is going to be all Aphmau Pov and...well......her dream Pov. I just thought that it may be to complicated to add different Pov's to this chapter.... This is a long chapter!
-Ally <3

---Aphmau's Pov---

All i see is darkness. Its like my body refuses to have the strength to open my eyes. Maybe someone is there. "G..........Garroth?" I hear a whole bunch of heavy breathing. "Z....Z...Zenix? K.....Kiki? Z....Zoe?" I hear a whole bunch of crying. "I.....Is s....someone there? Z.....Zane p.....p...please g....go" I hear laughing, but it wasnt evil. "Z....Zenix was th....that" I feel someone hugging me and i finally have the strength to move. I automatically bend up and hug whoever was hugging me and i start crying. "Aphmau!!!" I was finally able to open my eyes and saw Zenix crying. Zenix lets go and i saw Kiki run to me, tears pouring out of her eyes. "K....KIKI!!!!" She hugs me and i do the same, continuing to cry. "Aphmau......... i thought you died!" I cry harder. "Kiki not s....sure how alive. I thought i...i died f...fighting Zane." I shudder at saying his name. Kiki lets go and in between tears she mutters something under breath. She walks toward Lucinda and whispers something to her. Garroth walks towards me and half way he starts sprinting. "Lord Aphmau!!!!" He hugs me and i hug him back. I yawn and he laughs. "Guys lets give Lord Aphmau sometime to rest." They all nod at Garroth, smile at me, and left. I lay back down staring up at the ceiling.
I should be dead right now.

---Aphmau's Dream Pov---

I open my eyes to see a ton of fire. I fall down like i was floating. "Oww my head." I rub the top of my forehead where i fell on it. "Wh....where am i?" I look to my side to see the amethyst sword to my side. I pull it out, holding it to my side. I look down the mountain i was on to see a huge castle. "W...Woah..." I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around with a sword in my hands. "Who Ar....." I got my mouth covered by someones hand. I lick it and i heard a familiar voice. "Eww Aph! Seriously i was just trying to make sure you dont get caught with me!" I laugh awkwardly. "Oh.. uh sorry Laurance."
He laughs and pulls my arm to a cave looking thing. "We can talk here. So Aphmau im not sure if you realised but im stuck in the nether." He sighs. "I wish i could go back to Pheonix Drop... explain what happened to everyone." I look at him, determined. "Im getting you out of here..." He suddenly looks worried at turns towards me. "NO! YOU WONT!!" I was startled because he had never raised his voice. "Im going to...." "Please Aph!! Dont do it!! I cant risk you getting hurt. Especially sense Garroth's brother Zane is after you..." I suddenly get terrified. "Wha.....WHAT?!" He looks like he just realised what he said. "Oh.... i guess Garroth didnt tell you then." I suddenly get super angry at Garroth and i grit my teeth, my hands in fists. "He killed me........ HOW DO I KNOW GARROTH ISNT THE SAME WAY?!" Laurance breathes in heavily. "Aphmau he is....." I stand up starting to walk away, but face towards him to say one last thing.
"Laurance? Your getting out of here.... if its the last thing i do..."

---Aphmau's Pov---

"LAURANCE!!" I woke up screaming, hyperventilating, and just being well... scared. I look up to the door fling open to see Garroth in his guard armor. "ARE YOU OK LORD APHMAU?! I HEARD YOU SCREAM!!" I nod still breathing raggidly. "Just a bad dream...... Garroth do you happen to know where i could find a nether portal?" He shuts the door behind him. " The Lord of Brightport may know. Why do you need one?" "Im going to find Laurance." He stumbles into the wall and his helmet fell off. His face showed worry and confusion. "Wha.......What?!" I stand up, grabbing the chair. "Laurence isnt evil. Its Zane" My hands were in fists, and i was gritting my teeth, just by saying his name. "That made Laurence look evil. Oh and by the way Garroth? How do i know your not trying to kill me like your little brother Zane?" He suddenly looks extremely worried. "How did you find out....." I start getting angry at him. "Laurence, the guy that actually will tell me the truth about the man that killed me." Garroth started crying. "Im sorry Lord Aphmau!! I thought it would be better if you....." I start getting extremely mad now, and because im starting to feel better i let go of the chair and walk towards him. "THOUGHT IT WOULD BE BETTER FOR WHO GARROTH?! I ALMOST DIED FROM YOUR BROTHER!!" "APHMAU PLEASE JUST DONT GO!!" I sneer at him. "WHY NOT?!" He puts his hands on my shoulders. "I ALREADY LOST YOU ONCE AND IM NOT GOING TO AGAIN." I back up, ripping my shoulders away from him.
"Im Not Yours To Lose Garroth..." He looks heartbroken as i storm out of the farmhouse heading towards mine. Ill get changed then talk to the Lord of Brightport. I get to my house, lock my door behind me, and i head to my room. I put on a dress and sandles. I walk out and head towards the docks. I get on the boat and notice something shiny in the water. " that my sword?" I reach down into the water and pull out my amethyst sword. I grip it to my side as i set sail for Brightport.
"Im coming Laurance i swear..."
When I get to BrightPort i run to the Lord's house, there i saw a note.
Out Discussing Peace With The Werewolf Tribe.
I pace around the Lord's house thinking. Alright so the lord is gone, not to mention thats the only person i know here. Theres no way ill be able to find a nether portal no.... GAH! I trip over a cellar door which has been camouflaged with grass and dirt. "Oww what is this?" I grab open the handle and see a set of stairs. "Wh....what is this?" I light a torch and hold it as im walking down. When i finally get to the bottom i hear a quiet.... barking? Th...that sounds like a dog.... I hold the torch close and im gripping the sword like i would die if i didnt. I walk forward occasionally turning towards the wall. A.....are these pr....prisons? I start getting terrified as the barking goes closer. I stop in my tracks when i see a cute little.... wolf? "P...p...please d..dont hurt" It looks more terrified then I am. "Ssh. Are you ok?" "Y...y..yeah i just w..wanna see my m..m..m..mommy." "Alright if you trust me I will help you. My name is Aphmau. Im the Lord of Pheonix Drop. Its a small town south of here. Ill be happy to take you home. I have to talk with the Lord of Brightport anyway and meet your family." He nods, still shaking. "O...ok do promise not to h....hurt me?" I nod and i unlock his cell. "What even is this place?" "I think its a prison." He jumps on my arm and he crawls up to my shoulder. I hold the torch in the air as we start to walk out of this.... prison area. "I never asked your name." He answered in his baby werewolf voice. "Oh im Lowell." "Well nice to meet you, Lowell. Anyway what direction is your family?" "They are east of here." I nod. When we get outside i cover the door with different materials. Basically dirt, leaves, some grass, and even a rock. I sprint as fast towards east as i could hopefully not getting caught. I slow down to catch my breath and i see a small area with little house. "Lowell is this your village?" He laughs. "Yeah it is! Im so happy to be home!! Thanks Miss Aphmau!" I smile. "Your welcome. Can you happen to show me where your leader is?" He looks at me confused. "Do you mean our Alpha? Then yes." I laugh. "Sorry not very good with werewolf stuff." He laughs and takes me to a cave. I bend down so he can walk off my shoulder, and he jumps off. "Hes right in here." I smile and walk in. As soon as i take a step in i see a HUGE werewolf. "Hello sir, may i ask you some....." He runs towards me getting really close. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR VILLAGE!! HERE TO HUNT US DOWN HUH?!" I gulp. "No i just wanted to..." "HUMANS ARE NOT ALOUD IN OUR VILLAGE!!" He strikes me, leaving 3 claw stabs all along my arm, also launching me to the other half of the cave. He sprints towards me and once he got here he grabbed my throat pushing me up against the wall. "ANY LAST WORDS PUNY HU........" He suddenly drops me, making me land on my arm. I cough and wheeze. "You smell like her..." Between coughs i managed to speak. " wh...who?" I grab my arm in pain to see that im losing alot of blood. "You!" He points to me.
"You Smell Like Lady Irene"
I try to stop coughing but i cant so im just laying there, coughing, wheezing, hacking, and gripping my arm. "Your a descendant arent you..... No!" He starts pacing. "Your a direct descendant!!!" I finally am able to speak between my coughing fit. "" He bends down and picks me up. "That means you may be the next Lady Irene!" I suddenly get super dizzy. "Are you ok?" He looks genuinely concerned. " ............dow..."
Then I Passed Out.

---Aphmau's Dream/Memory Pov---

I wake up in a place where its extremely foggy. "Wh...where am I?" I try to pull out my sword but its not there, and i sigh. "Great..." I walk through all the fog trying to find something to prove where I am. I see a clearing and i run towards it. Oh My Irene.... Its like im seeing myself in third person. I start hearing voices and I see myself crying on the ground in a room. This is my old room.... i remember it... I jump when I see the Lord of Scaleswind walk through the door. dad... "YOU WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS A LORD AS I AM!! JESSICA YOU NEED TO STOP BEING SUCH A BRAT AND GROW THE HECK UP!! YOU WILL MARRY GARROTH!!" I studder back almost falling. name is Jessica..... My dad is not like this!! Th...there is no way... I hear a voice from me who looks only like 5. "Daddy i just wanna help out...." I hear a big slam, a crack, and a yelp. MY DAD JUST BROKE MY LEG!!! I try to jump in front of....well......myself but it was like there was an invisible wall. "JESSICA!!! YOU WILL LEAVE THIS VILLAGE!!! I NEVER LOVED YOU!!!" I start crying. "D...daddy please!!" He slaps her and i studder back again. THIS CANT BE A MEMORY!! NO NO NO!! I see another person walk in. My mom.... "JESSICA!!! WHY ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE!! ME AND MY HUSBAND SHOULD HAVE ABANDONED YOU WHEN WE HAD THE CHANCE!" I start full blown sobbing and i walk away... the fog covering what I just saw.....
They said I...I should die...

---Aphmau's Pov---

I woke up covered with a blanket. I sit up and look at my surroundings. "Wh....where am I?" I get out of the bed and notice my arm is braced up. "Why is my arm wrapped up? I need to talk to somebody." I step out of the small house and see the werewolf village. I hear footsteps and see the Alpha wolf walking over, and i start backing up. "Calm down im not going to hurt you. I also am very sorry for what i did to your arm." I unwrap some of the gauze to see 3 huge claw marks running all the way down my shoulder to my elbow. "You see the one thing a werewolf is very bad at is controlling his anger." I nod. from "Anyway my name is Boldof. Im the Alpha of this werewolf village. You are?" I bow. "Hello, my name is Aphmau. Im the Lord of Pheonix Drop." He smiles showing his mouthful of sharp teeth. "May i ask you sonething Boldolf?" He nods. "Do you know where I can find a nether portal?" "I do. We have one that is guarded so that no one gets in/out. Ill tell the guards to let you in." I nod. Im coming Laurance. Im not leaving my friends nor anybody for my unresponsible ations. Ill make sure everyone is safe if its the last ting i do... "Lord Aphmau?" I get juttered out of my thoughts. "Im coming!" I walk towards another cave, that is right across from where I first met Boldolf. Once we get inside i see two other werewolves. Both holding what looks like a metal claw type weapon. Ha thanks Dante for teaching me about that. I laugh and see the purple glowing hellhole im about to jump into. "Are you ready?" I nod, pull out my sword, and throw on my helm. "Your the only one who can get throgh this portal sense your related to Lady Irene. Anyone can get out though." I nod. "Thanks Boldolf." He nods.
Here goes everything.
I jump in feeling extremely nauseated. I look up to see fire nd lava everywhere. "Theres no way that dream in the nether was just a.....well..... dream. I start to hear running and i turn around to point my sword to their neck. "Woah... woah...woah... calm down. How did you get....through....Aphmau?" I look up to see a familiar face. "Hey Laurance." He suddenly looks worried and takes off my helm while i pull down my sword. "APHMAU WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" I studder back almost falling. "Im here to get you back to Pheonix Drop." He starts looking mad. "YOU COULD DIE HERE!! YOU NEED TO GO!! NOW!!" After he finishes his sentence he attempts to push me, but i duck. "Laurance im not leaving anyone behind. Not you, not Kiki, not Emmalyn. Nobody." I look ay him determined, and he sighs. "Then lets g......" "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO LAURANCE?!" We look at eachother extremely terrified. That....that was Zane... We start whisper screaming as we heard him stomp up the huge fiery hill. "LAURANCE GET IN THAT PORTAL!!" "But Aphmau!!" "ILL GO RIGHT AFTER YOU I SWEAR!!" He nods. He jumps in and i see Zane. "HMPH APHMAU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE HM?! IM GOING TO BE THE SECOND ONE OUT AND THEN YOU WILL BE LOCKED OUT!!" He started to lunge at me with a sword. Laurance pull out his signature emerald sword to block it. I push him through the portal and i see Zane try to get in. "Aphmau you have to get in!!" "Laurance just go through. I cant let Zane going through be an issue." "What are you saying?" I push him through making sure hes gone and break the obsidian.
And The Portal Was Gone...

Thanks to all of you for 2k reads! Like always i love you all!!
-Ally <3

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