Chapter 8

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---Zenix's Pov---

I yawn then look up. Oh i guess i fell asleep watching Aphmau "H........hey Zenix." Right away i pinched myself thinking it was a dream. "Z..Zenix? W..why did you p...pinch yourself?" I look over to see a crying aphmau holding her re stitched leg, but she was awake. "A...a...Aphmau???" I start to smile. "Whats up Zennypoo" I stare at her and pout. She gives a wore out laugh. "How yah doin girlie??" " st......stop Zeni....x" I smile even more until she starts wincing "WHO KEE..PS STAB......BING MY LEG. PLEASE IRENE MAKE IT STOP" She starts bawling and i go over there and hug her. "Its ok Aphmau, your gonna be alright... promise me something?" In between sniffles she looks up at me. "W....what Zenix??" I sigh and start crying. "Please dont run away again" She starts bawling even harder and squeezes me more. "I Promise Zenix, but i dont wanna hurt you!" "Aphmau look at me, your heart is pure, you didnt let me explain this. There are very few people that have pure hearts and arent decendants of Lady Irene. You are. You Cannot Be Turned Into A Shadow Knight. You Cannot Hurt Anyone." She isnt crying as hard now. "But Zenix I Did Hurt You" "APHMAU!!!! Look at me." She looks up "The only reason you hurt me is because you ran away. I dont want you to run, please dont again." She starts bawling again "....I dont want to hurt you Zenix, I Promise Not To Run Away." She starts wincing again. "Z..z..Zenix? May i ask you a que.....question?" "Go on ahead Aphmau."
"Why did you save me, and why did Garroth come?"

---???'s Pov---

"Ugh Sasha! You should have killed her!! You left her just in pain. Shes going to stop the shadow lord! Not to mention Gene likes her!" "I know i know! Let me explain. I took her stitches out not to mention stomped on it mutiple times. She almost woke up when that mangy mutt bit my leg. I WAS going to put poison inside it. I accidently dropped my sword on her head. It didnt cut her though i wish it did but it did knock her out. Then Gene comes and i turn around and i have a sword to my neck. He says that if i leave her alone, he WOULDNT kill Kenmur. I had too im sorry." Ugh why does everyone have someone they fight for... IT GETS IN MY WAY!!!! "Whatever, its in the past now. What im confused about is that hes a shadow knight. He killed a lord to become one. So why is he defending someone who may stop the Shadow King from ruling?!?!" "I dont know, but lets be off."

---Garroth's Pov---

I was on my way to the farm house when i met up with Zoe who wanted to ask me something. "Garroth? Zenix told her that he promises she wont hurt anyone and that she may move in to the village. She wants to return and live a normal life." I smile. Shes far from a normal girl. "Alright let me tell her." Then Zoe left. I open the door to see a pale worn out Aphmau. At least shes not crying or hurting anymore. That broke my heart. The love of my life hurt. It killed me. "Hello Lady Aphmau, Zoe said you would like to live in our village." Zenix and Aphmau looked over. She smiles and it makes me feel all better. "Yes i would like to." I blush though i know no one will see. "Alright.... Zenix? Will you take Aphmau to my home?" He nods then grabs Lady Aphmau's crutches. "Here Aphmau let me take your stuff in my backpack." She nods then i frown when she says. "Zenix? May i have my helm?" He nods, frowns, then gives her the helm. "Thanks" I walk out to finish my walk around the village. No one ever saw the Scaleswind's Lord's Daughter. It must go deeper then just what im doing. I know that Zane will find me if i take mine off, but everyone thinks that shes dead. There must be another reason. I know that i want to find out but, who am i to snoop around.

---Aphmau's Pov---

I want to meet everyone but its getting late so ill do it tommorow. "Thanks for bringing my stuff Zenix." Hey no problem Aphmau!" He shuts the door and im left alone in Garroth's house with Thorgi. He looks worried. "Thorgi dont worry. Im not running away again." He licks my hand "Eww Thorgi!" I laugh. I decided to make Garroth dinner thinking that he has helped me so much. "Lets make chicken Thorgi" As soon as i said chicken he looks up. "Yes boy you can have some too." I finish dinner by 8:03 and i take it out of the oven. Thorgi is a Border Collie and a pretty big one at that. He helps me walk to the dining table and i put the chicken down. I sigh "Thanks Thorgi. Can you grab me your food bowl?" I cut a chunk of the chicken and put it in his bowl. "There you go boy eat up." I look at the clock "Hmm 8:07 i guess Garroth is late tod..." I didnt even get to finish my sentence when Garroth walked in. "Hello Garroth." "Woah Lady Aphmau, did you make this?" I smile "Yeah with the help of Thorgi." I take off my helmet, forgetting that i still had it on. "Hey uhh Garroth? I made this for you, to say thanks for everything." "Why thank you Lady Aphmau. Didnt you have any?" I sigh. "Ugh Garroth dont become Zenix. Im almost never hungry. He always wants me to eat." "Well Lady Aphmau, i dont want you to starve. So im not eating any until you do." I sigh knowing he has a smug look under his helmet. "Oh My Irene Garroth! Fine." He laughs "Ha. Ha. Garroth very funny. He grabs two plates and two forks. "Lady Aphmau? I havent had the time to buy another bed from Meteli. Thats a town thats near by so I...," I nod cutting him off. "Its fine Garroth ill be happy to sleep on the ground." "What? No no no no i was going to..." "Garroth... i rather you sleep on the bed. I kinda want to sleep with Thorgi anyway." "Are you sure Lady Aphmau?" I nod. "You are the one who has to wake up super early anyway." We eat chicken then he gives me a blanket. "Goodnight Lady Aphmau. Im taking the day off tomorrow so i can show you around the village." "Thanks i appreciate it"
Why Does He Keep His Helm On?

Aphmau's ok but what will happen once Garroth shows her around?
Haha kidding. Thanks for reading guys!!! Love you all!
-Ally <3

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