A Squirrel I15I

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The setting sun had left its place in the sky and the ghastly, silver moon had taken its place along with very, few, faint stars. As time passed the more the traffic and the crowds built. The more people who came to the restaurant.

I stood watching as people walked in and out of the restaurant. But still, yet again, where was Dark?

He was nowhere to be found; it was too dark to see much. There were cars, roads, and the streetlamps. I couldn't find him anywhere! Even the pouring light from the restaurant's chandeliers didn't help. I couldn't see him from where I stood, and I didn't want to walk away from Midna, filled with complete worry, and Zelda inside...

Where could he possibly be?!

Midna sighed and covered her face with the palms of her hands. "I don't know where he went..." she cried.

"So, he's not by the car?" I reassured.

"I don't know! I didn't see him there!" she yelled with slight tears.

I walked away a bit to try to get a glance of the car. Though, I still couldn't see much... I need to get closer... "Where did you last see him?" I asked, hoping for something... maybe to calm her down.

"I don't know!" She said as she began to chew on her nail.

I smirked. Did he run away or something?! Zelda's going to be pissed!

I sighed and looked around as I kept my eye on Midna's troubled, amber eyes. I looked around for any hint of Dark. Maybe he shouldn't have worn that black hoodie after all!

She grabbed her tangerine strands of hair and held them steadily. "Is he anywhere?" Midna's voice fretted as her eyes kept a hold on mine.

"I don't know..." I said as I tightened my lips. He must be somewhere!

I edged near the car and I was immediately halted by Midna. Her eyes, still holding onto me, filled with the same frightened look from before, stared at me to grab my attention. "Wait!" she exclaimed. "I just saw him over there!" She said as she drew out her pointer finger.

My eyes followed the direction of her finger and I found an opened forest. He's in there? My eyebrows drew together in confusion. "In there?" I asked, hesitantly.

She nodded, excitedly. "Yes, yes!" She shouted with a wide mouth revealing her teeth.

I stared at her blankly. Her eyes were no longer filled with that edgy look of worriedness; they now widened with hope.

I rolled my eyes away from her. "We should get Zelda," I suggested.

"No!" Her lips and her eyes began to twitch. "He...!" She forced her direction with her pointer at the opened forest more dramatically and tightened a smirk onto her face with frustration. "I saw him!"

I sighed as I gritted my teeth and looked over at the group of trees once again. She seriously saw him? My eyes followed back up to the car and I swear... I swear I saw someone? However, before I could say something or even think about it, my hand was grabbed.

Midna had grabbed my hand and we were off to that forest where she supposedly saw Dark.


The tree canopy was the roof of the forest... there was no light; there was just a whole bunch of trees, branches, and twigs. It wasn't so nice or helpful. We still looked for Dark, though... However, why would he be in here? What would he be doing in a place like this, anyway?

"Dark?" Midna called out with cupped hands around her mouth.

I kept looking around for Dark. "Are you sure you saw him?" I asked, still unsure about the situation.

She bobbed her head with widened eyes. "Yes! I definitely saw him!"

I rolled my head. "Definitely?" I asked again. But what if you didn't see him? Did you really, see him supposedly run into this place?!

"Yes! I did!" she shouted with slight frustration.

I sent my gaze at her and found a smirk placed on her as well as two, glaring, amber eyes. Hopefully, she saw him... However, I began to rethink all of this. I didn't believe anything she said.

We then continued our search for Dark in this treacherous forest with an ending scoff from Midna.


I eventually took the lead of this search because Midna wanted my help, I guess. She's completely paranoid and upset with me at the same time. Though, should I even be here? What if Dark wasn't in this damned place?! If he was, however... why? Maybe Midna's scowl is beginning to worry me. Her scowl is somewhat frightening. It's mixed up with complete anger with a touch of fear. It might not be a good thing...

I took a deep breath. "I'm sure it'll be fine... We'll find Dark." I finally said with reassurance.

"You think?!"


Midna's tone drastically changed. "Stop!" she whispered loudly.

My eyes widened with confusion and I began to turn around. "Wha-"

"Don't move..." she muttered.

I froze with a blank expression. What?

She came up to me with narrowed eyes and observed me steadily. "Not that way..." She growled under her breath as she grabbed me with her cold hands by the shoulders.

At that moment, my heart skipped a beat. What was wrong? Why not that way? Strange.

She shoved me over away from my current position and sent a grim smirk over my way.

I smiled nervously and swallowed. Was she okay? "What?" I asked with a nervous laugh. Her eyes stared at me and suddenly; they made me uneasy. "Not that way?" I asked, puzzled as I pointed the other way.

Her eyes fluttered, a bit annoyed. "Be quiet..." she hissed.

My lip twitched as I tried to keep a smile placed on me. I then took a deep breath. "What...?" I said.

She yanked my hand with one of her cold hands and led me away from where I stood.

I shivered. What was wrong?! What was with the sudden change in her tone... and...

She released my hand and immediately cowered down to the floor.

My lips parted as I watched her. "Midna..."

"Damn it!" She muffled with little bits of her voice as she ran away. Her voice was much different from before. It was weak and it didn't sound much like her. She worried me.

"Midna?!" I called out and followed her.

She ran away from me, gasping for air and already out of breath. "Get away from me!" she screamed in agony.

Dazed by her words, I paused only to watch her crash into a tree. My eyes widened. "M-Midna-" Then, I gasped, and watched her climb back up.

The wicked voice groaned, "Damn it, damn it, damn it..." and climbed back up as a purplish, foggy form of Midna formed into a smaller, childish form as the transformation sent emanating wisps of wind and purplish fog.

I stepped back but paused mid-way as a crimson eye looked up to me from the form.

Before my eyes, the crimson eye emitted a red glowing light and its changing form of fog walked up to me. "Well then!" the wicked voice squeaked. The shrouding fog surrounding the form began to fade. "I didn't expect that to happen!" the wicked voice said, sounding much more familiar.

I stepped back as the form drew closer. Then, I exhaled to calm myself. I was already trembling.

Then, the form revealed itself. Before me was a pale-skinned child with purplish cheeks. Long, lilac hair with fringes that showed only one crimson eye. Then, from the torso was a long-sleeved, purple shirt, and then a pair of red shorts and sandals were worn. Also, wrapped around was a secured, indigo cloak.

I stared at him in shock. "Vaati?!"

Vaati smirked and his eyebrows arched, plastering a scowl onto him. He fidgeted for a moment and pointed a dagger up to my neck. "Would you be quiet!?" he whispered loudly.

I smirked at him and let out a short sigh. "Where's Midna?!" I whispered, irritated.

Vaati scoffed and looked around at his surroundings. "You mustn't speak of this at all!" He said totally ignoring my question. "I'm completely mortified about what just happened!" He said glancing back up at me with a glare. "And, it's all because I didn't plan this all out well! IT'S A DISASTER!" He screamed in my ear as he bent to catch his breath. "He's going to kill me..." he moped.

I was taking deep breaths as I tried to ignore the fact that he was pointing a dagger at me. "What?" I asked.

He shot another glare at me and angled the dagger more to my throat. "Well! I just need you to remain quiet and everything..." He glared down at the ground. "Everything will be fine!" he continued, quite unsure of himself.

I bit my lip, glancing at both him and the dagger. "Everything?"

He nodded, slightly, as he thought for a moment. "Yeah... well..." He rose his free hand and rubbed his forehead as he lowered the dagger. "Not until my head stops hurting!" he complained. He then slowly rolled his eyes back up to me again. "But, yeah! Just don't say anything... and just..." He paused with a short snicker. "Wait!" He instructed with a wide smirk.

I sighed. Well, Vaati... I'm quite impatient at the moment!

Vaati placed his index on his lip and gestured me to be quiet with a slight 'shh' sound. Then, we waited for something... I wasn't sure what we were waiting for, but I guess I was hoping for anything to happen because I don't want to be waiting here...

However, I broke the silence rather quickly. "Where's Midna?" I asked again as Vaati looked around for any movement or sounds.

Vaati smirked with a shrug. "She's fine..."

"Fine?" I asked, puzzled.

Vaati sighed. "Yeah!" He walked around a bit and squatted down for a moment. "She's over by the car." He said, sending a glare my way.

My lips tightened with annoyance. "So, she was by the car...?"

"Yeah!" he laughed. "We didn't go there because..." He stared up at me with this creepy smile. "Well, I don't know if you'd like to see two Midnas!" He chuckled as he raised two fingers from his hand.

I sneered at him and rolled my eyes. "What are we waiting for? Where's Dark?" I questioned him, impatiently.

Vaati sucked his lips. "I can't tell you that!" He smiled to conceal a laugh.

I tilted my head. "Why?"

He spun around and began to play with his fingers to avoid contact with me. "I was told to not spoil that!" He placed his index on his lip and giggled as he stared up at me.

That look on his face really, really, bothered me. It was quite unsettling. My shoulders rose. "Why not?"

"Because-" Vaati's face immediately filled with grape. "I..." He tightened his lips and then released a short, nervous giggle. "Gotta go!" He began to skip away into the trees. "Nice seeing you! See ya later!" He shouted back with waving hands as he dashed away into the forest.

Then, I was alone in this dark, quiet woods with no idea where I was exactly. I tried calling back for Vaati, but he was already gone! Unless he decided to not respond back... Though, I still didn't know where Dark was...! Vaati does! I know he does! He wouldn't tell me, though... It makes me wonder what Dark is doing! I bet Zelda is looking for us...

I walked around in the darkness of the quiet forest searching for Dark; however, he was still nowhere to be found! So, it turned out, I was lost in this forest! I didn't know where the hell I was! There was nothing out here that could help me find my way. I was somewhat scared being all on my own.


There was rustling in the bushes and I nearly freaked to the sudden noise. I stepped back and watched the bushes and waited for them to move again.

"Goddamn it!" the bushes exclaimed.

I looked around for Dark. "Dark?" I called out.

The bushes rustled again and out came a figure. "I lost the damn squirrel!" Exclaimed the voice as the figure got closer and closer to me.

I stepped back a bit and bit my lip. "Dark?"

"Yeah?" Dark said as he stepped in front of me from the darkness. His eyes already began to glare at me.

A scowl formed on me as I stared at him. "Where were you?!" I asked, almost grabbing him.

He eyed me and pointed at himself. "Me?" He clenched his fist. "Looking for this one, freaking squirrel!" He raised his hands up. "But, I freaking lost it!" He scoffed and rubbed his head. "This sucks!"

I smirked. He's not telling me something! Why would "a search for a damn squirrel" be something Vaati won't tell me... I don't like this!

Dark stared directly at me. "So, why are you here?"

I bit my lip and narrowed my eyes at him. "Looking for you..."

"Well!" He smirked and patted my head. "You found me! Congrats!" He began to walk off. "Let's go...!"

My smirk tightened as I followed him. Does he even know where we are? I sighed and looked back at him and decided to ask him something; the number one question I had. "Were you actually looking for squirrels?" I asked.

Dark immediately stopped walking and glared at me, but then in seconds, he laughed. "Huh?" He smirked. "Yeah! Except, I was looking for a squirrel!" He said, cocking his head with a wide a smile.

I tilted my head in disbelief in his words. He's lying! He wasn't looking for a damn squirrel! "A squirrel?" I asked, sarcastically.

He laughed slightly. "Yap! A squirrel! A specific squirrel! Not just any squirrel!"

I rolled my eyes. "What kind of squirrel, Dark?"

He looked away as his laugh abruptly stopped. "An annoying one," Dark muttered.

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