Ice Cream I18I

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Through the food aisles of the grocery store, I pushed a shopping cart filled with not much in it. Glancing at it, there was eggs, milk... I think I saw some butter, too. Pretty much, it was all that stuff that must be taken home immediately to be stored in its home, the "refrigerator". However, I'm not too sure why we went to the grocery store to get all this... In my mind, we had plenty of food in the fridge... Is this all just an excuse for...

Yet, I wasn't in much of a peachy mood. I was bored of pushing the cart and I hated following Zelda's irritated aura she gave off. Besides that, she won't even talk to me. I try to say something, but she ignores me. But, it's not like it's anything new... So, maybe I should be used to it all?

Completely done with this stroll through this grocery store, though, I sighed, leaning onto the shopping cart as I let my eyes wander off as Zelda analyzed the shelves of bread. We might be here the entire day because of how picky she is, anyway. She demands the best bread, and when I say the best bread... I mean the one that's always out of stock!

We were in the bakery section of the grocery store where there were giant dessert cases and fancy wedding cakes with multiple layers, towering over each other. There were people purchasing small goodies from the dessert cases and children admiring the amazing cakes over their heads. Then, by a small freezer labeled "Ice Cream", was a small girl in a white, sleeveless dress with a pair of white flip flops that caught my eye.

"Oh, please, mommy!" Her blue eyes lit up. "Can we get some ice cream?" Her blonde hair moved with her as she grabbed two ice cream sandwiches with her hands. "Please?!" she begged.

Her mother, who's back was turned away as she stared down at the library of magazines, responded, "No, sweetheart..." She bent down to grab a magazine to observe it. "We're not getting ice cream," she said bitterly.

The girl frowned. "Oh..." Her hands fell in disappointment and she dropped the ice cream sandwiches into the freezer to afterwards slide the freezer's cover close.

Zelda stepped in front of the cart, blocking my vision of the girl and her mother, and dropped a bag of bread into the cart with a rough sigh. "They actually had some in stock, SURPRISINGLY!" She grumbled as she spun around to get back on her track.

I smirked and stood up straight. "That's a first..."

She glanced at me with a scowl plastered on her face and turned away, making a gesture to follow her.

I rolled my eyes and followed her into the next aisle.


As soon as I turned into the next aisle, I spotted Zelda holding up a box of cookies, glaring at it as if it were a threat as she muttered curses at it.

I lowered my head and sighed. "What's wrong, Zel—"

She slammed it down and pressed her index onto it. "You BASTARD!" she yelled towards the box of cookies.

I swallowed my breath and stared. "Zelda," I whispered loudly, cupping my hands around my mouth.

She laughed and clutched the box tightly to turn towards me with her gaze still intact on the box. "I just got the coolest idea!" She grinned.

I bit my lip. "What?"

She held the box of cookies in the air and stared at it with crazy eyes. She looked like a child that got a toy they were madly obsessed with for Christmas. "I'll use this to torment Dark with..." She lowered it with a hug. "ONLY to remind him he's stuck in his room!"

I tilted my head as my eyebrows drew together. "But, why bother?"

Ignoring me, she skipped over to the cart and held the cookies over it. "It's the greatest idea" She paused and immediately glared down at the cookies as if it was suspected of something. A smirk gripped at the corners of her mouth as she dropped it, and then she immediately went on her way across the store.

I stared blankly at her, glancing at the cookies every so often. It was a packaged box of chocolate chip cookies... An irritated smirk then formed on me. Is she serious?!

A voice behind me interrupted my thoughts. "Yo! Was that your girlfriend?!"

I turned around finding a blonde-haired, brown-eyed teenager dressed in blue, holding a bag of animal crackers with a mocking smirk placed on his face.

My eyebrows rose as my smirk faded slightly; however, I rolled my eyes and smirked again. "No!" I sighed.

The guy snickered. "Oh, really?"

I ignored him and grasped the cart, rushing over to Zelda. What the hell?


Zelda slowed her walking down and grabbed the cart as her serious expression weakened. Her eyes rolled down to the box of cookies and then stared up at me for a moment.

My pace was immediately slowed down once her pace was slowed down as she dragged the cart, and then I met her eyes. They were upset.

Zelda immediately glanced away once she noticed I was staring at her. "Why do you think Dark acts this way?" She asked, suddenly, trying to not make contact again as she focused on her footing.

I stared directly at the back of her head. "What do you mean?"

She scoffed. "What do I mean?!" She paused, stopping herself from looking at me with the scowl hiding on her face. "You know EXACTLY what I mean!"

I smiled, but it was faint. "Are you talking about yesterday?"

She grunted and forced herself to turn around with slight hesitation. Then, she faced me with her frightening scowl, gripping the cart tight, and glared with angered eyes causing the cart to come to an abrupt stop to her roaring aura. "Not just YESTERDAY! His OVERALL behavior!" she snapped. "What are you? Immune to all his madness?" she cried.

I stared with no expression. "No," I said straightforwardly.

Her lip twitched as the fire in her eyes softened a little. "Then, how..." she mumbled. Her grip loosened on the cart as her eyes began to wander off. She nodded up to me halfway. "Are you okay?" She asked, glancing away every few moments.

I bit my lip. "Are you okay?"

She froze with a blank stare and quickly turned away. "No..." she mumbled.

And, from that moment, she continued to ignore me as she made no contact with me. Nothing worked...


Zelda's head bobbed down to look inside the cart to view the few things in it. "Shoot..." she finally said.

I rubbed my arm, a bit annoyed. "What is it?"

"Uh..." Her face flustered with rose. "I forgot something..."

My brows rose with a slight smile towards her. "Yeah?"

She scoffed and glared away. "I wanted to get ice cream."

I sighed slightly and looked away. "What flav—"

She eyed me. "Strawberry."

I sent my gaze down to her flustered eyes and her cherry cheeks and smirked. "Oh, alright..." I began to walk away, but then I got stuck on a single syllable as I began to talk out loud, "I..." I then turned around to get another look at her. Her agitated eyes tried to avoid contact, still, and she held her hands together with her shoulders up. "Um, I..." I mumbled.

Her eyes glanced up, but they immediately fell to the floor again.

I sighed, rolling my eyes away. "I'll be back."

Her eyes jumped to the ceiling and then she dipped her head into the cart. "'Well!" she hissed. "Hurry!"


Over by a library of magazines with yellow-bolded titles and exclaiming headlines, there was a freezer titled "Ice Cream". In front of the freezer was a seafoam-haired woman in a green shirt and black pants with a shopping cart in place beside her.

I stood in place to stare as a smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth. Goddamn it...

As I stared, a blonde with a dancing ponytail jumping from side to side popped around the corner carrying chocolate milk in one hand and fruit punch in the other as she made her way, swiftly, over towards the cart by the seafoam-woman.

"Ah!" The blonde settled the chocolate milk and fruit punch into the cart and began to rub her hands together. Then, her eyes perked up as she nodded up with a huge smile towards the seafoam-haired woman. "What flavor 'you looking for, honey?"

The seafoam-haired woman glanced up to the blonde. "Oh... Cherry," She motioned over to two flavors of ice cream.

As they discussed the two flavors, I ignored them and stepped forward. Hopefully, she won't remember me?

Edging near, the blonde responded to the seafoam-haired woman's flavor choices, "Oh, why not the cherry ice cream?" She suggested, her eyes wandering off to her flavor of choice.

The seafoam-haired woman sent her gaze down to the ice cream and nodded. "Let's get it."

A wide smile formed on the blonde as she took the cherry ice cream out of its home and plopped it into the cart.

I sighed. Funny seeing her here in three places... "Hello?" I said, staring blankly.

Ikaros turned around slowly with widened eyes of shock. Probably thinking the same thing as me. "Hello, Link." She said as her eyes settled.

The blonde noticed us and brought all her attention to Ikaros and I with a stare of concern. "Who's that and how do you know him?" she asked like an overprotective parent.

"Oh!" Ikaros smiled slightly as her gaze was sent to the blonde. "I met him at that convention before I asked you to give me company," she replied.

The blonde's long stare of concern simmered down as she nodded.

I smirked slightly, looking away. Remembering yesterday was somehow still awful. I glanced up to the blonde, watching my every move. "Who's your friend?" I asked, looking at the two.

Ikaros glanced at the blonde and I and thought to herself until she finally came up with an answer. "Cherry... my spouse."

I observed Cherry as she eyed me. She was in a formal attire, unlike Ikaros in a more casual look. She wore a buttoned-up, grey, collared shirt with a black fleece jacket over it on this rare, cloudy, summer day with a paired up matching skirt.

I smiled slightly. "Cool..." Don't know if the blonde likes me too much.


Zelda smiled as soon as we stepped through the motion sensor, triggered doors. "The rain's gone." She said, stopping to stare up at the cloudy sky.

I glanced down at the ground, finding small puddles of the leftover water. "Yeah..."

She sniffed the air and sighed. "I love the smell after it rains...!" she stated.

I looked over at her. "Yeah... Me too..." I replied.

She nodded up at me and her smile widened. "Did you know that it's all just a bunch of negative ions in the air...?"

I shook my head. "No...?"

She chuckled and looked away. "Yeah..." She turned her heel, clutching the bags in her hands tight, and began to follow up on the sidewalk. "Let's go!" she shouted.

I watched her, up ahead, marching on the sidewalk, flailing her arms around with the bags gripped in her hands. I sighed. She took all the bags... I bit my lip and followed behind. Why? I don't know!


"Hey, Link...!" she hissed. "Would you—" Before ending her sentence, she gasped, tripping on her feet, almost falling towards the ground.

Noticing, I gasped and quickly caught her, pulling her towards me as the bags in her hands slipped through her fingers and fell to the ground.

Her eyes widened and her breathing got heavy as she stared down at the ground, her designated fate. "Wow..." she mumbled.

"Why did you take all the bags?!" I yelled.

"Because I wanted too..." she grumbled.

A smirk tightened on me and I sighed in relief. "Don't do that again... Next time, I'll have to take some bags whether you like it or not..." I said, letting her go.

She released a long sigh and bent down to grab the bags, but before she could grab all four, I grabbed two.

She rolled her eyes and walked away. "There aren't a lot of bags..." she complained.

I ignored her complaint. "Next time, half and half... Or, we can just take the cart... if you'd—"

"Nah!" She said, glancing at me with a mischievous smirk. "It's 'A' OK!" She stared down at the sidewalk. "I got it!" she laughed.

My smirk softened. "Fine... I guess..." I said, glancing up at the grey sky with a little touch of blue in it.

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