Possible Returns I25I Part 4

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As told, I released Dark from my hold and leaped away immediately for Vio, laying my trust onto him so that he could handle Dark himself. And, soon enough, once my eyes were able to settle onto the situation under the rows of darkness, my eyes widened. As timed in a sequence of quick events, I witnessed Vio jab a syringe into Dark's shoulder and immediately push its clear liquid into him as he held him against him to prevent him from attacking or getting away.

Dark freaked to his sudden actions, however, and he panicked as his breathing hastened. "Link, Link! Stop him, stop him!" yelped his shaky voice in a slightly higher pitch from his monotone voice.

I stared, doing nothing for Dark as Vio continued with the syringe as Dark's panicking grew softer and softer and his heavy, hasty breathing slowed in fear. He was completely helpless... Did he actually break free from his craziness at the last moment?!

Then, in under a minute of Dark's struggling as he scrambled to pull Vio's hands away from the syringe, his eyelids fell closed and his knife slipped through his fingers, hitting the ground the same way the pistol did—a thump. Then, quickly after that, Dark was silent.

Once Dark fell from his grappling panic, Vio's panic only started again and his breathing hastened. "Crap..." he mumbled and he dropped the syringe to the floor.

My breathing hastened as well, "Wh-What?!" Tell me he didn't kill him! I didn't move as shivers ran down my spine.

Fear grew from the sapphires of Vio's once mild eyes from when we met him, and he snaked his hand around Dark's pale neck, placing two fingers on him for a pulse. He was silent for a moment as he held still for a feel of a pulse, but his lips soon parted. "Tranquilizer..." he whispered, immediately looking towards me.

I took a deep breath. "He's not dead?!" I exclaimed in worry.

Vio shook his head and he let out a sigh of relief as his hand fell from Dark's neck. "No..." He sent his cool eyes up to me. "I promised I wouldn't kill him."

I twitched. You made it look like you killed him! "Then, then... why did you..."

Vio took my words and responded before I could finish my sentence. "I nearly killed him with overdose of the drug... but he's fine..." He then gripped Dark and shook him slightly. "Now, help me lay him down..."

Pausing for a moment to take in his request and the events, I hesitated, but quickly, I broke out of that state and helped Vio lay Dark onto the carpet. I grabbed his legs and Vio got his arms, and we both gently placed him down onto the floor.

Vio unhanded him and released a rough sigh as he stood up slowly. "He's out..." he commented, his eyes glaring down at Dark.

Dark was forced into a deep sleep for trying to attack Vio... I stood up slowly glancing at the crimson-smeared knife. Why did this happen? They definitely got into some argument, but, wouldn't I have heard them?

A saddened smile formed on me. "Vio..." I began, nodding up to him. "What even happened?" I paused for a moment to collect my words. "Why did he attack you?" My eyes wandered to Vio's wounded hand... Just looking at it was painful, however... His hand was completely stained with blood with the cut centering his entire palm. Even with the added pressure he placed on his hand, blood continued to ooze, leaving his entire hand with blood and even adding a dark coloring to his sleeve. Maybe it was JUST what Dark was planning to do... attacking him. His driving hatred was poured onto him when they first met... But, how was I supposed to know this would happen? Dark hates everyone he meets.

Vio scoffed towards my question and he clutched his hand, catching my staring eyes. "I still don't know the answer to that question myself..." His eyes rolled over towards the flipped table as a scowl formed onto him. "But, apparently, I know something that he doesn't want to be known." he hissed.

My eyes transfixed onto Vio's hatred. His hatred had a whole new definition on Dark in his eyes... "But, how would he know that you knew?" I asked, puzzled.

Vio sighed and looked away as a smirk grew onto him as his troubled eyes glanced around in confusion. "I... don't know..." he finally admitted, rubbing his hand.

I watched as Ray walked up behind him. "Vio, your glasses!" he said. He was much more calmed down from before. He couldn't even speak when Dark was still awake.

Vio quickly spun around to meet Ray with his glasses being handed to him. "Thank you." Vio exhaled, and he took his glasses, immediately placing the black frames onto his head.

Ray's emerald eyes then shot wide opened and he gasped. "Y-Your hand, Vio!" he exclaimed, his cowardice-self running back, causing him to tremble.

Vio quickly drew his hand back towards himself and squeezed it with his other hand. "No... Don't worry!" He shook his head in thought and his eyes launched onto the ceiling. "Can you get me a slip of paper, Ray?" he asked, changing the subject.

Ray's eyes glued onto Vio's hands for a moment, but his fear quickly vanished once he nodded up slowly, contacting with Vio's blue eyes. "A-Alright..." he mumbled and he ran into the kitchen to frantically search for paper.

Vio then drew his breath and exhaled. "Link..." He turned towards me and he paused to think.

I tilted my head in worry. "What?" I asked, expecting him to tell me horrible news by the tone of his voice.

A slight smirk grew on Vio as his eyes wandered onto the unconscious Dark on the ground. "As much as I'd liked to keep you here and discuss what happened..." His eyes contacted me and they expanded. Then, suddenly, under the half-lit darkness, I found bits of glimmering lilac through his sapphires... "I'm afraid it's too dangerous for you to stay here..."

My eyes widened in surprise at his words and my heart rate quicken. "Why?" I puzzled, my brows pulling together.

His lips parted, but he quickly bit his lip to hold his tongue as if he was about say something but changed his mind. He then rolled his eyes away to come up with his words. "Dark, he's dangerous... And, you HAVE to get away from him..." He crossed his arms and gritted his teeth as his eyes struggled towards the ceiling. He was bothered by something and it made him uneasy.

"Vio?" Ray suddenly asked in worry as he stood behind him. "I got the paper, Vio!" he reassured.

Vio took a short uneasy breath and he brushed his bangs up as well as his glasses to cover his eyes. He then sighed roughly and brought his hand down towards Ray, taking the paper from him. "Thank you, Ray..." He seemed like he was about to cry...

Ray then nodded and stepped away into the kitchen... only to hide behind the counter and watch in worry.

I then watched as Vio pulled out a pen from his pocket and clicked it, and immediately made his way to the wall to use as a surface to draw the pen onto. Then, I watched as he wrote black-inked numbers onto the piece of paper with his free left hand... "Now, if you ever have a chance..." I heard him sniff the lavender air. "Use this number... to reach me..." his words slurred. He then quickly spun around, tucking the pen back into his pocket, and handed me the now folded paper. "I'll see you, Link..." he said as smoothly as he could.

I stared at him for a moment, analyzing his face. His eyes, which lost their lilac glow, were slightly teary; however, still, he kept his straight, neutral expression that he had. I then watched as a slight frown formed onto him, and I opened my mouth, thinking I should say something. "What about Dark?" I asked, my gaze rolling down at Dark.

Vio took a deep breath and a scowl formed onto him. "He'll come looking for you..." He glared down at Dark. "I'm sure..." he muttered.

I frowned towards Dark and stared. But, last time I left... this idiot...

"Link!" Vio hissed, alerting me, and grabbing my attention. Once my frightened eyes glanced up at him, he sighed, brushing his blonde bangs upwards. "Trust me when I say this, but, Link..." He inhaled frustration. "Staying around Dark will ONLY bring you trouble, so you HAVE to get away from him! It's the only thing that can you save you right now!"

By the tone of Vio's voice, it only seemed like he DID know something... something that Dark was able to grasp; however, under my hesitation, and my mind being hooked onto Dark, I couldn't think straight and I didn't recognize the knowledge Vio possibly had. So, instead of questioning Vio, I took his advice and decided to take my leave. "You say he'll come looking for me?" I reassured before stepping away.

Vio nodded, folding his arms. "Yes, he'll figure it out... and he'll come for you..." A smirk etched onto him slowly and he tilted his head. "He seems to be very good at that."

I sighed, catching one more glimpse of Vio's stern face, and began walking away, immediately making my leave. Maybe I do need to get away from Dark... He's caused only trouble... Maybe I'll actually be able to get away from all the problems that he has made!

I placed my hand down on the cold handle to the front door, the exit, and my thoughts continued to flow. But, Vio says he'll come back... looking for me... Can I really get away? I paused for a moment, hesitating to look back at Vio's, watching, sapphire eyes, and Ray and Dark... However, I turned the handle, refusing to take those actions, and entered the rain.

Back into the midst of rain where the rain only got worse, I shut the door and stood under the porch for shelter. The later it gets, the worse the rain... I muttered in my head. I then sighed and stepped over towards the edge of the small porch where the rain pattered down from the roof and scoped my surroundings; however, with the little light and the violent, stormy rain, my vision didn't go too far. So, in the end, I sighed in disappointment and leaned against the bricked wall beside a healthy, outdoor plant.

I could leave... I thought, watching the pouring rain. Dark would probably be upset... I didn't want to exactly jump out into rain now that I was staring right at it, but I felt I had to leave this place as soon as possible... I had a strange feeling that something horrible would happen if I stayed here, yet, the rain was intimidating. But, I guess I was already drenched... drenched by the rain from running around, lost, with Dark... However, as I faced this stormy rain, I had second thoughts on Dark... Should I stay? I debated in my head for a moment. Vio says that staying around Dark would only bring trouble... I knew what he meant by that... Dark's trouble was the reason why I was here... Dark had probably been making plans with Vaati to make more ruckus while Zelda was gone. My eyes then lit up from the misty rain for a moment from my silence. Zelda...

I exhaled through my nose and pulled out my phone almost immediately, dropping the slip of paper Vio had folded for me. Then, my eyes stared at it for a moment as it got damped by the small puddles that laid on the concrete ground, and I bent down to pick it up before it completely got drenched. Vio gave me this... I slipped my phone away into my pocket as my mind attached onto the paper, and I opened it to find ten, black-inked digits written neatly onto the damped, white sheet of paper. I smirked slightly as I read the number from the paper. I guess I'll be seeing him again... I was glad in a way, but, still, there was something odd about Vio, and Dark absolutely hated him... But, what was I supposed to do?

I dismissed my thoughts, sighing, and pulled my phone out from my pocket and tapped onto my call log to immediately add Vio's contact; however, as I was about to tap onto my contacts, my thumb froze over my recent calls in my log. There were two calls I had today... Most recently, Malon. Then, right underneath there was Zelda. My heart skipped a beat just analyzing her name, and I swallowed to control myself. I thought she was freaking dead! Why would Dark...

I bit my tongue as my brows began to furrow up and I squeezed my phone with anger. I hate him... Yet, Zelda's name transfixed on me and my grip on my phone loosened as a rough sigh exhaled out from me. What's wrong with him? Why is he this way? Can't he just stop? It's insane, he's insane...

It took a while for me to calm down and get my heavy, angered breathing to normal, but eventually, I was able to straighten out my mind. I glanced at the time reading that it was a quarter past nine and I decided to call her, pressing onto her name.

I waited patiently for the first ring to go by as the rain continued. I wonder how she's doing? I wonder if she could talk... it IS pretty late, but... I waited for the second ring to arrive. If she answers, should I tell her about Dark? Would she ask? It seemed possible... I sighed as I remembered Dark... He was probably still unconscious, of course. I wondered what Vio was going to do with him... But, in the end, I began to stop caring... It was his fault... What's wrong with him?

Then, suddenly as the third ring came around, I thought I heard footsteps through the heavy rain. Startled by this, I quickly turned towards the noise finding nobody. The fourth ring rang and my heart was already beating fast. I could've sworn...

I began to take a deep breath to calm myself, however, before I could take a complete breath, I felt a sharp, immense blow to my head, and immediately lost my balance, dropping my phone as I fell forwards off the step and into the rain. The last thing I remembered before I blacked out was the ground coming towards me.    

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