Predicted I19I Part 2

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                Oddly enough, I still remembered that bizarre dream from last night as clear as day... It's probably one of the reasons it's so strange... However, the most of its strangeness came from its build; the dream itself... None of it made any sense! And, just being able to remember it all in the middle of the day is frightening! With most dreams, I'd already forget once I left my room and went downstairs to have the morning's breakfast.

I tried putting that dream in the back of my mind by going grocery shopping with Zelda... and spending time with her... However, the second my eyes met Dark's glowing, crimson eyes and his yanking smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth... I was reminded of his peculiar behavior...

Dark's smirk weakened as his brows pulled together. "Hello?" he reassured with irritation shouting over his game.

I focused my eyes on him and took a deep breath. Yet, it was still a dream... I had to remind myself... It's not real... "Hi," I said confidently.

He rolled his eyes and stared back done at his red DS to begin mashing the 'A' button. "Hello..." he hissed.

I smirked slightly. "She didn't take your DS?" I asked.

Dark pulled up his black hoodie over his head with one hand as he glanced up to me. "No..." He adjusted the hoodie. "She just threw me into my room and... screamed at me..." He turned his head to face me slightly with a shrug. "She basically said, DON'T LEAVE THIS ROOM!" He mimicked Zelda as he smirked.

I looked away from his piercing stare and glanced around his room. "Where's your cat?"

Dark scoffed and brought all his attention back down at his DS. "Did Zelda bring you up here to inspect me?"

I said nothing and stared at him. Except the fact that he has his little DS, he seems fine about being stuck in his room. It doesn't bother him one bit... He'd usually be asking me when it was over...

Dark didn't glance up at me for one second. "Well, if you're genuinely curious, Me's under the bed..." He smiled tightly.

His carefree behavior bothered me. "Having fun on your DS?" I asked as my smirk widened.

"Very..." He murmured, still glued to his DS.

I narrowed my eyes at him and sighed. Last time I spoke with Dark was last night... He was acting odd—he acted like everything was fine... But he was lying about something... He lied to my face, and then he lied to Zelda. The second time, he knew I knew...

The second time, Zelda wanted to know where we both went; however, Dark told her something other than the truth. I suppose it was to avoid the rage of Zelda... She gets pretty upset when, surprisingly, something happens to either Dark or I. Though, I didn't like him lying, yet I didn't say anything.

I guess there wasn't anything to say... That night, in general, was completely unusual... There was Dark's strange disappearance, Vaati's manipulation of Midna... He had me fooled...

However, back to Dark lying to me... the first time... He didn't want to admit where exactly he was... Instead, he lied about chasing after a squirrel. It confuses me! Vaati said something different about Dark's location, and what he said... it was mighty suspicious.

Dark glanced up to me. "Do you need something?" he asked in concern. He wants me to leave...

I rolled my eyes, but my eyes remained focused on him. I loosened my smirk a bit and glared down at him. I had to ask him this damn question. "By any chance, did you see Vaati last night?" I asked, grabbing my arm.

Dark chuckled as a smirk widened at him. "No," he said quickly. He rolled his eyes towards the ceiling and looked over at me. "I haven't seen that dimwit..." He laughed.

I gritted my teeth, folding my arms, and looking away. "No...?" I muttered, narrowing my eyes on his bed.

"Yes...!" He snickered. "Have you?"

I turned around and grabbed the bedroom door handle. "Yes, I have..." I sighed as my eyes softened up from my slight anger.

Dark's tone became bitter. "Oh... really?" he hissed.

My brows rose and I turned around. His hands gripped onto his DS and his, rather neutral look on his face, stared at the wall beside his dresser. "Yeah..." I murmured, fixed on his look.

He gazed over at me, but his gaze immediately fell to his DS, focusing intently, as he stretched out his arms, reaching for the wall next to the dresser. "Cool," he said, completely detached from our conversation.

I sighed roughly and smirked. "Bye..." There's no use speaking with him...

"See ya... Bye!" He shouted and shifted his position on the floor.

I grabbed the door, walking out, and shutting it behind me. I then sighed, glaring away. He seems to be fine with life...


I made my way down to the dining room, finding Zelda sitting in one of the chairs, leaning on her elbows at the table.

She nodded up and smiled slightly from her look of dismal. "So, he's up there... huh?"

I grinned slightly. "Yeah!"

Her head bobbed to the side. "Ah..." She sighed in relief and held her hands under the table. "What is he doing?" she asked as her eyes began to wander off.

I smirked slightly and glanced up at the ceiling. "Playing his DS." I hesitated, smiling nervously, waiting for a reaction from her.

She peered up at me. "Oh... He is?" she said, totally fine about the situation.

I leaned onto the chair in front of me. "Yep...!"

"That's good..." she said, looking away again.

My eyebrows rose. She's serious?! She hates everything he does! "It is?" I asked.

She nodded and glanced into the kitchen. "Yeah..." She then pointed into the kitchen, looking away. "At least he's not making a home in the cabinets..." she said in a dreary tone.

I tilted my head as my brows drew together. "The cabinets?"

She sighed. "You have to predict that he's going to do something absurd...!" She leaned on one of her elbows as her brows arched. "I mean, one day you'll find him TAKING A NAP IN THE DAMN OVEN!" Her scowled look weakened. "You never know..." she grumbled.

I sighed softly and stared out the window pane. "Right..."

She remained silent for a few seconds, but she spoke again. "Can you tell me something?"

I looked over at her and found her staring down at the table. "Hm?"

She bit her nail. "Where did you find Dark last night?"

I smirked slightly, but that quickly faded. "I found him hiding in the bushes..." I chuckled.

Her eyes rose from the table. "You did?"

I nodded with a quiet yes.

She smiled slightly as her eyes rolled away. "I see..."




Ravio shook uneasily as he stared at the intimidating door in front of him. Through the cracked door were the only rays of light that poured into the dark, quiet hallway. The dark hallway from his bedroom to this door in front of him already filled him with the jitters; however, the curiosity beyond the door was what troubled him the most.

It was the third night in a row where these events had taken place... The dark hallway, the cracked door... It was all the same... Night after night... The curiosity inside him always questioned what he was doing in there. He was always so busy in that room. He was so busy, he wouldn't speak to anyone; he wouldn't leave his room...

However, with the little courage inside Ravio, he grabbed the silver knob of the door, and slowly opened it as quietly as ever for the first time... pushing all hesitation aside.

Fortunate Ravio managed to open the door without it creaking to alert the blonde studying his book. He was about to sigh in relief, but that was all smothered away as soon as the blonde's lips parted.

"Hello, Ravio." the blonde said, his lilac eyes still attached to his book in his hand.

Ravio swallowed. "You saw me?" he questioned.

The blonde's neutral look on his face replied, "I heard you breathing on the other side of the door like every night."

Ravio began to play with his fingers. "I'm sorry!" he apologized.

The blonde went back to his reading as his eyes continued to scan over each word.

Ravio pressed his lips together. He doesn't mind me standing here?!

He walked over to the blonde and stared down at his book. So complicated! His eyes wandered away from the blonde's difficult to understand novel, and they soon began to jump around at each bookcase in the room.

The bedroom was practically a library instead of one's room. There were bookcases against each wall, and in each bookcase, there were shelves filled to the brim with books. There were so many books, it seemed like one would be able to find any book in this library!

Where the blonde sat, however... He was at his desk with scattered books stacked up in piles there; there was no room on that desk... The only room was where his opened book laid with a lamp's light shining over the beige pages.

Ravio twiddled with his thumbs and pulled onto his blue and black striped scarf. "Vio?" he mumbled.

The blonde remained fixed on his book. "Yes, Ravio?"

Ravio thought about his words for a moment. "Do you think you should get some rest?"

The blonde smirked and pulled onto his blonde locks of hair.

Ravio cowered a bit. "I know you're really into your book, but... you've been up for three straight days..." He began to suck on his lips. "I don't think that's... good." he mumbled.

The blonde sighed and looked out his open window. Annoyed...

Ravio freaked and raised his hands up. "I-I-I mean-I mean—"

Vio smiled slightly and stood up to close his window. "No, you're right..." he admitted.

Ravio folded his arms. "H-Huh?"

Vio clutched the white curtain and covered the window with it and afterwards placed a bookmark into his book, shutting it.

Ravio gulped. "Vio!"

Vio's cool, lilac eyes glanced up to Ravio's emeralds. "It's for the best..." He smiled. "We only have two days left..."

Ravio continued to tug on his scarf with worry. "Y-Yeah..."

Vio's smile faded as his eyes narrowed on his small bed. "I'm just worried..."

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