Unanswered I25I Part 1

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            Running through the midst of the pouring rain, Dark's hand gripped tightly to my wrist as he tugged me along through the depths of the city. Apparently, we were running away from someone... I still had no clue on who it was... But, seriously, where were we going? I'm just thinking! Even though nighttime has only just arrived to the sky, the city was still a lit-up place. To add, at this late hour, as it seemed to be, the sidewalks weren't flooded with people... If there was someone following us, they would definitely spot us!

However, in the heavy rain and silence between Dark and I, I had my head lowered... I still had so many questions that were yet to remain unanswered. I honestly wondered if he had a plan to all this... This mess was just all too disorganized to be an actual idea! If it was any plan, scheme, or idea, it made no sense at all...

Though, the silence between Dark and I and the pounding of the rain was unbearable. I desperately wanted to ask Dark my questions, and the pouring rain was just annoying to take... I couldn't see where I was heading as I constantly avoided the rain by keeping my head down. It was too much of a pain to keep this up; however, soon enough we stopped under the roof of a corner store to rest for a moment.

Dark sighed, dropping my arm, and entered the corner store.

I paused, scoffing. What the hell is he doing? I then followed him into the corner store, already finding him a few steps ahead of me. "Dark!" I called out to him, watching him as he turned his head towards me.

He sighed and looked away. "I need a few things...!" he said, slurring his words in an apathetic tone and quickly walked away.

I exhaled through my teeth and followed him. "Dark! Can you tell me what's going on?!" I asked desperately... Why are we even at a damn corner store?!

Dark roughly exhaled through his nose and he crouched down towards the floor to observe the selection of candy bars on the display rack. I heard him mumble a few words under his breath and he grabbed a snickers from the rack, soon revealing it to me with a sly grin. "Snickers?" he asked, with no answer to my question.

I glared as a smirk formed onto me. Did he even hear me? Was I loud enough?

He snickered and stood up. "Okay...!" he murmured and he took the snickers bar with him.

I continued to follow him through the corner store wondering if he even heard me or not... I mean... is he serious? Why are we even here? Why did we just leave? Where are we even going?! A touch of growling anger began to grow deep inside of me... I almost wanted to spill it out...

Though, through the moments of my slight, building anger, I heard Dark humming... and then he spoke. "So, you heard me talking to that guy yesterday?" he hissed.

My smirk widened. Oh? So, he'd rather talk of that? I mean, I didn't mind... I did want to know more of the conversation... but... I rolled my eyes. "Vaati?" I asked, almost bitterly.

Dark glanced at me for a split second and he crouched down to the floor to view the selection of chips. "Yes..." he said straightforwardly.

I crossed my arms as I watched him rummage through the bags of chips... Couldn't he just pick one flavor? I sighed and looked away, trying to ignore him. I then opened my mouth, glancing at him for a moment. "What happened?" I decided to ask more about the conversation. It seemed like a chance...

Dark smirked and he grabbed a bag of potato chips. "Oh, I don't know!" He shrugged. "Half of what he told me made no sense!" He then walked away with a bag of chips in one hand.

I followed, confused... So, he knows nothing? That thought almost made me even more upset. What was the point of asking me about the conversation, Dark? Just following him with these thoughts in my mind... it drove me impatient and it caused my anger to grow... It was as if Dark was turning the heat up on my oven. "Really?" I asked, believing nothing from him.

He stopped walking and turned around slowly. He glanced at me and sighed. "Yes, really..." His shoulders rose and he tucked his left hand into his pocket. "Besides, you know that idiot... He makes no sense most of the time!" he growled.

I smirked. Yeah, you're right... but the way you spoke to him the other day... You seemed to be very intuited on what he was saying... "Do you know who he was talking about, at least?" I asked, trying to get some answer.

He shrugged. "I don't know..." he sighed.

I fidgeted in anger. "You don't?!" I hissed.

Dark grumbled and he took his hand out of his pocket. "I'll tell you what I know later..." he murmured.

I scowled. Why later?

Dark sighed and he spun around to glare at me with his irritated eyebrows. "We have to hurry up and get out of here... so...!" He then dismissed the conversation by walking away...

My lip twitched... I know there's something he's STILL not telling me! It's quite obvious! Him and Vaati are linked into this... And, there must be someone else! I'm sure of it! There's someone else! Dark just doesn't want to tell me... But, why not? I don't get it... They must be following us...

However, we eventually left that corner store... Dark purchased his items and we left. We killed some time there, at least, I guess... Maybe we lost them or whoever? Though, killing time definitely didn't kill any of the rain... Heavy, stormy rain continued to pour from the roof above the corner store as we stood underneath it.

Dark scoffed and shoved the chips and the snickers into his pocket. "Damn this rain..." he hissed.

I sighed and sent my gaze away from him and my eyes locked onto the rain. It still continued to bustle through... There was no end to it! "Where are we going to go, Dark?" I asked, still quite annoyed.

Dark dipped his head out towards the rain and the rain already began to fall onto his soaked hair once again. "Away from here..." he replied vaguely.

I glared back at him and smirked. "Where to, though?" I asked again.

He released a long, rough sigh and he nodded up to me, grabbing my arm once again. Then, his crimson eyes stared vigilantly into the misty rain and he bit his lip. "We're still being followed..." he murmured. He then smirked and jerked my arm with a glance towards me, and he pulled me further into the storm.

Soon enough, we were running through the rain again... We turned the corner from the corner store and we followed up into a narrow alleyway.

We splashed through a puddle. "Fuck! Those idiots are getting closer!" Dark groaned.

I gritted my teeth and looked behind; however, I looked forward once again as I almost lost my footing. "Who's following us, Dark?!" I exclaimed over towards him, panting, getting a taste of the falling rain in my mouth.

He didn't respond to my question; instead, we escaped the alleyway and entered another street. There were no cars, nor people, so he led me onto the street, stepping off the sidewalk.

He was gasping. "THIS RAIN IS SO ANNOYING!" he shouted, jerking my arm once again, ignoring the fact that I ever asked a question...

I took a deep breath... I hated the rain... I hated it... I was far too impatient to handle it. I wanted to get away from Dark; however, he continued to drag me along through the street.

Though, I still continued to press Dark with my question. "Dark, WHO'S following us?!" I asked as a smirk tightened on my lips.

He tried to ignore me. "I SAID I'll explain everything LATER!" he exclaimed under his ragged breath.

That was enough... I was done... I had enough of that I'll explain everything later crap. I then violently yanked his hand off of me, almost losing my balance.

Dark, almost losing his balance as he slipped, quickly remained on ground as he turned to glare towards me. "What are you doing?! We need to leave!" he exclaimed.

I panted in tired anger as the rain continued to pour in its sets of stormy winds. "I just want an answer, Dark! Not later, not tomorrow..." I exclaimed. "What's going on? Who's following us?! You're not telling me anything!"

Dark smirked as he released a long sigh as a scowl quickly plastered all over his face. "I know..." he muttered, meeting me with his glaring, crimson eyes.

Right about now... I wanted to punch this guy... He forcefully got me leave the house in the pouring rain as he shoved me into his closet and violently pushed me out a window... Then, he takes me out here, STILL in the MIDDLE of the rain and completely tries to avoid me and all my questions!

I shook my head as I continued to glare. "What?" I asked bitterly.

His eyes rolled away as he began to fidget with his hands. "Look..." He began to chuckle slightly before stopped himself. "I promise I'll tell you, but..." He exhaled through his teeth and looked away. "Now isn't the time..." he hissed with a look of distress in his eyes.

I scoffed. "Why not—"

Then, Dark, without any words, tugged on my hand once again, sharing a glance with me, and looked away as his gaze locked onto something.

My brows furrowed and I pulled my hand away from his loose grip. "What?!" I exclaimed, still enraged.

Then, I heard another voice towards the same direction Dark's disgusted gaze faced. "The hell are you two doing, standing around in the rain?" yelled out a voice in a smooth tone.

In surprise of hearing anyone on this empty, stormy street, I sent my gaze over to find a blue-eyed blonde standing under his small porch.

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