The ring pt2

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Y/N and Adora walked with Shadow Weaver down a long dark hallway as Shadow Weaver explained to them about what lord hordak see's in them.

"Lord Hordak has been keeping a close eye on both of you for quite some time now. He thinks that you, Adora will make a fine force captain and you, Y/N will make a excellent weapons specialist". Shadow Weaver told the two as they walked down the long dark hallway. Both felt deeply honored. Adora looked at Shadow Weaver.

"Really? Force Captain and Weapon Specialist? Lord Hordak said that about us"? Adora asked

Shadow Weaver looked at the two "Oh yes. He sees great promise in the both of you. Y/N has shown that promise in those droids he built". Y/N felt his heart sink. He looked at Shadow Weaver nervously. He was getting ready to ask her how she knew about his droids. She must have known what he was going to ask because he moment he opened his mouth she spoke

"Y/N, I'm not stupid. I notice things and I'm honestly looking forward to seeing what you will make next. Before you even ask, yes your droids may stop hiding" She said surprisingly calm. She looked at Adora.

"As for you Adora he has elected you the honor of leading a squadron in the invasion of the rebel Fortress of Thaymor. She said to them. Adora's eyes widened.

"Thaymor? You mean we are finally seeing active duty"? Adora asked. Shadow Weaver was silent for a few seconds. She then pointed to both Y/N and Adora and said that they will be seeing active duty. Y/N raised a eyebrow confused.

"But Adora will be able to bring her team right"? He asked confused. Shadow Weaver looked at him.

"Your the only one she needs. The others aren't ready. They will only slow her down" She said. Adora looked at her and talked back.

"Shadow Weaver, with respect, they have been training hard for this too. And all Catra wants to do is go out and prove herself" Adora tried to explain.

"Then she should have proven herself to me"! Shadow Weaver said in a dark voice. Adora stopped and Y/N froze.

"Adora, Y/N this is what I raised you two for. Now this is you chance to prove yourselves. I saw greatness when I found you two as orphan children and took you each in." Shadow Weaver told the two and made two badges for them and brought them to a window that showed them outside. It's hard to describe and I couldn't find a picture so I'm going to describe it the best I can. Basically everything there was pure metal, no animals to plant life anywhere.

Shadow Weaver held the two close "Is this not what you've wanted since you were old enough to want anything"?

Both Adora and Y/N said one word "Yes"

Shadow Weaver looked at the two "With the both of you we will crush the Bright Moon Rebellion once and for all".

Time skip

Adora and Y/N sat outside on a balcony. Y/N was looking for a place on his shirt to put his badge until Catra tackled him.

"So what did she say? Hey what's this"? Catra saw Y/N's badge and took it and jumped up to a pipe.

"No way! You both got promoted"?! Catra said happy for her friends. Y/N smiled

"It's no big deal". Y/N said as Catra hugged him tightly

"No big deal??! We are going to see the world! And conquer it! Y/N, I need to blow something up"! Catra said exited. Y/N and Adora both had uneasy looks on their faces. Catra looked at her friends with a look of confusion on her face.

"Catra, there is no easy way to say this but,...................Shadow Weaver says your not coming with us". Y/N said nervously to her.

"WHAT!?! My time was just as good as the both or yours today! What is her problem with me"?!? Catra said frustrated and a bit jealous. Y/N gently placed a hand on her shoulder to hopefully calm her down a bit.

"I mean, you are kind of disrespectful" Adora tried to explain to Catra calmly without upsetting her friend even more. Catra just scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Why should I respect her? She's just bitter that she doesn't have any real power that doesn't come from Hordak and everyone knows it. I guess it sure must be easy being people pleasers like you". Catra said annoyed and looked at Adora and Y/N and then left as Adora tried to say how she and Y/N were not people pleasers. The two fallowed Catra to wherever she was going. The two eventually caught up with her at the top of one of the buildings. Y/N hugged her gently from behind. She smiled and held his hands while Adora gave Catra a jealous look but quietly calmed down.

"Look, we are both sorry. I didn't think you wanted to be force Captain". Adora said looking at Catra. Catra looked at her.

"I don't. Here Y/N, take your badge". She gave Y/N his badge back. Y/N was still hugged her.

"Come on Catra. Me and Adora have been working for this for years. I was hoping you would be happy for us". He said nervously. Catra gave him a small smile.

"I am happy for you Y/N. I just wanna get out of this dump before I die of boredom. I wonder what's even outside the fright zone anyway". Catra said looking in the distance as Adora pulled out a key.

Adora: Why don't we find out?

Time skip

"I take it all back! Your officially awesome"! Catra said with excitement as Adora drove what looked like a ship. Y/N on the other hand hugged Adora with dear life. Adora smiled at this and rubbed his forehead gently. Catra on the other hand got a bit jealous. After a few minutes Catra tried to drive but Adora wouldn't let her and the two ended up fighting over it. It got to the point where they weren't paying attention to where they were going and almost crashed into the whispering woods. All three looked at the forest nervously.

Catra: What is this place?

Adora: I think it's the Whispering Woods. They say there are strange old monsters in there, and the trees move when your not looking. Every Horde squadrons that had been sent in there has never come out again.

Catra:...........Lets go in

Y/N: Wait what?

Catra sent the ship at full speed. Y/N gulped nervously and felt himself slipping a bit.

"Adora, Catra? May we slow down please? I think I might be slipping a BIT"! As Adora took a sharp turn at a tree and headed upwards Y/N accidentally fell out. He hit the ground with a loud thud. He slowly got up and growled in pain. He looked around the area to hopefully find a way out and as he looked he noticed a bright blue light in the distance. He didn't know why but there was something intriguing about the blue light so he went to the blue light. As he walked closer and closer he saw what looked like a blue lantern and heard someone speaking "In fearful day. In racing night, with strong hearts full our souls ignite. When all seems lost in the war of light, look to the skies, for hope burns bright".

Y/N walked closer and closer until the blue light filled his eyes.

"Y/N? Y/N? Y/N?!?" Y/N woke up and saw Catra shaking him and sitting on his lap. Y/N blushed softly and looked up at her. Catra took a breath of relief.

"What happened"? Y/N asked Catra as he rubbed his head.

"You fell out of the skiff after Adora drove it into a tree" Catra told Y/N as she helped him up. Y/N looked around for the Blue Lantern

"Where is it? The blue lantern?" Y/N asked Catra as he looked around the area. Catra just gave him a confused look and put her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

Time skip to that night.

Y/N just laid in bed. He couldn't get the blue lantern out of his head. First he dreamt about it then he sees it in the forest. As he fell asleep he dreamt about the Blue Lanterns again. (You decide what happens). Y/N woke up with a jolt. At this point Y/N had enough. He quickly got out of bed and went into the Whispering woods.

"Ok it should be somewhere around here". Y/N said to himself as he looked around the forest. At some points he thought he saw a archer and a girl in a purple outfit, a shiny purple outfit. After a few minutes he thought he heard shouting.


Y/N: c3-p0?

Soon R2-D2, C3-PO, BB8 and Gir came crashing down in a skiff. Y/N was surprised to see them.

Y/N:What are you four doing here?

C3-PO: Impressions of the characters from He Man, WHAT DO YOU THINK WE ARE DOING??!! We are here to see what you are doing!

Y/N giggled at what they did. As the helped the droids up he heard what sounded like water running. He turned and started walking to the sound as it grew louder. He and the droids walked closer and closer until they came to a beautiful valley and in the center was a large Blue Lantern. Y/N walked to it's light despite C3-PO trying to stop him. Once he got to the giant Blue Lantern he heard a voice.

"Y/N L/N, you have great hope in your heart. Welcome to the Blue Lantern core". Then a blue ring was placed in his finger and a blue light surrounded him.

Hey everyone. I hope you enjoy the story. Here are other Lantern story's I wanna do. Let me know witch one you wanna see or if you have any suggestions let me know.

Sailor Moon x Green Lantern reader

My hero academia x Rainbow Lantern reader

Creepypasta x Red Lantern reader

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