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Minghao surprised both Mingyu and himself when he cried of joy after finishing the logo design he lost in one night. Just one night. That was a record. Maybe because it was easier for him to create the same one since he remembered the steps very well. He tweaked a few things here and there, probably creating a design better than the previous one.

"Someone tell me why I took graphic design." Minghao yawns, eyes half open as he stumbles out of his bedroom, both brain and body demanding sleep. Mingyu was on the sofa reading stuff on his phone (or maybe just morning messages with Wonwoo) while a bowl of cereal remains untouched on his lap. Minghao grumbles in disapproval, rambling about how Mingyu should eat the cereal, and fast, before they turn soggy and mushy.

"I like mine soggy," Mingyu says, and Minghao was ready to fight.

"I thought you wanted to become an illustrator?" Mingyu questions, finally putting down his phone and eating the cereal. Minghao groans and grabs his own bowl from the kitchen.

"Oh I don't know; why am I an art major in the first place?" Minghao finishes the carton of milk and throws it into the bin, bringing his own cereal to the table next to the sofa. He and Mingyu agreed to be roomates after Soonyoung introduced him to the tall boy who was also, coincidentally, looking for a roomate who 1. Does not talk a lot and 2. Does not roast Mingyu every 5 seconds. Which screams  Seungkwan, who Mingyu used to room with. Nothing really changed after he moved though, Minghao was kind of talkative; but also tends to be sarcastic on a daily basis. He's not your typical foreign chinese student.

Mingyu studies culinary, which is something you probably would ask twice to make sure it wasn't a joke as you observe Mingyu breaking things, tripping over stuff and constantly, permanently disrupting Minghao's sleep in the morning because the chef couldn't cook in the kitchen without accidentally dropping a pot; and when the pot drops, this horrible sound emits that lasts for seconds and seconds and both of them (including Minghao from the room) cringes at the sound because it's just- okay you know the drill.

"So what's with the stash of coupons?" Mingyu asks, recalling the crumpled stash of free meal coupons he saw scattered on the table. Minghao almost chokes on his cereal when he remembers. He had actually planned on throwing them away, and he was glad he didn't since free meals was actually not a bad thing considering nothing's cheap when you're in college. Free meals were a bonus.

Until you meet that bear mascot guy.

"You wouldn't want to know," Minghao answers, no sense of rejection in his voice and Mingyu knows he'll tell "yesterday was pure hell. I got groped by this bear mascot and turned out it shoved coupons in my pocket." The pocket on my ass.

Mingyu bursts out laughing (Minghao cringing at the milk he sputtered), the Chinese boy regretting his decision on telling him the story. There are times where he wants to punch Mingyu. A lot. Like now, for instance.

"You sure he's not a creepy old man or something?" Mingyu asks in between laughs, wiping his tears away. So much for best friends "I could ask Wonwoo to sue the man over sexual harassment."

"Wonwoo takes law?" Minghao asks, earning a yes from Mingyu plus the additional information where Wonwoo minors in history that he never asked for, and he just nods in reply "I don't think it's an old man, though."

"So you're saying you like it." Mingyu wiggles his eyebrows, a lopsided smirk.

"I don't need another bad day, Mingyu."

"You're not denying it."

Minghao throws a piece of blueberry towards Mingyu, which, the taller seemed to catch inside his mouth. That's it. Minghao was done.

(There's nothing Mingyu can't do. Why is the boy so talented?)

((Wait, Minghao's found one. Spreading germs))


Professor Kang isn't everyone's cup of tea. Not Minghao's, for sure.

Okay, like, he's nice and all, but can be please not take out his stress on his students? Minghao doesn't see the point in him wasting his time in class with rambles about his life; he paid for education and a demonstration about the fixed amount of butter a restaurant had to put on a piece of toast must match tbe amount of jam put on the other piece was definitely not education. Which is why students fell asleep right from the beginning of his class. Not to mention the class was 8.30 in the morning, a perfect time for non-morning people (including Minghao) to be snoozing away.

Minghao was already grateful enough that he had given him a second chance to submit the project; it was worth bleeding his ear for, since he had an extra lecture for Minghao about responsibilities. Minghao just needed a good grade and all is well.

Minghao sighs as he walks out of the professor's lair, and rummages through his bag to find out that he had forgotten his headphones. And that wasn't something good because although the library was always quiet, the tapping of people typing on their laptops irritated him nevertheless.

"Minghao? Is that you?" Seungcheol peers at him through the hallway, his hands full with a stack of books. Minghao rushes over to help him, transferring some books to his hands. Seungcheol muttered a thanks.

"Seeing gramps?" Seungcheol asks as he tilted his head to the professor's room as they passed by. Professor Kang wasn't that old; or at least that was what he liked to say. Minghao just thinks he dresses smart.

"I have to submit my project in a week." Minghao replies, staring down at one of the books in his hand. Probably books for the history department, he thought. Seungcheol was probaly a teacher assistant in that department. He doesn't meet the older male often, but they do bump into each other from time to time. And he's always nice. Seungcheol laughs, throws his head back and his shoulder (it was solid) slightly bumps into Minghao's as he mutters a goodluck.

"You're close with Soonyoung, right?" Seungcheol asks, and Minghao nods at the mention of his friend "Chan's currently living wih him, right? Since Jihoon's studying abroad." His expression changed for a split second at the mention of Jihoon, but quickly returned to normal (not like Minghao didn't know they were dating) as they entered a small room. Probably an office he shared with someone.

Minghao nods again, "Chan asked for someone to tutor him for physics. He says he doesn't get shit." Minghao laughs at Seungcheol's statement, imagining a Jeonghan lightly hitting the boy's mouth for swearing. Jeonghan needs to stop acting like a mother with Chan. Oh well, it's actually quite amusing though.

"So this new tutor. He's a close friend of mine and he starts today. I called Soonyoung but that boy never answers. Basically he just doesn't know where to go." Seungcheol says, and leans against the table. Minghao thinks about how Soonyoung always puts his phone on silent during dancing sessions.

"What are you trying to imply here, hyung." Minghao puts down his stack of books too, and sits on the table across of Seungcheol.

"We don't want poor Chan waiting for his tutor, do we," Seungcheol shoves his phone back into his back pocket, crossing his arms (Minghao eyes his biceps through the polo he was wearing) "What I'm trying to say is, do me a favour and take him to Soonyoung's place, please."

"Hyung, I have a class in thirty minutes."

"Thirty minutes is a long time."

This time it's Minghao's time to cross his arms, "I'm not leaving this place to send some tutor to Chan's house. There's something called a GPS, and for someone who's that good at physics would be smart enough to use it."

"Minghao please," Seungcheol puts off the tough guy image and clasps his hands together in front of his face, eyes puppy like and round "c'mon, I've already contacted him; he's on his way here."

Minghao facepalms. Seungcheol was really demanding sometimes.

"But I'm doing it for Chan. Your puppy eyes doesn't work on me." Minghao scoffs, probably sure that it doesn't work on Jihoon either. But he's not interested in knowing about the dynamics of their relationship, of course.

Seungcheol actually jumps in happiness and tells Minghao that the tutor would be here in a few minutes as he left. Minghao goes through the boring history books that would be a good method to use to put him to sleep. Minghao never really liked history; or science; or anything related to studying, in general. He likes creating things. But having to sit in front of your laptop as your eyes screamed for them to get checked and get glasses doesn't count. But that was just a longer version to say that Minghao was lazy. Lazy people learn the smart way, though.

The door creaks open and in steps a dirty blonde haired man, slinging a strap of his kanken over his right shoulder. Rich, Minghao thinks. He needed to save up for about a month's worth of coffee to get at least a pair of Gucci sandals. Which he found himself rarely wearing them since they were too precious to wear.

Anyway, the tutor was tall, blonde and gorgeous (Minghao craved fries), and was carrying a macbook and a textbook in hand. Someone who types notes in his laptop; how efficient, Minghao thought. His striped shirt that was tucked in complimented his legs; Minghao wished he had legs like him. Skinny, but not bony or lanky.

"Top student Wen Junhui enters the room," Minghao announces jokingly, and the male pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, laughing. They've met a few times before; sometimes through their friends and sometimes from parties, but they're still quite friendly with each other. And the fact that they've never conversed that much before doesn't mean that Minghao shouldn't boldly talk to his crush. Plus, Junhui was kind and always talked to him nevertheless so why the hell not.

Junhui awkwardly puts a hand up and waves at Minghao in reply, still laughing. Minghao loves his blonde hair. It wasn't straight up bleached, and when its slicked back he looks amazing. But when it's not, Minghao thinks he's the softest human being ever.

"Come on, I have a class in thirty minutes so I wouldn't want to be late," Minghao takes his bag and slings it over his shoulder, walking past Junhui "I'm pretty sure you wouldn't too."

Junhui nods, "Timing is everything."

Minghao rolls his eyes, "You show up late to gatherings."

"That's because I don't like them that much, I come as late as possible so that I don't need to suffer from the awkwardness." Junhui says, revealing another piece of information about him to Minghao. He makes a mental note inside his head; Junhui isn't a fan of socializing.

"We always have to hold Seungkwan back from digging in, and thank god he does," Minghao tells the older male who was busy dusting something off his hair (Minghao held back the urge to run his fingers through his blonde locks) as Minghao goes on "but that's only because you come in every time Wonwoo's busy arguing with Seungkwan about waiting for everyone to be here."

"See, wonwoo's a nice guy," Junhui comments as he blinks. Minghao squints. You should see his messages with Mingyu. Good luck not puking.

"So tutor hyung, what have you been up to?" Minghao asks. They exit the gates and walked up the streets to get to Soonyoung's place.

Junhui blinks again, "Just the usual. I'm pretty sure you don't want to listen to me blabbering about human anatomies and muscles."

"You know me so well." Minghao smiles. You don't, sadly. I wish you knew me well, though.

They end up in silence again since they didn't know what to talk about anymore. See, they didn't knew much about each other, but they had so many questions to ask to know better. Anyway, Minghao stepped up first, although he hoped the older would make a move (read: hoped).

"Recently, there was this Chinese restaurant that opened nearby, and Mingyu doesn't like spicy food so do you, like, want to try it out with me?" Minghao asks out of the blue, looking up at the older. His hair was slicked back, but there were already a few strands falling onto his face because of the wind. Minghao thought it was cute.

Junhui blinks (again), and thankfully didn't make the situation awkward by quickly answering, "Of course. I'm surprised you remembered we came from the same country."

"No one would forget someone who talked about mooncakes in Mandarin when they were drunk."


They both laughed. Junhui thinks it feels nice to know someone who reminds him of home; and sometimes he yearns for that feeling even more. When he met Minghao and heard that he too was Chinese, this burst of adrenaline rushed through his body, and he badly wanted to talk to Minghao about how he's already getring rusty at Mandarin from living here for too long, how he's missed the food from back there and how he's missed his family whenever it was his younger brother's birthday, and he could only videocall him to celebrate. But he didn't, because it wasn't something Wen Junhui was known to do.

The boy in the bear mascot costume, though, was a totally different case.

"But you know, I was hoping it's only me and you since we could eat dishes I couldn't eat with other peoole since they didn't like it. You know, sorta like a date."

Minghao bites his tongue at his choice of words.

Junhui, on the other hand was flustered (but more than happy to hear them).

"Of course," Junhui replies, glancing at Minghao to look at his face. Minghao's dyed brown hair complimented his skin, Junhui thinks he was glowing when the sun shines on him "should I give you my number, then?" Junhui quickly reaches inside his bag for his phone, meanwhile Minghao's already ready with his own even before the older could finish his sentence (but that was only because he already had it in his hand) ((excuses, Minghao)). Thankfully, Junhui didn't notice.

"That's great!" Minghao's heartbeat was boom(boom)ing in his ears. He unlocks his phone and dials Junhui's number into his keypad saving it as 'Jun hyung' in his contacts. Although we all know he's going to add a small <3 at the back once he gets home. The same goes for Junhui who, too, hoped nobody saw the new contact he named 'Haohao'.

Note; and they're both not even dating yet.

"I'll contact you when I get home." Minghao tells Junhui as soon as they reach the front of Soonyoung's apartment. The security guard nodded at Minghao, since he's seen Minghao visit a little too often.

"Of course," Junhui blinks and Minghao counts, one, two, five times. He stops when Junhui reaches to ruffle his hair, but then starts to mess it up on purpose.

Minghao starts complaining, and Junhui thinks Minghao frowning at his teasing was a cute sight.

"Hyung, you blink too much." Minghao points out, as he observes Junhui fixing his hair through his phone.

Junhui blinks twice as he looks at Minghao and chuckles, "I'm surprised you noticed. But I only do that when I'm nervous."

Minghao raises an eyebrow. Oh?

"I better get going." Junhui cuts him off when he senses that Minghao would probably ask him something that would send his heart flying out the window (eg: are you nervous because of tutoring Chan or me?) and turns to properly pet Minghao's head. They exchange goodbyes and as soon as he's finished telling the guard who Junhui was and out of the guard's sight, Minghao almost did a backflip right there and would never cared if a car ran over him. So he started doing his happy dance (it was awkward without Pharrell's Happy in the background).

Meanwhile, Junhui was laughing at the sight of the other Chinese boy from the floor of Soonyoung's apartment.


"You came back for me?"

"I came for greasy food, not your grease."

"Grease heals."

"It doesn't."

"Maybe after all the grease you'll slip and fall for me yeah?

Minghao breathes in, and out. Isn't it better to ignore people like this? The bear's not worth wasting his own saliva. Yet something about this bear ticks him off to the point where Minghao has to say something. And he's not even scared about openly flirting, in public, when there is a mom with a little girl right next to them who would probably judge their conversation right now.

"I just wanted free food, alright, let me have a good day for once." Minghao steps into the restaurant and scans the menu. They were all the same; typical burgers that came with a fries and a drink in a set or a meal for kids that came with a toy. His coupon was only acceptable for kiddie meals, and he curses the bear once again for not giving him proper meal coupons.

Uninterested, he slips into the seat in front of Soonyoung first, who was busy stuffing himself with food.

"Dude, the Drummies here are amazing. Get that one." He says, right hand holding a drumstick.

"Drummies?" Minghao questions.

"Yeah man. Their chicken." Who the heck would name their fried chicken Drummies?

"I'll reconsider that." Minghao replies and thinks why Soonyoung just had to choose the seat that made him face the glass windows because the bear, with its stupid wide smile and stripy bowtie was shamelessly throwing hearts at him.

Soonyoung seemed to notice and followed Minghao's gaze and laughed, "What is up with that bear, dude?"

Minghao decides he shouldn't break it to Soonyoung just yet, "I have no idea." So he decides to get up to order.

Minghao thinks it would be much more easier if Soonyoung were the one to order with kiddie meal coupons since he looked like a five year old when he smiles rather than a lanky, skinny man who had a number of piercings on both ears and a sharp gaze. Or at least it's a gaze Minghao puts on for self defense. Mingyu just said it was because Minghao wanted a 'hot guy' image.

He didn't even have time to sit down when suddenly the device with his number on it buzzed, signaling that his meal was ready. But he didn't even lift himself up from his seat when Soonyoung suddenly looked up from his food and said, "The workers serve your food here?"

Minghao looks confused, "What? No, why would they?"

"Dude, is it your birthday today?"

"Soonyoung, you always remember my birthday's in November-"

"Nah man, that bear's carrying a tray of food," Soonyoung points behind Minghao "with a slice of cake with a candle. And he's coming your way."

Oh shit.

"Happy Birthday to you!" The bear announces (loudly) and heads from every table turned to look at Minghao. If things can't get even more humiliating then this, then Minghao's not sure if-

"Want a bear hug?" The bear extends his arms, and Minghao thinks not again.

"Shut the fuck up." Minghao replies.

"It's always my job to give free hugs to people on their birthdays. And you're one of them!" There were some women (read: women) from a table that yelled a happy birthday towards him, and Minghao's not sure which one is worse; a group of women wishing him a happy birthday probably only because he was good looking or a bear faking his birthday just to give him a hug.

Probably the women case, but Minghao doesn't admit.

Minghao breathes in, "I appreciate your service, but it's not my birthday today." He was putting up a front since they were in front of a lot of people. Minghao would probably shred the costume and the man inside it to pieces if it were only both of them.

But just why exactly are people still minding Minghao's business with the bear (probably because some random bear just walked in) and started whispering about the drama that was happening in front of their eyes. Oh shit. The bear brought cake but it's not the guy's birthday. What's gonna happen next? Am I stuck in a gay fanfiction?

The bear crosses his arms, "But I just wanted a hug!"

Minghao can't believe that Soonyoung was taking a bite of his birthday cake.

Somehow Minghao thinks another worker might've overheard their conversation as he suddenly rushed up to Minghao's side, apologizing.

"I'm sorry for making him bothering you. The cake is free. Please enjoy your meal." The worker bowed and Minghao just bowed too, before the worker turned around and whispered "listen up Ju-" the bear covers rhe worker's mouth with its paw. Minghao wonders why.

The bear, now dragged away by the worker, is still shouting at Minfhao, "Please come again to finish your coupons! Have a nice birthday!" They are out of the restaurant, and now out of sight.

Minghao realizes the gazes of people on him, and decides to never come again.


Minghao hits on jun first because why the hell NOT

I wanted to make minghao as the bear at first to make it different but i realized it wont work

I think awkward junhui is the cutest junhui ever i love it when i watch vlives with only him and hes just there like shIT WHAT DO I DO OK LETS READ SOME COMMENTS OH SHIT *sings in chinese*

And i think he blinks too much but its CUTE!!!!!

Btw jun is aju nice blonde in here that blonde was my fav blonde

Bless this magazine

Bye folks

- Cee

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