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As Roland saw to that self-inflicted wound of his, he also became aware that there are cameras watching him, following his every move. A large number of camera's all with infra-red capability had been placed in various locations around the island to record and broadcast as much of the action as possible. The more he investigates, the more he becomes aware of.

Of course, there would be cameras, many of them constantly at work, recording and broadcasting under some sort of directorial association. It's just something he had never previously considered. No big deal though. This indeed was something that he should have been aware of but once the initial realization that there were and are cameras had passed, Roland would lose any and all interest in them.

He is not doing any of this for any kind of fame or fortune; neither will such matter if he doesn't survive the island and neither ever really held any kind of importance, not that any past survivor had ever gained serious financial wealth from survival. Yeah, those in the past who had not known freedom, may come to have that though what they do lose often comes at a higher price.

Roland may have always known anger, and he may have dealt with such in his own way, but this is the first time he had ever taken a life. This is the first time he is free to act and react without consequence. Yeah, his own life is at stake, but that comes with the territory.

He knew going into this that if he were to make it and survive then he would have to kill though he was extremely surprised at how easy he found his first kill to be. There was no hesitation and no remorse. A man is dead at his hands ... and so be it. It also surprised him as to how much he actually enjoyed this first kill. In an odd way this is the first time he has ever felt at home for he is free to unleash his anger without reprimand. Roland was ready, he is ready, and he most definitely wants more.

Being as large as he is, it did not take long for Roland to become hungry. Usually if he wasn't hungry, he would be kept busy being angry but most of the time he was both hungry and angry. It would take both his hunger and anger to aid him in capturing his first meal, surely part of this whole deal is to hunt for food as well as hunting opponents.

Removing the scissors from the chest of his dead assailant, Roland went on the hunt. He may have size and strength on his side, but the one thing Roland does lack is speed, or more specific a control of speed, being as large as he is, momentum can work as an advantage for him, and it easily could work against him. So, killing a wild boar would not be a problem, catching it would be a different story.

Something else that would come with great difficulty on the island would be sleep. At least being awake, if someone comes at you then something can be done about defending oneself, but during sleep, if someone came at you, well that sleep may become a permanent one. After his first big feed it was time to travel. There had been caution in regard to cooking his feed, a fire remained small and only used minimally.

There were plenty of reasons not to stay put in one area. Roland would not be able to rest anywhere near his drop zone, especially having killed a man and also having had set a fire to cook the boar he had managed to capture. He wanting for nothing in particular could inform others to how close he may be. Staying put would make him a target, not that this would be a problem. Letting others come to him like his first victim, Roland would take them out just as easily. Avoiding such a thing, could ensure his longevity.

After managing to acquire a couple of hours of sleep, Roland awoke. He had been awakened by some nearby noise. He would move quietly while keeping himself hidden, as well as possible, in an attempt to find out what was happening. Again, for someone his size, stealth is not something that could be considered an asset.

What he came across in his moment of assertion, was an attack of two men on a young woman. Roland remained quiet and for the beginning of this two on one attack, he kept to himself, stayed away at a safe distance, hidden by nature, with the others being unaware of his presence.

At only twenty-two years of age, Rachel Somers never imagined that she would ever see the light of day again and in a way, she was alright with that. She got married when she was nineteen to a very wealthy businessman who was close to being twice her age. Of course, at first his money is what drew her to him but with time she really grew to care for him and to even love him too.

With marriage came change. Her newlywed spouse began to treat her as his property rather than the love of his life. Things went from bad to worse quickly, when Rachel arrived home early one day to find her man in bed with a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl. Safe to say Rachel completely flipped, lost the plot, saw red. Soon after having made her discovery, she was approached as she walked along a busy street, scantily clad and covered in blood, having killed her husband and his sixteen-year-old bed friend.

She had no memory of this, so she stated over and over, such is what rage can get to. In a legitimate daze, she was less than forthwith as to disclosing what had happened. This daze also saw to her compliance with not resisting physical aid or arrest. She would, however, come around and accept her fate, a fate which would not include any kind of asylum like hospitality. A prison cell would be her destiny.

When her lawyer came to tell her with the information she could be freed less than two years into her imprisonment, Rachel laughed. She had resigned to the fact that she would live a long and difficult life in prison, and with what had brought her to her place of incarceration, ... well. Rachel had little or nothing at all to laugh about. She soon realized her lawyer was serious. However, there was one condition; her prison release would depend on her acceptance of an invite to enter an animalistic broadcast where her own life will be put on the line.

Two years in prison for and having killed had become something that had seriously changed her from the young lady she had been. It had toughened her quite a bit to the extent she felt that there was no need to think about that invite. She can look after herself to quite a degree, if needed. She quickly and freely accepted what was offered to her.

If she couldn't win the program then she would much rather die trying than spending the rest of her life in jail, especially with the thoughts that if she lived to see her eighties then that is a potential sixty plus years in prison, and she did not like those thoughts.

Rachel awoke that first morning on the island to the presence of two men. Off the bat, she was down on two fronts, her waking awareness, and a numbers game. Brothers Marcus and Fabio Catelli had decided to have their way with the woman they had just stumbled upon before making a first joint kill. Why not get some bonus activity when such a thing presents itself?

The Catelli's invitation to the island came with the intention that they would accept as a unit. If they were to be the last two survivors, then they would jointly win the show without either having to take the other's life. An unfair advantage against others, such is the nature of the game.

Being where she is, Rachel's physical appearance would be a very deceptive one. Five foot eight, slim with short red hair, the Catelli's would have not known that this young woman was just as hard or tough as she was beautiful, but they should have expected that, after all there is a reason as to why she is on the island.

Despite the fact that her first waking moment on the island was one which threw her into a confrontation with the Catelli brothers, Rachel done exceptionally well for herself, fending off an attack for the initial few minutes. But the numbers game soon got the better of her. She defended herself from the off, not waiting for an oncoming attack to be properly initiated.

She used gender to her advantage. A perfectly timed seductive smile saw the brother closest to her drop his guard, only to receive a blow to his genitals. The other brother was quick to react with a fight, for a moment at least, being a one-on-one affair, so to speak, it moved on. Indeed, the numbers game soon caught on. Between the two brothers, they would beat this woman down to a semi-conscious state before dragging her towards a rather large tree.

Marcus held her down and Fabio thrust a knife through Rachel's right hand pinning it, palm forwards, right into that tree. She may have been semi-conscious at this point, but Rachel felt that knife go through her hand, her scream set Roland off. He wasn't going to remain hidden for much longer. A wise move? Perhaps not

This Marcus fellow continued to hold Rachel down while Fabio removed his belt. Fabio used his belt to strike Rachel three times before he began to make an attempt to remove Rachel's clothing. Her legs were still free, so she managed to kick Fabio in the crotch. The brothers were now one each in receipt of this ... tactic. Each had received a kick to the ghoulies. What would be more unfortunate for Fabio was the fact he hadn't enough time to drop to his knees in pain.

Roland had begun a run out from where he had been watching events unfold and having mentioned that big man momentum. ... Indeed, his run carried tremendous momentum and he came at Fabio like a freight train using that momentum to pick up Fabio, carry him a number of feet only to ram him back first, into another nearby tree. Fabio's spine broke with such force that the break could actually be heard. In shock, Marcus released his hold on Rachel and that would be his final mistake. With her left hand she grabbed the knife that pinned her right hand and quickly she used this knife to slice Marcus's neck.

His eyes crossed, his hands grabbed his neck, unlike his brother Marcus, he did manage to drop onto his knees as his final sounds of a sickening struggle to breathe cackled out. Marcus ended up face down in the dirt. The Catelli's had arrived together and were killed together without as much of obtaining a single kill of their own. A moment or two quickly passed and without thought, Roland offered his hand to help Rachel up off the ground.

Because of where she is, Rachel didn't want to accept Roland's hand too readily, in fact, she didn't want to accept it at all, however, Roland oddly did have a trusting look in his eyes, so Rachel did take his hand and Roland pulled her to her feet with ease. She could continue in battle, if necessary, but she would much rather to recover somewhat if at all she could, still she would remain cautious of letting her guard down.

'Why have you helped me?' Rachel asked trying to stop her right hand from bleeding while also struggling to fully catch her balance.

Ripping part of his top away and handing it to Rachel, Roland said 'it was the right thing to do.'

'On this island, helping someone is never the right thing to do.'

Realization struck; Roland took in a sudden breath in an almost anticipation of an attack from the woman standing on front of him. With a surprised look on his face, he wondered how to react to such a thing happening if indeed it would come. With all that his past has been, Roland has never struck a female whether she be a lady or not.

'Relax' spoke Rachel with a grin, beginning to feel more like herself. 'I'm not gonna hit you, not yet anyhow.'

'I am Roland' he said while the woman began to walk away.

'It is best we don't become friendly, if it comes down to it, I won't hesitate to do what I can to hurt you.'

Roland now felt a bit stupid, and he began to turn away.

'You should never turn away either when you are in company, do not trust anyone.'

Roland looked back.

'By the way I am Rachel and yeah, thank you.'

The two moved away from each other in opposite directions.

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