Chapter Four

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"It will be every Tuesday and Thursday after school and continue for two hours." Miss Davis explained how the tutoring system worked, "There will always be a couple of seniors around to do teaching, but the number of other students there to learn will vary day to day."

Eli took the form she gave to him.

"Fill it out, and drop it in to me by the end of the day."

"Can I start today?" Eli stuffed the form into his book, and noticed the strained expression he earned from Miss Davis in doing so. He silently took the sheet back out and straightened it.

She smiled at him. "Of course."

As he left her office he was ambushed by Sinclair. "It's lunchtime"

Eli frowned at her. "Did you follow me?"

She rolled her eyes. "What were you meeting about?"

He noticed she didn't answer his question. "I," Eli paused a moment, but couldn't think of any reason to hide it, "I'm signing up for the student tutoring thing"

"You can't just study at home?"

"If I could I would" Eli recalled the disaster that had been last night's 'study' session. He hadn't even gotten the homework finished. "Even google can't help me"

Sinclair led them to the same cafeteria spot as before. Eli watched her take out her lunchbox and fiddled with his own plastic fork before speaking. "You wouldn't happen to know any places around here that are hiring, would you? Like weekend work, that kind of thing?"

Sinclair titled her head. "Give me your phone"

Eli frowned at her outstretched hand, but handed it over.

"I may know a place" She tapped away at his screen for a moment, "I can drive us by after school."

"That would be great" Eli said eagerly, "Ah, wait, no, I have the tutoring thing so –"

"We can go after that" Sinclair handed him back his phone. "I put my number in there, and we're friends on every social media you have on that thing. Except BoyZone."

"I don't have BoyZone" Eli scowled at her.

"You're on BoyZone?" Phoebe giggled.

"What's that?" Cameron asked.

Eli hardly spared Cameron a glance, but shot Phoebe a look as she sat down. "Sinclair's just messing."

"It's cute" Phoebe smiled, unconvinced by him.

"Seriously, what is it?" Cameron pulled out his phone. Eli saw the web browser open up. Acting on instinct, he snatched it from his hands before he googled it.

"It's nothing." Eli glared at Sinclair.

Cameron stared at his empty fingers, then looked at Eli with a slightly shocked expression. It was as though he couldn't believe Eli had taken his mobile off him. "What?"

"That-" Cameron reached for his phone, his arm was a blur in Eli's vision.

Eli's arm moved by itself, putting Cameron's phone out of reach. Cameron's eyes narrowed. His hand was reaching into empty air, and he was half out of his seat. His gaze moved from the phone, now too far away for him to get, and settled on Eli's face with a piercing intensity. A shiver raced down Eli's spine. He was reminded of the domineering asshole he'd met the other night, and then he was reminded about his ridiculous response to that asshole.

His shoulder prickled.

Eli shifted uncomfortably, and moved the phone into Cameron's outstretched hand. Cameron wrapped his fingers around the phone, as well as his wrist. The slight pressure around Eli's wrist reminded him acutely of being pinned down, and the command that had been in Cameron's voice.


Cameron's gaze darkened, and the grip on Eli's wrist tightened. Cameron flicked his gaze to Eli's shoulder, then back to his eyes. Eli bit his lip as his stomach flipped. He was thinking about the same thing.

"Cameron" David's hand clapped on Cameron's shoulder, "You said you'd wait up for me, what gives?"

Immediately anger flashed across Cameron's face. He shot David a withering glare, and Eli winced as the pressure around his wrist sent pain up his arm. He had a close-up view of how hard David was gripping Cameron's shoulder. A wordless exchange took place between the two. It ended with Cameron slowly sitting back down, then releasing Eli's arm. His jaw was clenched tight.

Eli was struck again with another 'what the fuck'? Why didn't he say anything? Why did he say sorry? Why couldn't he have just said, 'hey, mind letting go of my wrist?' But even as rational thought flooded in, the tumbling in his stomach and the racing beat of his heart told another story. He flicked his eyes up, and saw that Sinclair was looking between the two of them with a raised eyebrow. She hadn't missed the exchange.

Daniel sat down next to Sinclair, and Eli could see the glare he was shooting Cameron. He was sure the others could see it too, since it was far from subtle. Cameron glared right back at him. A halting conversation came back to the group, nobody bringing up the weirdness that just happened.

Eli rubbed his aching wrist. He peeked at Cameron, and found his gaze had shifted to him already. It was smouldering, and made Eli's mouth go dry. He looked away quickly. In doing so he once against caught Sinclair's eye. He pretended not to notice, and turned to his food for the first time since sitting down.

Cameron's hand rested on his knee.

Eli's breath caught. This was definitely the part where he should speak up. He didn't need to make a big deal out of it, just subtly move his hand off. Eli reached for the hand, and Cameron curled their fingers together sliding their intertwined hands down his leg. Eli looked at him with a scowl, but it only took one look for the anger in him to dissolve. Eli was finally able to identify that look in Cameron's eye, because it was what was now burning hotly in his chest. Desire.

Eli suddenly stood up. Cameron's hand dropped away.

"And you're going where?" Sinclair asked.

"Bathroom" Eli made his escape.

Eli glared at his reflection in the mirror. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he act rationally? Cameron was an asshole. He was domineering, he was forceful and way to cocky. Eli hadn't even held a proper conversation with the guy, he didn't like him – so why the hell was he responding like that to him? His body completely disregarded anything his head was telling him and just... he met a pair of green eyes in the mirror.

Eli swallowed hard. He really didn't think being alone with him was a good idea. His chest was still going ninety, and he needed time to compose himself.

"You're an asshole"

Cameron raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah?"

Eli retreated a step as he came further into the bathroom, "You're way too pushy. What makes you think it's okay to grab someone like that?"

"Says the guy who snuck into someone else's bed while they were sleeping" Cameron pointed out.

"That was different" Eli scowled at him, "And how you acted that night was way out of line too"

Cameron had him backed into the corner, and rested his forearm on the wall next to his head. The exit was cut off. Excitement curled in Eli's stomach. He internally slapped himself.

Cameron brushed his fingers along his jaw, "You certainly didn't seem to mind the way I 'acted' out of line."

"I didn't seem to mind? How about when you twisted my arm-"

"How about," Cameron pressed his lips to Eli's ear, "When you started moaning from a few little kisses?"

Eli flushed red. Embarrassment turned his tongue to lead, and another type of heat made his heart hammer uncontrollably.

"Or" Cameron's hand slid under his shirt and around his side, "when you pressed against me as tightly as you could?" the hand moved around to his back, leaving a trail of heat. Unconsciously Eli arched against it.

Eli struggled to keep his breathing level. "What do you want?"

Cameron chuckled against his jaw, where he was nibbling Eli's skin. "You have to ask?" Cameron's hand slide into his hair, and tilted his head gently up. Eli struggled to keep his eyes from drifting shut.

"Cameron" Eli panted.

"You." Cameron answered, his breath caressing Eli's lips. "I want you."

Cameron closed the small space left between them, and kissed him. Eli's eyes drifted closed the rest of the way, and he leaned into the kiss. Hesitantly, he raised his hands, slowly gripping Cameron's sides. The kiss was gentler than all their previous encounters, and Eli couldn't help but melt against Cameron, or stop the pleasured sigh that left his lips. He wasn't expecting the kiss to be like this, but he didn't want it to stop. In fact, he wanted the opposite. He wanted more. Eli's grip tightened, and he tugged Cameron towards him.

Cameron made a sound of approval in his throat, and leaned into him. He murmured something against Eli's lips, then his tongue slid into his mouth. Eli's groaned. He didn't try fight for dominance, and let Cameron control the kiss.

Cameron's hands slid around his waist, and with a single, smooth movement he lifted Eli onto the counter. Eli scooted to the edge, and ran his hands through Cameron's hair as the kiss deepened, and lost any of the innocence it had at the start.

"Oh" A startled voice sounded from the doorway.

Cameron broke the kiss. "Get out."

"Got it"

Eli opened his eyes in time to see a student disappearing out the closing door. He wasn't in the right state of mind to be concerned about that. Himself and Cameron looked back at the same time. Their eyes met as they assessed each other.

Cameron was panting in the same manner Eli was. His cheeks were stained red, and his hair was tousled from Eli's efforts. His eyes were gleaming bright green. As their lips returned together, a second figure came in.

Everything vanished from Cameron's face, apart from one emotion. Anger. "David," he growled, "I swear to fuck I will kill you if you interrupt again."

Like in the cafeteria, Eli experienced the brunt of Cameron's anger. The hands on his waist tightened like vices, and Eli suppressed a pained breath. What the hell was up with these guys?

David was standing uncomfortably in the doorway. "The bell for class has gone."

"So fuck off then" Cameron snarled. Even though it wasn't directed at him, his tone made Eli flinch. David didn't seem bothered by it in the least. They both looked as though they were preparing for a fight.

"Cameron" Eli winced, "Your hurting me"

Cameron's head snapped back to him, and his gaze fell downwards. His grip relaxed immediately. "Sorry" Despite his grip relaxing, his demeanour didn't.

Eli's thoughts cooled down enough to be rational again. He couldn't be involved in a fight at school, and he couldn't blemish his attendance either. David, Eli determined, didn't want them to be left alone together. Cameron disagreed, and was ready to explode. Eli could see the boiling rage from the night of the party rising to the surface.

"Cameron" Eli said softly, he didn't want to draw that anger onto himself, "Let's go" Cameron's glower turned on him. Eli had to swallow down the fear that spring up, especially given their proximity. He ignored the warning his mind was yelling at him and leaned in, hoping Cameron let him. He did, though remained completely tensed up. "We're just going to keep getting interrupted anyway," Eli spoke quietly into his ear, "the moods gone now too so let's just get to class."

It was a couple moments before Cameron let out a sigh. "You go on ahead."

Eli bit his lip. It was what he wanted, but he didn't need to guess to know what would happen when he left. "Why don't you come with me?"

"Relax" Cameron cupped his cheek, "I'll leave him mostly intact"

"Cameron" Eli groaned, dodging his kiss as he leaned in and giving his chest a shove. Cameron, surprisingly, let him down from the counter. He didn't seem tense, or like he was about to kill someone, but his mood a moment ago had changed in a split second.

Cameron could clearly see his unrest, but didn't do anything to dissuade it. "Off you go" he shooed him out of the bathroom. David stepped aside, and Eli caught the look of ice Cameron shot at him. Outside, Cameron slung his arm over his shoulder and pulled him back a step. "Eli," he said softly against his ear, "Don't be scared of me."

With that he turned on his heel, and went back inside. Eli hesitated, but turned his back and rushed to class. He straightened his clothes and hair on the way there, and managed to arrive only five minutes late. The 'I got lost' excuse worked. Sinclair had his bag lying next to his chair, and her gaze burned a hole in him as he passed the class in silence. Not a word the teacher said went in.

"Do you know what he said?" Sinclair started speaking the moment the bell went, "Keep David here for me. Keep David here for me." She scoffed, "The gall of him! We've only been broken up a few days and he's got the nerve to ask me for favours."

Eli scooped up his bag and followed her as she stormed out of the classroom. It wasn't real anger though, he could tell.

"Your welcome by the way" Sinclair cast a wry look behind her shoulder, "For helping with that little rendezvous."

Eli cleared his throat. "Thanks." He wasn't sure if he was really thankful or not.

"I don't know why David would go that far to interfere" Sinclair stopped walking, "It's odd, don't you think?"

"It's definitely weird." Eli agreed wholeheartedly. "Really, really weird." He stopped walking too. "Now that I think about it..."

"Now that you think about what?"

"I kind of think that might be what the fight the night of the party was about" Eli said aloud, "Is it crazy to think that? I mean, Oliver was the one who came in and threw Cameron on the ground and then he was the one telling Cameron to calm down?"

Sinclair tilted her head and had on a thoughtful expression. "I wouldn't dismiss the idea. I just can't fathom why they'd disapprove of you to that degree. Hm..." She looked him up and down as if seeking at a reason. "Maybe Noah said something to them?"

"No way" Eli dismissed the idea, but there wasn't anything he could think of that made sense. "I don't know."

"So" Sinclair turned to him as they sat down for class. It was art, so they could talk at the back. "Are you two dating now?"

"No" Eli said immediately, "that was just..." He didn't know what that was.

"Physical" Sinclair finished for him. "I get it, he's hot. It's why I dated him. Also, why I wasn't really upset that it ended. It didn't mean anything."

Eli processed her words. If he saw someone with Cameron in a bed... yeah, it wouldn't really upset him. They weren't dating, it wasn't like he was emotionally connected to him. He was just attracted. "I'm not going to over think it"

"And is it going to happen again?"

Eli didn't have an answer for her. Sinclair, for once, didn't push for one. Rather than think about it, he decided to focus on class.


Eli's stomach was growling as he made his way to Noah's locker. He was leaning against it, speaking with Kaylen. He looked relaxed, his blue eyes crinkled in amusement in the corners and he had a small smile playing on his lips. Eli stopped walking, struck by the thought that he shouldn't interrupt them. Kaylen turned around, settling her eyes on him. Immediately she beamed.

"Eli!" She greeted happily, "There you are you!"

Eli pretended not to notice the way Noah scowled at him as he walked over. "You were expecting me?"

Kaylen nodded, "Miss Davis gave us the list of people coming to the tutoring after school today, I saw yours on it"

Noah frowned, "You signed up for tutoring?"

"Yeah" Eli gripped his bag strap, and shifted so he was facing Noah. "My grades aren't the best and I can't even manage the homework, so I need it."

"Humph" Kaylen crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at Noah, "The straight A student can't spare a few minutes to help his little brother?"

Noah's back straightened, "If he asked then of course I'd help"

Kaylen's disapproving look dissolved into a grin. "of course you'd help."

Eli felt like he'd be getting help whether he'd wanted it or not. He glanced at the time. "I can come back later if you two are busy flirting"

Kaylen and Noah flinched, looking at him with wide eyes. Guilty, wide eyes. Kaylen turned crimson. "We're talking, you brat"

Noah's cheeks were a similar colour.

Eli bit his lip to stop a smile. Oh. That's why Noah had been so mad the other night. It was Kaylen's flirty comment that he didn't like.

Noah cleared his throat. "I'll pick you up after"

"Actually, I was going to hang out with Sinclair for a bit afterword, I'll be able to find my own way back."

Noah nodded. "Okay, but give me a call if you get stuck."

Eli relaxed. Noah apparently didn't hate him as much as he'd thought. Even if he was only saying it to show off for Kaylen, Eli didn't want to spoil the mood by pointing out they didn't have each other's numbers.

"We'd better get going" Kaylen looped her arm through Eli's, and he felt the good mood disappear when Noah's face fell. "See you later, Noah"

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