Chapter Thirteen

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"Noah" Cameron greeted brightly. Immediately Eli frowned. He sounded way to cheerful. "Mind if we hang out at your place for a bit?"

Noah did a double take when he got closer to Cameron. "What happened?"

"You know what your little brother's temper is like" Cameron rested his chin on the top of Eli's head. As he did, Noah scowled. He didn't hide the annoyance on his face at all. "Or maybe you don't?"

Noah's eyes narrowed on Cameron.

Eli didn't know what was up with them. "How hard did you hit your head?"

"Barely grazed it" Cameron's chest rumbled against his back when he answered.

Oliver came over, snagging up Cameron's bag from where it had been tossed into the middle of a parking space. "There are guests at the boarding house and we were hoping to chill out at yours for a bit. If you don't mind that is."

"It's fine" Noah turned his attention away from Cameron.

Eli waited until they were safely talking about soccer before turning to Cameron. "what was that about?"


"Don't play dumb" Eli shook off his weight, and Cameron winced putting a hand over his side. A pang of guilt made him stop his next sharp words, and instead gave Cameron a chance to answer him.

Cameron just shrugged his shoulders.


Cameron was behaving weird. He was chatty. He was smiling at everyone. And most importantly he was sticking to Eli like glue. He'd sat too close in the car, and now he was just as intrusive in the living room. Cameron had his arm slung along the back of the couch where Eli sat, and their bodies were pressed together. Eli was snugly jammed between Cameron and the couch armrest.

David and Oliver both looked unhappy with the closeness, and Noah didn't seem too pleased either. He kept looking at the arm Cameron had resting along the back of the couch.

"Dinner boys" Jenny called them from the kitchen.

Eli started to rise, but Cameron put a hand on his leg and pushed him back down. "Grab us two plates"

Eli could see the hesitation that crossed all their faces. With slow steps, they left the living room, leaving the two of them alone. Eli turned to Cameron immediately. "What are you doing?"

"They're annoying me" Cameron lost his charming smile. Eli felt a lot more relieved when it was gone. Even though he knew it was insincere, because he'd never seen Cameron smile at anyone, it was a convincing mask. An unnervingly convincing one. "Does your arm still hurt?"

"Don't change the subject"

"That guy earlier grabbed you pretty hard" Cameron's fingers brushed over his elbow. Even through the sling Eli got goose bumps from the featherlight touch.

"Between the two of us you're worse for wear" Eli eyed his swollen cheek and blackening eye.

Cameron gave his head a small shake. "This is nothing"

"Nothing" Eli repeated back to him, "Alright tough guy" He gave his stomach a light pat, and Cameron winced.

Cameron caught Eli's hand, and restrained it. "He's related to Jackson?"

Eli gave a small nod. Cameron had swooped in and saved the day once again, and once again Eli was too unnerved for a thank you to come naturally.

"You know I can't remember what you look like without this" Cameron lightly ran his knuckles along Eli's jaw.

"Why are they annoying you?" Eli deflected Cameron's statement, and stopped the hand caressing his jaw. He didn't want to talk about Jackson, or be reminded about him.

"The usual"

"I don't know what the usual is" Eli hoped to prompt an answer. He'd shared his baggage with Cameron, and once again his vulnerable side had been exposed. It felt... unbalanced.

Cameron relaxed his forehead against Eli's and closed his eyes. He sighed, as though talking was too much effort. This version of Cameron was the one Eli was more accustomed to. He'd completely shaken off the charming and social image he'd had a few moments ago.

Eli glanced towards the kitchen, making sure nobody was there, before letting his hand rest on Cameron's thigh. A muted grunt left Cameron's throat, and he shifted his face so his lips brushed against Eli's jaw. Butterflies erupted in Eli's stomach, traveling swiftly through the rest of his body and making his skin sensitive to every gentle touch that came from Cameron.

"What is it?"

Cameron chuckled and nipped his skin. "Brat"

"I just want to know" Eli murmured.

Cameron cupped his cheek, guiding his head back as he trailed kisses down his neck.

"They didn't like me meeting up with you alone"

"No?" Eli would have been offended, but he'd already figured out that much from their attitude.

Cameron's tongue brushed against the crook of his neck, before his teeth gently pressed down. Eli felt a small sting as he bit over the mark he'd left before.

"What about Noah?"

"He doesn't approve either" Cameron murmured against his skin.

Eli felt his lips tug down into a frown. "He said something to you?"

Cameron hummed his confirmation. He moved on from the mark, tugging down the edge of his shirt and kissed along his collarbone, until eventually he reached the centre of his throat. Eli shuddered, and his eyes flicked closed. He didn't register where Cameron's hand was teasing until he noticed his own heavy breathing. It was as though every ounce of strength deserted him, and even if he'd wanted to, he wasn't capable of leaving Cameron's arms.

Eli managed to tilt his face down to Cameron's, and their lips finally came together. The butterflies in Eli's stomach went crazy. The intensity of the upheaval that raced through his core made every inch of his skin prickle. Cameron's fingers tightened in Eli's hair, and the tension made him shudder – drawing out a whimper. His cheeks were already burning, so there was no room for any embarrassment to show.

A low grunt left Cameron's throat. His free hand slid to the inside of Eli's thigh, and gently pried his legs apart. A foreign need coursed through him, and an aching desire for Cameron blocked out everything else. Eli clung to him as they sank back onto the couch. The last wisps of thoughts left his mind, and all he could focus on was Cameron.

Cameron settled between his legs. Their bodies moulded perfectly, and rubbed together in the most delicious way possible, making Eli gasp. Cameron hissed. He buried his face into the nook of Eli's neck, and bit down. It wasn't a playful nip, or a gentle scratch – his teeth sunk in and drew blood.

Eli winced, but the pain was immediately forgotten about as their hips started rocking together. His head fell back on the couch. Cameron's scent and the heat of his body intoxicated him. Their movements were fevered and feral. There was no rhythm, only erratic, and rushed jerks. Eli did anything he could to keep quiet. His moans escaped as breathy whines and whimpers, while Cameron's groans grew steadily in volume.

The need burning through Eli's body overwhelmed him. "Cameron" He whimpered, not even knowing what he was asking for.

Cameron apparently did know what he was asking for. He reached down and unbuttoned Eli's trousers, tugging the fabric down out of the way. Cameron repositioned himself lower down, and Eli heard the faint sound of a zipper.

"You've got five seconds. Get off him before I make you."

Oliver's presence wasn't enough to jar Eli from his haziness. The intoxicating, lithe body holding him down was too overwhelming to be forgotten. Cameron mercilessly bit into his throat. Eli cried out. Real pain pinched through the sensitive area that was hurt, and the pain made him open his eyes.

He caught sight of Oliver's irritated expression as he grabbed a hold of Cameron's hair, and yanked him off the couch. Eli jerked himself upright. "What the hell?" His voice was a breathless mess.

Before he'd even finished his sentence, Cameron recovered, and was tackling Oliver. Oliver lost his balance, and both tumbled backwards. They landed on the coffee table. The glass shattered, and the wooden legs gave out.

Cameron grabbed Oliver's collar, and swung his fist. Oliver didn't block it, but shoved Cameron off balance and rolled on top. The sound of glass crunching underneath them made Eli's skin crawl. He had a feeling this was the fight that happened the night at the boarding house, except this time Eli could see it happen.

Oliver's punch collided with Cameron's side, and he yelped loudly. That didn't make Oliver stop.

"Hey!" Eli rushed forwards, grabbing his arm before it came down.

Oliver snarled at him, and struck out with his elbow. It collided with Eli's chest, and knocked him backwards. Eli took in a haggard breath, catching himself on the couch before he hit the ground. Tears pricked his eyes as the sting of the blow registered. Cameron was in the middle of receiving an endless bout of them.

A wild jab swung out from Cameron's struggling body, catching Oliver in the jaw. Cameron slammed him into the ground, just as Noah and David rushed in through the hallway door. Eli stumbled over his own feet to make way for them.

His heart hammered as he stepped back into the hall. A cold sweat had broken out over his skin as Noah and David pulled Cameron away from Oliver. Oliver rose with them, and the rage in his eyes made Eli shiver. He wasn't stopping the fight.


Jenny stepped between the two groups. Her arms were crossed and she glared up at Oliver. If Eli had to face off against him like that he'd back down immediately. But Jenny only straightened her spine, and gazed stubbornly up at the taller boy.

With a sharp exhale Oliver turned away from them.

None of them moved until the sound of his car leaving the driveway reached him.

"Look at the mess he made" Jenny sighed.

Eli turned from the front door that had been left wide open. Jenny wasn't looking at the destroyed coffee table, but instead Cameron's bleeding face. Cameron was quiet. His face was a blank mask that didn't reveal anything, but his tensed shoulders and white knuckles couldn't be ignored.

"Eli, grab the first aid kit please" Jenny asked.

When Eli came back David and Noah were cleaning up the mess, and Jenny was treating a resistant Cameron.

She was muttering under her breath the whole time. Something about boys being boys. Eli lay the pack out for her. Something about him apparently caught her eye. She scowled. "You, put that sling back on."

Eli did. His elbow stung as he bent it into place, and it felt like his muscles were twisted the wrong way when he finished. He felt Cameron's gaze on him, but he didn't turn towards it. If there was any anger left over, or possibly something like blame directed at him he didn't want to see it. Not when he didn't understand why it was being pointed towards him in the first place.

Once the place was cleared up, and Cameron had refused to lift his shirt to show any other injuries, David was apologising to Jenny.

"I'll drop you two home" Noah offered.

"I'm sure Shane is already on his way" David sighed.

"He's one of the men who runs the boarding house isn't he? Older lad with the fishing boat?" Jenny nodded her head, half talking to her herself. "Marcus went out to sea with him a couple times."

"He takes groups out for trips during the drier seasons"

Eli gathered up the first aid kit and moved back to the kitchen. He clenched the fabric around his elbow. It was really starting to hurt. He must have twisted it when he fell.

"You're being very quiet" Cameron leaned against the counter next to him.

Eli had heard him approach, but hadn't acknowledged it. He stayed facing the window now too. "Not really"

"Yes really" Cameron muttered under his breath, "I'm pissed off enough as it is, I don't have time to be worrying about you on top of that."

"Worry about yourself" Eli glanced at the bruising knuckles resting on the counter next to him, "I wasn't the one getting hurt". Again.

"You feel guilty?"

Eli scowled. "Why would I feel guilty?"

"You started it"

"Oliver is the one who went off the head" Eli turned to him, "What was he doing just grabbing you like that?"

"Being annoying" Cameron shared none of Eli's outrage. "He pretends to be calm but it's easy to rile him up"

Listening to Cameron's unconcerned tone made Eli feel self-conscious about the anxiety burning through him. "Is this a normal thing for you? Fighting all the time?"

"You were the cause of both my fights today"

"Earlier, yes. But that – no" Eli met his eyes. "That wasn't my fault"

Cameron had a faint smile.

Eli looked away, immediately annoyed. "You're just messing with me."

"Have you ever seen the movie Seekers?" Cameron asked.


"The main character drove me so insane I wanted to ripe her throat out."

"She was the hero?" Eli didn't bother sounding interested, hoping Cameron would just get to the point.

"You remind me of her"

Eli felt his chest growing hot. "I remind you of the character who you wanted to kill?"

"Yeah. Sometimes." Cameron turned around, leaning against the counter the same way Eli was, and rest his arm against his. "It's the whole 'everything that goes wrong is my fault, and I'm responsible for everything bad that happens ever blah blah blah crap'"

"When have I ever-"

"You remind me of her" Cameron interrupted Eli, "And then you open your mouth, and instead of being guilty you just sound mad."

Telling him that he only sometimes reminded Cameron of a character that he hated wasn't exactly a compliment. "Is there a point to this story?"

Cameron was silent for a long while. Long enough that Eli checked on him. He was just staring at the window, clearly with no intention of answering.

Eli nudged his arm, "Tell me."

"I'm not sure" Cameron's brow creased, "I think I had a point at the start, but I've lost it..." He offered Eli a tired smile. "You figure it out for me"


Noah was not happy.

Eli was back to being embarrassed about himself. He could just about cover the marks Cameron left with his school shirt, but Noah had seen them this morning anyway.

"I don't get why everyone's so touchy about it" Eli broke the silence. He didn't want to talk about it, especially not with Noah, but as much as bringing it up made him cringe, letting it go unsaid was even more uncomfortable. They were both thinking about it anyway, may as well fill the trip to school with something other than the radio.

Noah's eyes flashed over to him. He shifted in his seat several times before opening his mouth. "I admit, I don't know why Oliver is so against the two of you. I just know that Cameron and him didn't get along before and they're back to being at each other's throats."

"Maybe's he's just homophobic" Eli suggested.

"I'm against it too, you know" Noah ignored Eli's comment, "I've known Cameron since junior year and I don't think he's a bad guy, but he's not someone you want to be involved with. Romantically." He said the last word with a sour expression, as if it tasted bad in his mouth just saying it.

"We're not going out or dating or anything like that" It was the only thing Eli was completely sure of, and he knew himself and Cameron were on the same page in that regard. It was a physical attraction. It was black and white. Crystal clear. Only sometimes Cameron acted weird, and sometimes he said things that confused Eli.

"Right, and that's all fine for him because that's what he does but ..." Noah cast a glance at Eli.


"You're not like him." They pulled into an empty parking lot at the school. Neither of them made to leave the car. "You actually care about people. Cameron cares about Cameron."

"He's not that bad" Eli started defending him after he heard Noah's harsh appraisal. "He has helped me out a few times."

"To get on your good side."

"He's too lazy to put in that much effort just to get on my good side." Eli had to physically bite his tongue before he kept going. "Anyway, the point is – I'm not going to get hurt, because there's nothing between us."

"Then how about you put a stop to the nothing between you?" Noah turned to Eli with an apprehensive expression, "if it doesn't mean anything... then it should be fine. Right?"

Eli couldn't answer him straight away. He didn't know how to answer him. It wasn't as if Eli could say 'no I'm going to keep seeing him', or 'yes, I'll break up with him'. They weren't dating. It was only when they were in the moment that Eli got swept away and things happened. So, the next time they were having a moment, Noah wanted Eli to stop? "It bothers you that much?"

"I don't trust him." Noah held Eli's gaze, "And I've never cared before about what he gets up to, but it's different when it's you."

Eli had to look away. Noah hadn't ever asked him for anything outright. They hardly ever talked like this either. "Okay" Eli's stomach was uneasy as he agreed. The relief that filled Noah's face made Eli's guilt ease up.

"Yo" Kaylen hammered his knuckles on Noah's window, "Let's go"

Noah's face brightened. Eli took the opportunity to hop out of the car. Kaylen was crossing around the front of the car, with a fresh face in tow. It was a face Eli hadn't seen at school before, but one he'd met back home. Back at one of Jackson's parties.

His hair was neatly cut, and so different from the wild look he'd been sporting before that Eli almost didn't recognise him. It was the abs he recognised through the tight-fitting shirt. He'd checked Louis out several times at the party before he'd hooked up with one of Desmond's friends and left.

"You met the new kid yet?" Kaylen moved him out of the way and hopped into the car with Noah.

Louis looked disappointed, but glossed over the expression a second later as he turned to Eli with a friendly smile. "Hi, Eli right?" He offered out his hand. "I'm Wren-"

"-Louis" Eli said Louis at the same time he said Wren. He was hit by a wave of stark embarrassment, and then he saw the colour drain from Louis's face. It was scary how fast he turned pale. His eyes were wide and the grip on Eli's hand tightened suddenly.

"What?" Louis's eyes narrowed, and the coldness of his voice sent a chill through Eli.

"Wren" Eli faked a pleasant smile of his own, but he had no doubt it came out as a grimace. "Nice to meet you." For the first time. Ever. Eli wanted to say it out loud, because 'Wren' was clearly unconvinced. There was heavy silence. A few feet away, another familiar face caught Eli's attention.


Cameron's younger version scowled over at him. Eli had shouted his name across parking lot so he wasn't surprised by the dirty look. The important thing was he looked. Wren released his hand. Eli darted away from him and fell into step with Evan, who was already hurrying away. Eli took in the bag slung over his shoulder, and white shirt he had on.

"You're starting school here?"

Evan didn't even look in his direction, and veered away from Eli as they stepped into the building.

"Nice talk" He muttered under his breath. He glanced back to the car, and his eyes met with Wren's across the distance. Eli jerked his head away with a curse, and rushed forwards. Straight into someone.

He squeezed his eyes shut for a split second as pain rivetted down his shoulder. When he opened them, he was face to face with someone he'd hoped to avoid. Oliver. Eli's apology for running into him died on his tongue.

Oliver's lips were pulled down into a severe frown. "Eli"

It was the first time Eli had ever been in a one-on-one situation with Oliver, where they both had to look at each other. Eli was smaller than Cameron, and Cameron was smaller than Oliver – so just his size alone was intimidating. Knowing that he was connected to the violence that had happened yesterday made Eli downright uneasy. Oliver was Noah's friend, so he didn't think that he'd do anything to Eli. But Eli didn't know him – he'd only seen enough to know he disliked the older boy.

"Yes?" Eli's voice came out far from friendly. It was partly intentional. He wasn't about to feign friendliness after what happened yesterday. Not when Oliver had been way out of line. Eli realised that what he and Cameron had been doing on the couch wasn't exactly appropriate, but Oliver's reaction had been ridiculous.

Before Oliver could say anything more the front doors of the school blew open, bringing in a crowd of students with them. Wren being one of them. Great. Now he was stuck between Oliver and someone else who had a problem with him.

"Kaylen" Eli latched onto the nearest distraction, "Could you look over my homework before class?"

Kaylen brightly agreed. Eli left with her. He didn't look back, but he could feel two sets of gazes burning the back of his neck as he escaped down the hallway    

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