First fight

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He couldn't help it. He tried to resist his instincts but he hadn't tasted meat in such a long time. You and Legoshi were walking around at sunset, but no one was around. As you two were walking around, you noticed how he would twitch from time to time. You asked him what was wrong, but you could see a hint of red in his eyes. He then stopped, and slowly turned around to look at you. You got a bit scared and backed up a bit, you knew Legoshi would never try to hurt you on purpose, but you didn't know right now. He then pounced on you, trapping you in his arms. You were shaking and tearing up, you could feel him grab onto your arm, and dig his claws into it. He was about to open his mouth, when he realized what he was doing. He scratched your arm up pretty good, and his grip loosened. You quickly got out of his grip and ran as fast as you could, and you could hear him running after you.


Since he was rich, and aiming to be the next Beastar he was getting really popular with the female students at Cherryton High. You tried not to let it get to you but you hated how everywhere he goes he always gets surrounding by his fan girls. Since you two were dating, his fan girls would always target you, spreading rumors, and just bullying you. You tried to explain this to Rouis but he just told you to ignore them. The bullying got worse and you couldn't handle it. You decide to break up with Rouis, he wouldn't listen to when you told him about it, and his reputation seemed more important than you.


You knew about her being the school's 'slut' before you two started dating, but it didn't bother you that much. When other students started talking about it, you couldn't help but get a little paranoid. What if she cheats on you? What if she has been ever since you got together? These questions filled your head and you had to get them out. You went to the Gardening Club and when she saw you, she ran up and hugged you. You hugged her back and explained what was on your mind. She got extremely offended and told you to get over it.


Lately, she has been very clingy and annoying towards you. It's not that you didn't love her, but she wouldn't let you do things on your own or by yourself. You had tried explaining to her that you need your space, but she lashed out on you and told you that she's allowed to spend time with you.

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