New character! Gouhin

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How you meet:

You met Gouhin through Legoshi. You were with Legoshi when Haru was kidnapped, refusing to leave his side. When you met Gouhin, you were chained up and muzzled like Legoshi was. In the end, you knew that Gouhin was a good guy.

His confession:

Very straightforward about it. He did flirt with you here and there, and loved it when you got flustered.

When he gets jealous:

Gouhin is pretty possessive of you. He doesn't like the idea of you talking to anyone that's not him. So, when he does get jealous he will wrap an arm around you and confront the animal you're talking to.

Watching Horror movies:

He loves them. He loves making fun of all the stupid choices the characters make throughout the movie. If he sees that you are uncomfortable, he won't hesitate to pull you into a hug.


He is always the big spoon. Gouhin loves the feeling of you in his embrace. He especially loves it when you snuggle into his chest in your sleep, he finds it adorable.

When he wants attention:

He likes to wrap his arms around you, pull you into his lap, and snuggle his head into the crook of your neck,  leaving kisses and sometimes hickeys.

First fight:

Gouhin got really stressed and tired from his job and snapped at you for trying to help him. He didn't mean to,  he was just cranky from no sleep.

Make up:

You two were sleeping in seperate rooms. He didn't like the waking up to an empty bed, and neither did you. The two of you made up pretty quickly though. He apologized for snapping at you smothered you with kisses.

How he wakes you up:

He will whisper in your ear while placing light kisses against your neck. If that doesn't work, he will rip off the blankets.

When you're sick:

Gouhin finds it cute when you're sick. He loves seeing you all wrapped up in blankets. Of course, he hates seeing you in pain so he always takes care of you.

When you're sad:

You were having body issues. Every time you looked in a mirror,  you would insult yourself. Gouhin will not hesitate to prove you wrong.

When you want attention:

You like to tackle him into a hug and won't let him get up for anything. You love to snuggle your face into his chest and refuse to move.


• Him teaching you how to use his Bow and Arrow

• Being friends with Legoshi

• Helping him with his job

Contact names:

His: Gouhin

Yours: (F/N)

When he has a Nightmare:

He dreamed that you were captured and killed by Shishigumi. Gouhin woke up sweating, also waking you up with him. You hugged him to your chest and whispered sweet nothings in his ear, stroking his head.


He doesn't mind it. Gouhin likes the feeling of you near him. He loves to hold you close to him when sleeping.

What kind of Yandere he'd be:

Stalker and kidnapping. He will stalk you, take things from your home,  and finally take you when he's ready.

How he embbarresses/teases you:

He likes to pin you down and tickle you. He loves hearing you laugh and won't stop until you're crying from laughter, roaring at him to stop.

When you're being cute:

He thinks it cute how you snuggle into him when you want attention.

When he's being cute:

You find it cute when he doesn't want to get up for work. It makes you smile when he's all soft and cuddly.

When he's sick:

Very stubborn. He refuses help and claimes that he's fine. You always send him a smirk when he does end up asking for you to take care of him.

When you're scared:

You were having a nightmare. You started shaking, tears running down your face as you slept. Gouhin noticed this and pulled you into his chest,  whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

His favorite thing about you:

Gouhin loves how easily flustered you get, he finds you adorable in every way.

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