When you hug them

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You usually hug his arms, waist area, or his legs. Legoshi enjoys your hugs, he finds it cute when you're up close and he sees how short you really are compared to him.


Louis won't admit it, but he loves your hugs. You like to nuzzle into the crook of his neck sometimes, or mess around with his antlers.


The first time you hugged her, it terrified her. It scared her because you hugged her from behind and lifted her up, making her think it was a Carnivore coming to devour her. You felt bad and apologized a million times.


Of course Juno love your hugs! She finds it cute when you hug her, you tend to be a bit shy when it comes to affection. Juno likes to tease you about it.


He won't admit it, but he likes when you give him hugs. He still thinks it makes him look soft, but he'll bare with it since it makes you happy.


He loves hugs. You also love giving him hugs, mainly because his tail always start to wag when you hug him.

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