When you're sad

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You were feeling insecure about yourself. You kept thinking these awful thoughts in your head, and Legoshi didn't like it one bit. Sure, he was a little awkward when confronting you about it, but he made sure that he would make you feel better about yourself. He'd complement you, cuddle up with you, and overall just be there for you.


Your parents had been arguing alot lately. They said some really nasty things about each other, and you felt like it was your fault. You told Rouis about how you felt and he was there by your side every step of the way. He was there when you needed a shoulder to cry on.


Your grades were dropping and your parents were getting frustrated with you. You've tried to bring them up, but your parents were never satisfied. You went to Haru for advice. You two would have study sessions in the garden after school every day, and you were starting to get better grades.


Some other students were saying some pretty cruel things about you behind your back. It didn't bother you at first because it didn't affect you that much, then they criticized the fact that you were dating a Carnivore, and that's what ticked you off. You weren't really sad, just angry that they would say something about your girlfriend. Granted, Juno did comfort you.

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