the spirit and the devil attack

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}, 'letters/notes', bold - duras speech

EIGHTEEN – the spirit and the devil attack

As both Yami and Seto slept soundly, the spirit Bakura and the devil Merick made their plans.  Both seemed aware of what happened involving the vampire Yami and the werewolf Seto.  They also became aware of the werewolf's identity as Bakura had arrange for another spirit to watch the mummy Anubis after he had killed the first spirit that was watching him.  They both knew that they had to do something before Yami and Seto could fully awaken the power that has been sleeping within them both.  They had gathered up a large army of duras that they would lead into battle against the two true duras.

We have a good chance to destroy the only threat against our kind.  The two true duras!  Once they are destroyed.......there will be nothing to stand in our way to allow us to kill the humans that way we can rule the world! roared Merick as all of the duras cheered wildly.  Both Bakura and Merick believed that they had a good chance even be it a small once to destroy the only two true duras that stood in their way of total conquest.  For far too long have the duras feared the existence of the true duras as they protected the humans from being their prey.  With the two true duras gone, there would be nothing to stand in their way of total conquest.  With their plan put into motion, both Bakura and Merick marched into battle.

Meanwhile........ Yami slowly awoke stretching out his body.  His head throbbed in pain.

'Ra...... I feel like Hell.' he thought to himself as he rubbed his head.  That's when he felt the fur that covered his ears.  'What the...........?' he asked as he looked at his hands he saw that they were covered in black-gray fur as his hands became more claw-like as his hands had only four fingers.  Normally seeing a new form would frighten anybody but not Yami.  Because of the memories that he had gained  from the werewolf since his last feeding, he knew what had happened.  This was his truest form that the vampire's take once they awaken their immortal blood.  Yami also knew that because of he had awakened this form, that he had also gained some new powers that he didn't have before.  Yami willed himself to change back to his full human form as he got up stretching out his body.  Yami quickly threw a pair of pants on before he dared to wake Seto.  Seto laid on the bed in a large wolf form.  Yami thought that he looked adorable in his full wolf form. Yami sat down onto the bed gently stroking Seto's brown fur.  Seto's ears twitched as he slowly opened up his electric blue eyes.  A soft muffled whine escaped from the wolf's lips.  Yami knew exactly why Seto was whimpering for.  Unlike Yami, he wasn't use to switching his forms.  Seto was just getting used to invoking his werewolf form thanks to Yami's blood.

*Easy Seto.......I know that your not use to this form.  Just relax and allow me to help you revert back to normal.  As a word of warning........ it will hurt a lot.* Yami told Seto mentally.  Seto whimpered slightly that he understood as he could feel the vampire's powers flowing into his body.  Seto tried not to howl out in pain as his body underwent the transformation back to human form.  But the pain proved far too much for Seto as he let out loud howls of pain.  *I know that it hurts Seto but try to bear with it.* Yami told him mentally.  Slowly Seto's body transformed back into human form as tears streaked down the werewolf's face.  Yami held Seto close as he used his healing powers to ease the werewolf's pain.  "It is all right's all over now." stated Yami softly as he held Seto softly close until the werewolf was done shaking.  Yami cursed in Egyptian when he saw the wound on Seto's neck.

"God.......... why do I feel like Hell?  How did I end up transforming into a form that I never took before?" asked Seto as he finally calmed down.

"It's because we finally mated and shared our blood.  It has awakened a whole new possibility of powers for us.  Our blood as a true duras has fully awakened because of us mating." replied Yami which caused Seto to blush.  Seto reached for his clothes as Yami nipped at his ear.  "But I have to admit that you looked adorable in your wolf form." Yami whispered into Seto's ear which caused Seto to blush a brighter shade of red.  Seto pushed Yami off of him so he could get dressed.

"God your unbearable Yami!" snapped Seto as the vampire simply laughed.

Seto and Yami walked towards Seto's mansion hand in hand.  The two talked casually as they enjoyed each others company.  Even though Yami was far older than Seto as the vampire has lived a long life seeing things that Seto could only imagine, it didn't bother him.  For the first time in his life he truly loved Yami.  Seto wanted to stop by the cemetery to visit Mokuba's grave.  Thanks to him mating with Yami, Seto also knew the truth about the true duras, even things about himself that he didn't know.  Even Yami felt loved even though it has taken him over five thousand years to ever feel this way.  Anubis was gone forever as now all they had to worry about was the last two duras that wanted them dead.

'Why do I fell that something bad is about to happen?  It's the same feeling that I had gotten five thousand years ago.' Yami thought to himself as he and Seto entered the cemetery.  They walked over to a grave that read 'Mokuba Kaiba.  Beloved son and friend.  His angelic light was taken away far too quickly'.  Seto knelt down besides the grave dusting off the dead leaves and flowers that laid on the grave as he placed a fresh boutique of flowers on the grave.

"It seems that we aren't alone." snarled Seto in a hushed voice.

"I am surprised that you were able to sense their presence." Yami hissed as they both flexed their claws as an army of duras surrounded them both.  A spirit and a devil seemed to be the ones in charge.

Kill them both!  Make sure that their kind can no longer stop us from our goals! snapped the devil as the duras army roared moving in to attack Yami and Seto.

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