the true duras

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}, 'letters/notes', bold - duras speech

SIXTEEN - the true duras

After Anubis was dealt with, Yami collapsed in exhaustion as the Winged Dragon of Ra vanished completely returning back to the Shadow Realm.  Yami was completely drained of energy from using so much of his power.  Yami desperately needed blood, lots of blood.

"Yami are you all right?" asked Seto.

"Stay back Seto......... I don't want to drain you." snarled Yami.  The vampire's one fatal flaw was his lust and hunger for blood.  Yami knew that in his weakened state that he could easily drain Seto.   Suddenly Seto could pick up a strange scent that caused Seto to snarl.  Yami could sense it as well, they were not alone.

"Show yourself, we know that you are out there." snarled Seto as he shifted into werewolf form.  Seto was determined to protect Yami no matter what.  Slowly another large Grey wolf came of hiding.

I am not here to attack you but I am here to help. stated the wolf in a deep husky voice as the wolf then shifted into a werewolf form similar to how they show werewolves in several movies (Van Hellsing, Cursed, Underworld, etc.).  Seto took a long sniff of the werewolf that stood in front of him as a part of the wolf seemed familiar to him.  That's when it hit him as Seto snarled angrily at the wolf as he leapt at the wolf attacking it viciously.

"How dare you.......   How dare you show your face now of all times after what I have been through!" snarled Seto pissed off at the wolf.

It is nice to see you too, Seto........  my son. replied the wolf as it made no attempt to dodge Seto's attack.

"Do you realize or have any clue to what I have been through?  And now of all time you come and show up.  Why.......  why now?" Seto asked as his voice strained as tears began to form in his eyes.  Seto was both angry and frustrated with his true father.

I am sorry Seto for everything that you had to go through but you can clearly see the reason to why I was never around.  I can't maintain a human form for very long and I am also dying.  I can help your vampire friend/mate.  You see........ I know the truth about why the other duras fear you two and want you dead. replied the wolf as Seto slowly got off of him.

"And since I can absorb the memories from your blood and in desperate need of blood, you figured that you would offer up yourself to give us that information." stated Yami.

Exactly........ my time is short as I rather die by your hands rather than to die a slow and painful death. replied the wolf.  Seto just looked over at Yami whom nodded his head as he allowed the grey werewolf to approach so he could feed.  I am truly sorry for everything Seto. whimpered the wolf as tears streaked down his muzzle.  Yami sank his fangs into the wolfs neck draining him of every bit of blood as visions dance in the back of Yami's eyes while he drank.  Power vibrated through his entire being as Yami felt like he couldn't pull away.

In Yami's vision he saw how the duras first came to be as they were once humans that were twisted and shaped by the darkness and evil power.  Other duras, animals, and the humans that lived in the light served to be prey.  With the numerous attacks on the humans that lived in the light, God decided to create two unique duras that were unlike the ones that existed.  These two true duras would be able to take on a human form as they would only feed on those of their own kind.  These two true duras were a vampire and a werewolf.  By mating with each other and feeding on each others blood, they had power far beyond the others of their kind.  For generation after generation the vampire and werewolf would take on also a human mate in order to make sure that if anything happened to them, their off spring would be able to take their place.  Yami saw how both he and Seto came to be as those whom wanted their powers helped awaken them.  The vampire Anubis and the werewolf Gozaburo Kaiba were not true duras but they were linked to the true duras line.  Yami and Seto were the very last from the long line of true duras that remain in this world.  The only ones whom could restore the balance that has been lost.

Yami pulled away from the large Grey werewolf dropping the dead wolfs body.  Yami grabbed his head screaming in pain as his form shifted from that of his true form to another form that Seto had never seen before as it looked like a large bat with four wings (Dracula, Van Hellsing, etc.)  The wolf laid dead in front of Yami as a part of Seto was saddened to see his true father dead but his sacrifice was not in vain as know Yami knew the truth behind their existence.

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