Chapter 5: Power Unleashed

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Y/n stood there as Vegeta was looking at him surprised from the power he just unleashed as Broly was shocked of this as well but he soon tried to attack Y/n as he dodges swiftly and kicked Broly in the face knockinghim back as he continues to punch as Broly did the same but Y/n soon roared in anger and knee kicks Broly's stomach causing him to flinch when Y/n soon unleashed the Kamehameha on him sending Y/n flying to a building he landed on the building then send himself flying at Broly as Y/n tried to punch him but failed as he soon kept fighting and Vegeta helped put as well fighting with Y/n as he used Final Shine on Broly and it did some major damage to broly but not enough to weaken him enough as they both charged at Broly and continue to punch him as until Broly sent them flying away from him as the others were getting the civilians away from Broly as when Vegeta charged at Broly he charged a galick gun and blast it to his face but it wasn't even affectig him as he walked towards Vegeta and grabbed his head and slammed him to the ground as he noticed Y/n wad preparing the spirit bomb

Vegeta: "Kakarot hurry up with that spirit bomb already!"

Y/n: "Just a little longer Vegeta!"

Y/n said as Broly tried to attack Y/n but Yang and Bardock came in and intervene Broly before he could of hit Y/n.


Yang said as she unleashed her semblance on Broly and punched him at his chest causing the one star ball to crack a bit as Atlas ships went to them as when Y/n's spirit bomb was ready


Everyone nodded and got as far as possible as when Unleashed the spirit bomb on Broly as once it hit him causing a massive explosion but as the smoke clears up and everyone saw that Broly was still standing but very weekly

Y/n: "Broly its over and your going to pay for killing her."

Broly looks at Y/n as they charged at eachother before as they collided fist as Broly's hit Y/n's face and Y/n's soon went into Broly's stomach as Broly realized that Y/n used the dragon fist


Once Broly's body exploded in a green light and the sky cleared up as the aura goes away and the silver eyes

Y/n: "Goodbye Ruby..."

Y/n sajd as he stood still as Ironwood came over to him as Y/n changed back to normal

Ironwood: "Do you have realized what you just destroyed! Years of research gone!"

Y/n: "Yeah and the cause of Ruby Rose's death."

Y/n said as he looks at the atlas soldiers coming up to Ironwood

Ironwood: "Good Now arrest Y/n for the destruction on the city."

Ozpin: "There will be none of that now James you are no longer the head of the military and atlas."

Ozpin said as the Atlas troops took Ironwood away and many of years have passed since the end of that battle and Ruby's death as Y/n was on the hill where Summer and Ruby's grave was at as Y/n had a new set of clothes

(Note: Y/n's age is now 25 years old after all that happened)
Y/n: "Hey Ruby and Aunt Summer. Im sorry i couldn't visit sooner I was in the world tournament and I did won... I'm sorry i couldn't use the Dragon Balls to bring you back Ruby I miss you so much..."

Y/n said to the graves as he soon placed a rose on each of the graves and just stood there and looked at the Sun setting as he walked away from the graves as he soon heard a voice

???: "I missed you too and I love you.."

Y/n quickly turned to see rose petals flying off in the wind and Y/n smiled and walked away to the patch to catch up with the others....

End of Beastial Love or is it........

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