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It had been a week since I had first arrived at the castle. I was settling in quite well. Everard had introduced me to the help but it was very hard to distinguish them from one another, as I hadn't been there quite long enough to recognize all their voices. It didn't help that there were so many of them either... Or that they were all invisible.

But anyways, the weather had been getting progressively nicer and Everard and I were working on trying to solve this curse together. It was one of the first things I suggested. We had set up some writing desks and parchment in the library and Everard was writing a letter as I looked through some of the well worn books on the shelf.

I traced my finger along their spines searching for something that might help us with this curse. When a book jumped out at me.

It had a blue velvet jacket and it was heavily worn. I carefully pulled it out of the shelf and read the title out loud.

"Alice in Wonderland." I marveled.

Everard's head shot up.

"What?" I asked.

"That's my mother's book. She used to read it to us every night." He replied.


Everard's eyes darkened.

"Your sister." I remarked softly, struggling to climb down the ladder in my ballgown and heels.

Everard was by me in an instant, he held the ladder as I descended, putting a protective hand on my back as I reached the ground. I felt my face heat up.

Everard took the book reverently in his hands. I could feel his pain.

"What was she like?" I asked softly.

"My mother?"

I nodded.

"She was a lovely woman. She turned Nodnot upside down." He smiled fondly. 

"She did?"

"She was human you know..."

"I didn't know that."

"Shall I tell you her story?" he asked. 

Everard lead me towards the blazing fire and sat down on a couch. I sat on the floor with my face turned up at him, my gown ballooning around me.

He laughed. Then turned serious. He cleared his throat exaggeratedly then began to read. In the way that you would to a small child.

"Alice was getting restless, her sister was reading a book and being utterly boring. And she was contemplating going inside to get one of her dolls. When suddenly some movement caught her eye. It was a snow white rabbit. Only it was walking on its hind legs and wearing a suit jacket. It pulled out a pocket watch to check the time. 

Alice clambered down from the tree intently following the creature into the forest. Alice had been told not to go into the forest, but she was so focused on the little rabbit that she didn't realize where she was going.

Very soon, the Rabbit stopped. Alice hid behind a tree. The rabbit looked around suspiciously and jumped down a large hole in the ground. The hole was surrounded by little white mushrooms. - Those mushrooms Alice would later find out were a portal between earth and Nodnot, or wonderland as she called it."

"Your mother was Alice in wonderland?" I gasped.

"Yes." Everard smirked. 

"And what of your father?"

"He was the red queen's son. My mother married him after she had slain the Jaberwocky."

"Wow." I heaved myself up onto the couch beside him.

"You must miss them." I remarked.

"I do... terribly." he frowned.

I reached for his hand, enveloping it in mine. I tried not to let the coldness throw me off.

Everard's eyes widened. He sat very still for a moment, seemingly contemplating something. Then he looked at me again. I was struck by how his eyes stood out of his face. Their green glow casting eerie shadows across his darkened face. I was caught up in my musings when I realized how close he was to me. . . He leaned towards me. 

Was he...? Surely not. Surely he would know it's far too soon to try kissing me. We've only known each-other a week for heaven's sake!

I leaned back as Everard closed his eyes still leaning towards me.

"Um... Everard?!" I asked uncomfortably. 

His eyes popped open. He smiled at me.

"Yes Belle?"

I chuckled awkwardly,"You're- you aren't trying to kiss me are you?"

"I... was actually..." Everard admitted.

"Oh... uh Well we aren't there yet..."

"Oh..."he leaned back quickly.

I had the feeling that if Everard could blush his face would rival mine.

"Don't get me wrong, you're a great guy. Um it's just that we hardly know each-other and uh I'm still trying to process the whole curse thing, and its really just not the time for um this..."

"Oh- No of course. I misread um... My apologies." Everard stood, and issued a stiff formal bow.

"It's alright it was an honest mistake. All is forgiven." I smiled.

"Well, that's a relief... I should go... um send my letter."

"Yes!! and I've been wanting to explore the gardens now that its nice out." I replied.

"Alright, enjoy." 

"I will do. See you at supper then?" I asked, standing up.

"Yes..." He replied. 

Everard stood frozen in the center of the library. I turned on my heel, and walked out the door into the sunshine.

As the door closed behind the mess of awkwardness, I sighed. 

"We aren't there yet?! Seriously Belle!" I scolded myself.

I was torn between being proud for standing up for myself, and being embarrassed at the awkwardness that happened because of it.

But on the bright side, I really had been looking forward to snooping around the gardens.

My heels clacked on the stone steps as I walked amongst the green bushes in the courtyard. Weeds had grown around the bushes, entangling with the branches. I sighed feeling the wind play with my hair. And as my eyes fluttered open again they snagged on something. At the top of a bush that was half my height stood a blood red rose. Half in blossomed and standing tall in the fresh air. I traced the petals with my index finger and contemplated taking it inside.

And that's when I heard it... Singing.

But not from anywhere on the ground... no... the song was coming from above me. I gazed into the cerulean sky and gasped. Coming towards the courtyard at breakneck speeds was a giant black ship. As in a pirate ship.

A gasp tore out of my mouth, as the ship landed about ten yards away from me.

I stood in shocked silence as some men dropped anchor and set down the gang plank. As I watched, the first pirate walked down the plank and started approaching me. I took a step backwards.

Power dripped off the man, I knew immediately he must be the captain. He took a look around the courtyard, seemingly amazed with the plants. It was at that moment the man noticed me. He looked me up and down.

"Ahoy there." The man said with a smile I had learned meant no good.

"EVERARD!" I screamed, making a break for the house.

I met him in the doorway, nearly knocking him over. His sword was unsheathed and his stance was firm.

"Belle what is it?" He gasped, he must have ran when I called him.

"Pirates!" I shrieked, rushing around to hide behind him.

A shadow darkened the doorway.

It was the Captain. "I'm sorry I think I startled your Lady friend Everard..." He remarked with an amused smirk.

"Hook! What a pleasant surprise!" Everard sighed, visibly relaxing as he sheathed his sword.

I poked my head out around Everard's side.

"Belle I presume?" Hook smiled, offering me his hand.

I glanced sideways at Everard. He nodded and I stepped forward, taking Hook's hand. I was not in the least bit surprised, when he brought it to his mouth and kissed it.

"I'm sorry for the dramatics, I didn't know you were a friendly pirate."

"It happens more often than you'd think." He chuckled.

"You're here early." Everard remarked. 

"Yes, I have something to discuss." Hook smiled.

"Good news?" Everard asked hopefully. 

"And bad." Hook replied. 

"It's about the curse isn't it?" I asked.

Both men turned to me with shock written all over their features.

"Oh come on," I huffed, "It's like the only thing that really happens in this castle it wasn't that far of a leap..."

Hook let out an amused laugh. "She's sharp as a knife this one. You must find that ... fun old friend."

"She really is, we've been scouring the library together to find anything curse related all week." Everard smiled at me proudly. 

"She's only been here a week?!" Hook blinked.

"Yes." We coursed. 

"Hmm." Hook muttered. 

"You have other men on your ship. Perhaps you should invite them all in. I'm sure they wouldn't mind getting their land legs." I smiled.

"That's a marvelous Idea Belle! I'll have the staff prepare something."

"Well anything you serve would sure beat hardtack." Hook smiled.

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