~Strange Magic~

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After just under two weeks of being in close quarters with Rose. We had bonded insanely fast. She already felt like my sister and most times she seemed to know me better than I knew myself.

I stood at the bow of the ship and watched as the Castle came into view. I could just about make out the light from the windows of the castle through the black stillness of the night.

The air crackled, the darkness hummed.

A storm was brewing.

"You should head inside Belle. No use getting all wet." Hook muttered.

"I need to see this." I replied numbly.

Hook nodded sagely, "Ah. You need the air to clear your head?"

"Aye." I replied.

Hook chuckled. "I'll order the men to leave you be then..." He gazed off at the castle in the distance. "I can't wait to see Everard again..."

"Me too..." I replied.

Thunder rumbled, and a flash of lightning lit up the sky.

I felt a fat droplet of water hit my cheek.

"Storm's approaching..." Hook muttered and turned away from me, walking to his place behind the wheel. He adjusted his tricorn hat theatrically and bellowed, "Batten down the hatches men!"

I felt a presence beside me, and turned to look at Rose, as she handed me one of Hook's jackets.

"If you're going to be out here in the cold, you should at least stay dry. We can't have you looking like a drowned rat when you see my brother again..." She smirked.

I laughed nervously and pulled on the coat. She looked utterly ridiculous in a borrowed coat of her own. The style of the leather pirate jacket, clashing horribly with her frilly blue gown.

"You are looking forward to seeing my brother again aren't you..?"

I smiled slightly.

"You're nervous." She answered before I could, laying a calming hand on my arm.

I didn't reply. Instead watching, as we approached the fence that surrounded the perimeter of the castle.

Rose bit her lip, and sighed.

"You know there's no pressure right Belle?" She smiled gently.

"What do you mean... I-" Before I could finish what I was saying. The front of the ship crashed into an invisible barrier that seemed to line up with the castle's perimeter.

The crash threw Rose and I onto the deck.

The rest of the crew stumbled but managed to keep standing. I suppose it helps to have sea legs.

I heard quick booted footsteps as Hook came to help Rose up.

"Are you ladies alright?" He asked, worry lacing his voice.

"We're fine." I replied standing up, and walking to the bow again.

Hook and Rose followed me close behind. I reached out over the edge of the boat and put my hand out into the space before the boat.

And then I felt it. It was like a solid wall. As I ran my hand over the smooth surface my ring gave off little sparks.

"Fascinating." I remarked.

"This isn't good." Hook said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The castle's defenses." Hook replied gravely. "We'll have to go in on foot."

The thunder cracked menacingly, and the rain began to fall in torrents.

Rose, ever the optimist piped up. "At least it's a short trek to the castle!"

"Yeah, sure." I replied sarcastically.

We landed the boat in a nearby clearing, and Rose and I and Hook and his men all disembarked. Smee hauled Arden out of the brig and out into the torrential rain. It was the first time I'd seen him since he had been taken to the brig. Hook had made sure Rose and I were far away from him. And while I did feel grateful. There was a little part of me that was curious... I wished in a way that I could speak with him... But it was probably for the best.

"What wonderful weather. The rain is unseasonably warm don't you think." Arden smiled at Smee.

Smee's only reply was a look of disdain. It was unusual to see the usually jolly man so angry. I was sure glad that look was not directed at me. Else I'm sure my insides would turn to lead.

I was very nervous... Excited... and really looking forward to seeing Everard again. I'd begun to miss him. And I'd begun to worry. We hadn't spoken... not even by magic mirror. Not since before arriving at Pan's castle.

And now with the castle defenses up... My mind could only think of the worst possibilities. I could tell Hook was nervous too. And even Rose's bubbly nature seemed to dimmed as we stared across the woods at the castle's menacing black gates.

The gangplank was lowered, and we trudged off into what was rapidly becoming a sea of squidgy brown mud.

I let the rest of the group walk ahead, needing a bit of time still to think. I looked at the castle in the distance and wondered what Everard was up to right now.

Shaking my head to clear it, I looked to the head of our group where Rose was trying to walk in Hook's footsteps to avoid the mud. She ended up loosing her shoes anyway. Hook sighed and scooped her up. Handing the lantern to one of his crew, and ignoring the hoots and hollers of the men. He carried her towards the castle, with each surefooted stride.

I giggled at the look on her embarrassed face, and pulled her heels out of the mud.

"They'll wash off fine Rose." I shouted reassuringly.

Her face grew pinker, and she buried her head in Hook's chest, as he laughed heartily.

The rest of the group fell back into miserable silence, the only sound, the thunder booming through the air. Even Arden was quiet. His keen blue eyes darted around scanning the forest that surrounded us.

I lagged behind, as we approached the massive black gates.

I slogged through the ankle deep muck, Rose's shoes in one hand.

One foot after the other...

That is until I stepped into a bit of mud that was deeper than it looked.

My leg went in all the way up to my knee.

I let out a shocked sound, dropping the shoes as I tried to crawl my way out of the hole.

"Belle! Are you alright?!" Rose gasped loudly.

"I'm fine. My pride's just a bit bruised." I replied.

Then a glimmer deep in the forest caught my eye.

I squinted as the Lamp light bounced off the tip of an arrow. And I heard a whistling noise.

Time slowed to a crawl as I put two and two together, and braced for the impact of the arrow.

"BELLE!" Arden screamed.

I closed my eyes.

With a sickening squelching noise, the whistle of the arrow stopped.

I opened my eyes, and beheld Arden lying in front of me.

"Arden?" I gasped.

"Belle..." He wheezed.

"Hold on. We can get you to the castle..!"

And as the light in his eyes dimmed, they turned into a soft green.

I felt my stomach turn over, as the rest of him changed into another form entirely.

"Everard!" I shrieked

I spun to look at Hook.

Rose scrambled out of his arms, to go empty her stomach in some nearby shrubs.

"W-what do we do?" I gasped, tears filling my eyes.

Steely resolve made hard lines on Hook's face.

"It's almost midnight." He spoke grimly.

"Smee go get the horse." He barked.

Time ran together like sand slipping through my fingers, as the men hauled Everard onto the horse.

Tack had been produced from somewhere, and Hook came over to help me out from the muck.

"No." I ground out. "I'm not leaving him."

Hook took a deep breath and hefted me out of the mud and up onto the horse, Everard groaned as I held him gently.

"Ride like the wind, stop for nothing." Hook ordered.

The black gates creaked open and the grey courtyard stretched before me.

I spurred Pegasus onward and it was as if she knew the colossal burden she was carrying.

I lay as low as I could, my face inches from Everard.

"I beg you hold on." My voice broke. "Don't leave me."

We rocketed across the flattened dirt.

A flash of lightning revealed that the plants I was racing by seemed as if the life was being drained out of them. The ring on my right hand crackled with the thunder.

The castle and the land were dying with him.

"Everard hold on." I begged.

I thought back to everything we had shared... even when he was Arden.

He was my knight in shining armor.

My prince.

His breath was getting harder to hear.

"Breathe damn it!" I yelled.

Tears mingled with the rain.

And Pegasus stopped short.

We had arrived at the castle.

I jumped down from the horse and dragged Everard off with me.

He was so heavy.

Something was going terribly wrong.

He was like a living shell.

But if I didn't make it... he may not even be that anymore.

I banged on the door with both hands.

"VIOLET!" I screamed.

The door opened and I heard a frightened gasp.

I dragged him into the castle.

"What time is it?!" I shrieked.

Before she could answer the clock in the foyer chimed twelve times.

The candles in the chandelier guttered out.

The storm went silent.

The only sound was Everard's laboured breathing.

And even that was growing quieter.

I pulled the arrow out of his chest, slicing my hand on the sharp tip.

I hissed but nothing could draw my attention from him.

The hair on the back of my arms stood up, and the blue magic crackled through the air.

I heard a scuffle in the doorway and didn't need to look up to know the rest of everyone had made it. The room glowed eerily blue. And the vines surrounded my hand.


then he stopped breathing.

As the last bell's toll cleared the air, he was gone.

I gasped. I held my hand in front of his mouth and nose. No air.

I took his pulse... nothing.

"No... NO!!!" I sobbed flinging myself over his body.

Soon Rose's cries harmonized with mine, muffled slightly by Hook's shoulder.

Sobs wracked my body, as I realized I had grown to love him.

"Don't leave me..."

I looked down at his face, and finally I kissed him.

Immediately I was flung against the wall by an invisible force.

The air left my lungs in a rush, and I gasped. Thunder crackled ominously, and the ground underneath Everard's body split open. He didn't fall, instead rising from the ground.

My hands started to shake, and the rings flew right off my fingers.

Then a bright blue light flooded the room. It was so strong I had to cover my eyes with my hand.

Finally the light dimmed. I blinked blindly.

Footsteps approached me as a man cleared his throat.

I squinted up at him.

"You know if you had kissed me earlier. I wouldn't have had to do this whole dramatic 'dress up as another man to save you' thing." Everard smirked.

He extended his hand down and helped me up.

His face was different.

He had dark curly hair that fell into his eyes, it was odd seeing him look so human.

Gone was the vacant stare, the sharp teeth, the long claws.

And here before me stood a man with love in his eyes, and a dimpled smile on his face.

"You would have kissed me had I looked like this. Would you not?~" His green eyes twinkled.

"E-Everard?" I gasped.

The man nodded.

"Your eyes are the same... Exactly the same." I marveled.

He had yet to let go of my hand.

"You're avoiding the question my dear."

"I'm not-"

"Not what?~"

I blushed.

"Oh. Come on! Just kiss already!" Hook huffed impatiently.

Everard turned red.

He started to apologize, "I'm sorry-"

My lips found his as Hook let loose a forceful laugh. It was soon joined by applause, and Rose wolf whistling.

I pulled back with a relaxed smile.

Everard looked scandalized.

I gasped mockingly, "What? You heard the man."

Everard chuckled happily. Then his eyes widened. He got down on one knee, gazing up at me.

"This ring was my mother's."

I smiled looking down at him.

"Belle Wright. Breaker of the curse. Love of my life. Will you do me the honor, of becoming my wife?"

I smiled mischievously at him.


He frowned in confusion.

"...You've yet to ask my father you know." I smirked.

"Oh! Right..." he chuckled awkwardly.

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