~The Enchanted Stream~

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Morning dawned and I opened my eyes. My rescuer was shuffling around getting his pack together.

"Good morning Princess." He chirped.

"I'm not a princess." I shot back.

"And apparently not a morning person either..." He chuckled. "You may not be a princess now but you will be, hopefully."

I blinked at him.

"I mean if you do break the curse you'll become Everard's queen." He mumbled turning his attention back to securing the pack.

I sighed, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I guess so..."

"Well then. Princess, we should get going before the sun rises too much, the woods tend to be less active in the mornings."

"Good Idea." I responded with a yawn.

I rolled up the bedroll tightly and stood, tying it together.

"How did you sleep?" he asked facing away from me.

"Good, and you?" I asked.

"Alright." He replied awkwardly.


"You know i just realized we haven't been properly introduced." I blurted.

"You're absolutely right! ...Arden Beck at your service."

"Belle Wright." I replied extending my hand.

He kissed the top of my hand and I was glad for the darkness of the cave. That it hid the blush that no doubt colored my cheeks.

"Well Belle, we ought to get going." He replied with a smile, slipping behind me to douse the fire with some water.

"Right..." I replied, sidling up to the horse.

I could see the shape of the horse from the daylight that came in through the magic ivy that covered the cave entrance.

The problem was the height of the horse and the fact that I had nothing to clamber up. And the man rode bareback. I guess they had no need for tack in this magical place.

"Need help princess?"

I could hear the smile in his voice.

"My name is Belle, please address me by it." I huffed stubbornly.

"Let me help you Belle." He asked softly.

"Fine. But only because there is literally no possible way for me to get up otherwise." I retorted.

He gave me a cocky grin and hopped nonchalantly onto the horse.

"Wha-How?" I gasped.

"Magic~" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and accepted his hand as he pulled me up behind him.

"Hold on tight, I don't want you to fall." He grinned.

Despite my pride. I encircled his waist with my arms and held on.

He clicked his mouth and the horse trotted out into the quiet forest.

The woods seemed almost blue in the early morning light and a light fog enshrouded us.

"Oh this is very good." Arden whispered.

"The fog?" I replied quietly.

"Yes, if we keep out ears pricked, we can hear any enemies before they see us..."

"I'll be quiet then." I replied.

"Just until we leave the woods." He smiled.


I felt the sway of the horse walking behind us and listened to Arden's even breathing until the fog parted and we arrived in a clearing, filled with tall rose bushes.

"You can talk now. We're nearly at the edge of Neverland's Island. We just have to cross the Enchanted stream I have transportation on the other side."

"Transportation?" I asked, taking in the odd green water ahead of us.

"You'll see." He smiles hopping down from the horse.

"My lady~" He bows dramatically before extending his hand to me.

I roll my eyes and accept his hand, as he helps me down from the horse.

My feet had just touched the ground when I noticed his face fall.

"What is it?"

"Don't you hear that?" He whispered.

"Hear what?"


He shooed the horse into the tall rosebushes and looked round for a place to hide.

He grabbed my arms and pulled me into the bushes with him.

"I don't hear anything." I whispered.

"Well that's because you have tiny, human ears." He hissed in response.

"I beg your pardon?!" I frowned.

"Shh!" He responded, covering my mouth with his hand and holding us still.

"I still don't understand why you let her go!" Tinkerbell growled, following Pan past our hiding place towards the water.

Peter sighed heavily, spinning around and walking backwards.

"I told you already Tink!!"

"Well tell me again!" She demanded as Pan waded into the water.

There was a splashing noise as peter disappeared under the water.

Tinkerbell blew her bangs off her face with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest.

She tapped her foot impatiently until Peter emerged from the water with a gasp.

"Oh... you're still here."

He sounded disappointed.

"Yes Peter because we're having a conversation..." She snapped.

Peter groaned and splashed some water at her.

The water splashed her face and wings and restored them to their former glory. My eyes widened.

But she remained un-phased.

"Aw you're no fun Tink!"

"So. I'm. told."

Peter looked at her for a moment and when he saw her steely resolve he caved.

"...Fine. The reason we let Rose go is because we no longer need her."

I felt Arden's body tense beside me.

"And why is that?~" Tink sassed.

"You know why..."

Tinkerbell stared at him boredly.

"We can't break her spell, and Neverland kind of needs a Queen that's not a statue... And that's where Wendy comes in." He said, a grin spreading across his face.

Tinkerbell scoffed. "Wendy again."

Pan stood. The green water dripping from his hair, did nothing to lessen his domineering anger.

"Yes. Wendy again. You'll have to get used to it. After all she'll soon be your queen!" He shouted.

If Tink had been a cartoon character, there would have been steam coming out her ears.

She glowed pink, and with a twinkle she turned into her smaller version and flew away.

Pan huffed and marched after her.

"You can't just fly away from news you don't want to hear!" He growled, heading into the woods.

Arden and I let out a collective sigh, collapsing in a heap on the ground.

"Well that was stressful." I sighed, turning my face to look at him.

We were this-close.

His bright blue eyes scanned my face tensely.

He cleared his throat and stood, marching towards the water "We should go before they return... Don't step in the water."

"Yes sir." I grumbled under my breath.

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