Prologue: How It All Began...

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Everything was supposed to go as planned.

But not like this...

Yet here I am, stuck in the dreary darkness where I'm facing off this shadowy, ominous, and nightmarish figment that can't be human.

I stare at pocket watch with a crest griffin in the middle for a bit before glancing back at that shadowy demon.

"You given me a pocket watch? Why?" I asked firmly keeping my skeptical gaze at the shadowy dealmaker. Soon, his lips crept into a sinister smirk with bloody eyes gleaming maliciously.

"I'll give you a deal, Pitiful Little Griffin..." He informed. He extend his hand to my chin as he lifted my head until I meet his demonic bloody eyes.

"But you, young lady, better paid close attention and keep my words into that little head of yours." He reminded yet his tone feels like a threat rather than a harmless reminder.

I stood in silence as I bit my inner cheek to keep my anxiety and irritation in check. That will be the last thing I want to do if I want to get out of this shithole.

Reluctant as I am, I shut my eyes and heaved a puff of air from my nostrils before slowly reopening them and glance back at him.

"...What are the agreements?" I asked with my emerald eyes gleaming solemnly. With his eyes narrowed and his lips curled into sinister smirk, bones within me froze and the blood ran cold as the dark winter nights. I can't exactly what he plans he has in mind, but I have an inkling that this tale of mine starts with a dark beginning with a deranged twist.

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