Faolan O'Connor

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"If you don't think, you should not talk."

"A bruise is a lesson. These lessons make us."

"The problem is not the problem. The problem, darling, is your attitude about the problem."

"People claim they hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it is served up."


Name: Faolan Erik O'Connor

Aliase(s): With his name, it is difficult to come up with a nickname, so most would just stick to calling him Faolan.

Age: He would appear to be in his late teens to early twenties.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Irish/Nordic-Icelandic mix.

Specie: Pureblood Werewolf.

Appearance: ~media~

Faolan was raised to be civilized for the most part, capable of handling things with a sense of class if need be; thanks to his mother. He is a rather calm individual with a shocking amount of patience for a being such as himself, usually taking a lot to either shift him into a bad mood or become angered. He can be quite soulful and adventurous, leading him to have a rather wild spirit that is longing for thrills and excitement.

However, while he has been taught to shackle his temper in chains of patience, that does not dismiss the fact that it is most definitely still there. It is as if an entirely new person within him awaits to be awoken by an unfortunate being. Born into the high ranks within his pack, Faolan is a naturally dominant and authoritative male whom despises strongly of challenges or being dictated to by any other than his own Alpha.

Faolan is also heavily sarcastic and witty, and will most likely not have a problem teasing or even annoying a person to a great degree when he is in the mood.

- His mother~ Nirreth
- His father~ Gael
- His aunt~ Levane
- His Alpha and pack~ Alistair and Rolayne.


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