Java Syre

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"A true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination."

"A dream is what the heart whispers to the silence of your mind."

"We must all face the choice between what is right, and what is easy."

Name: Java Syre

Aliases/Title: The Beast of Skies, Javy. Really, that's all, unless someone gifts him with more.

Gender: Male.

Age: Java's species is ancient, therefore he is ageless. (Depends on the roleplay.)

Specie: Griffin/Gryphon

Ω Physique Ω

Height: Exactly 15 feet from head to talon.

Weight: Exceeding far over one ton, Java weighs in at 5,450lbs.

Wing span: From the left wing tip to the right, is exactly the length of five 5ft men. All adding up to the span of 25 feet.

Tail length: Around 10ft.

Talon length: 3 feet.


Java is a short male of around five foot and six inches in height. He has a rather slim and nearly feminine like build, abnormal from the majority of males. His skin is pale and atop his head sits a mess of feathery, honey golden hair mixed in with dark roots. In contrast, however, his eyes are a piercing stormy grey.


Overall Griffin Appearance:
Java has the stance of a regal being, with his large head held high in prideful display of his structure and build. His body is covered in soft bicolored feathers, being a dark golden brown along the top of his head and down his back to reach the thickly furred tip of his tail. Underneath, the feathers are a creamy mocha with dark speckles of brown at the tips of each one. Atop his head sits two tall ears tufted with feathers. His front limbs are long and sturdy, taking the appearance of eagle legs; both equipped with a set of dangerous, onyx colored talons curve and scrap against the very earth he walks upon. His hind legs are more muscular like that of a lion's, the claws too long to remain hidden in their sheaths, they simply hang out.

Protruding from his broad shoulder blades is a massive pair of feathered appendages that sit folded neatly at his sides. Though when extended in flight, can cast a shield of protection or shadow over anything within the vicinity.

The tail is slender like a cat's but it thickens out toward the end into a bunch of furred feathers that splay out during flight. As for the eyes. They are of a cold grey that seem to peel back each layer of a being until they reach the soul.


The Main Traits-
Java is not known to be a hostile or savage creature. He is a being of wisdom and tranquility, yet there is a fiery passion for peace that burns deep within him. He is an honorable creature who's loyalty can stretch to the end of time. However, this beast is a warrior and a highly protective one, at that. Meaning, when a bond is formed between him and another, that other best not be tampered with for the wrath of a creature such as Java is not to be tested.

Java is also as playful as one allows him to be and quite adaptable, for that matter. A mischievous one, he is. Keep your food close it you just might find it missing. He is also rather curious of many things and highly adventurous.

The Negative:
There isn't much open hostility to come with Java. Of course any beast snaps when provoked. But threaten or harm his chosen master? He will eat you.


- Storm/Lightning manipulation. Any and all forms of it.

- Air manipulation

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