○ Kalahari ○

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Shackles at my feet


| Calling |

Shere Khan.

A rather silly and lousy result of his former wealthy master allowing his rotten child to give him a calling. However, it does fit his outlandishly exotic appearance.

| Name |


A more proper and pleasingly acceptable name, after the remote area of the Kalahari Desert in Africa, despite how it contrasts with the roots of his calling.

| Breed |

He is what one would define as an equine hybrid, more specifically, that of a zorse. His dam was a plains zebra that his former master won in an exotics auction and his sire was a beautiful wild-captured, red dun stallion of the Kiger strain of Mustangs.

| Gender |

He is a feral stallion that his former master made the mistake of not having gelded, leaving his instinctual, and even dangerous, temperament wide open.

| Age |

Just a bit past the general mark of maturity, he is four years old.

| Height |

Due to the genes of of both dam and sire, he is not at all the tallest or largest of equines. He only stands at a below average of about thirteen hands.

| Weight |

Blessed by the inheritance of his sire's brawny build, he makes up somewhat for what he lacks in height with exactly nine hundred pounds of muscle and fat where it is due.

| Appearance |

More on the shorter and stockier side, Kalahari is not alike any other finely bred equine; he is not gifted with the towering, herculean loftiness of a percheron, the glossy coat and long flowing mane of a show-worthy friesian, or the thin and athletically nimble elegance of an arabian, marwari, or akhal teke, no. Kalahari is the exotically unique product of a careful, rather uncommon lineage. His build is mostly like that of a true mustang's, stocky and burly, yet he favors the slacking height of his dam's genes. His coat is very short and slick, a rich coloration of what could be taken as a red dun and rustic orange mix. Faint shadings of black line down the base of his shortened mowhawk-like mane of off white and blackened tips and a signature thick line of short black fur trails down his spine to the base of his tail as would a mustang's. Ebony striping can be located among his body if one could get close enough; such as his forehead, a few upon his left shoulder, and faintly down the sides of his neck and ribcage. Though the most distinguishing feature would be the thickened, inky striping cascading down each leg until the fur darkens completely at the ankle joints.

They took everything

| Personality |

Kalahari is a genuinely wild soul, there is not a single inkling of a broken spirit within this stallion although through many times and by multiple handlers, they tried. Yet, what does not wish to be controlled, will more than likely never succumb. It was a careless error of an inexperienced man seeking wealth, a mistake on behalf of his former master upon the breeding of two very different yet so similar wild equine. He was not prepared for the rather large responsibility that came with Kalahari. The stallions holds the same fiery, feral aggression and strong will of a mustang, with a strong territorial drive and short fuse should his raging hormones come into play. However, to others of his kind, he would attempt to befriend as he is a highly social creature and tends to thrive in either a large free roaming herd or with a close companion. So long as he is not being challenged or threatened, he will often attempt to go out of his way for friendship and some kind of bond. Kalahari is a fiercely protective creature takes the manner of treatment that is bestowed upon his fellow equine, to heart most times. He possesses little to no care or regards for humans or anything to do with them, and does find them as traumatizing figures. Kalahari has been known for proving a danger to humans and although he has never managed to kill one, he has delivered an unfortunate kick to the leg of a young child that had gotten too close at a birthday party held for the master's kid. His trust in humans is practically nonexistent and their bothersome eagerness to break and ride him for entertainment only drove him further away. He does not necessarily want to have to resort to aggression, and would rather just be left alone, though when it comes down to the wellbeing and safety of one his own, he will not just stand idly by. He is an adventurous spirit and one that thrives in the sweet feeling of nature's freedom and a bare back free of human burden.

| Likes |

As aforementioned, Kalahari actually likes to be in the company of his own kind where he can just thunder over endless plains and plateaus without much of a care in the world. He quite likes the intense warmth of a summer day and could stand out in a blistering field for hours just grazing and sun bathing away. Unlike most ridden equine who are guided into water, Kalahari enjoys wading and swimming. He has a love for whatever sweet foods he can find such as honeysuckle, sugar cane, and any form of wild fruit.

| Dislikes |

Kalahari's dislike for humans is very strong to the point where it has developed more into a fear of sorts. He views them all the same and will hardly think twice about refusing any a chance. This greatly includes the dislike of forceful human contact or attempts to ride him. The sight of a saddle and tack only riles him up but the cracking of a whip will frighten him into aggression. Other animals such as dogs and other creatures that he instinvtively deems as predators, he is not a fan of, and small children. He tends to charge them, biting and even fatally trampling if he is angered enough. Kalahari most definitely does not appreciate nor tolerate the mistreatment of other equine, hybrid or not, and will more than likely act out in some way.


I'll stand tall when
there's hell to pay

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