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Third Person POV

Boboiboy was walking towards class, ignoring the crowd of students behind him. As he enters his classroom, he spots Yaya, Ying and Fang.

"Hey" Boboiboy greets while waving.

"Hey!" The three greets back.

Boboiboy approaches his seat, he places his bag. He had 1 more hour before school starts, and he knew exactly what to do.

"Hey Ying, are we allowed in the Band room?" Boboiboy asks.

Ying turns her attention to him, "The Band room? Yeah, why do ask?"

Boboiboy smiles, "Can you tell Gopal, that I'll be in the band room?"

"Um sorry Boboiboy, Me and Yaya have to do something." Ying said.

"Hm, I'll just ask Fang."

With that Boboiboy turns towards Fang, who was staring at the window intensely.

"Hey Fang, can you tell Gopal that I'm in the band room?" Boboiboy said.

Fang looks at him, "Sure"

Boboiboy smiles, "Thanks!"

Boboiboy rushes out of the classroom, not wanting to be followed again. Meanwhile, Yaya and Ying where following him.

"Why are we doing this again?" Yaya asks her best friend.

"For fun!" Ying exclaims.

This made Yaya groan, but honestly she also wanted to spy on Boboiboy. The two girls follow him, curious on what he plans on doing. Boboiboy was casually walking on the hallways, as he headed for the Band Room. Once he had arrived, before he could open the door, he hears a voice call his name. Boboiboy turns, only to see an eye-catching girl. She had beautiful flowing red hair, and twinkling blue eyes. Boboiboy already knew who she was, she was one of the top teen model, her name was Ella Heart. She placed top 1 in Asia's best teenage model, which was pretty impressive for her age.

"Hey Boboiboy, can I talk to you for a moment?" The model asks him.

"Um... sure?" His answer sounded more like a question than an answer.

"Great! Follow me..."

Boboiboy follows her, unsure where they were heading. Following the two, were Yaya and Ying. The two girls were curious, and wanted to know what was happening. Please they weren't stalking, they were spying.

*Few Minutes Later*

Ella had led him to the school garden, where no one was there. The two were underneath a tree, that only had few patches of sunlight. The cool breeze made their hair dance, while hovering in the air. Yaya and Ying were hiding behind a nearby tree, so that they could hear what they're going to say. Ella took a deep breath, as Boboiboy tilt his head in confusion.

"Boboiboy, Do you remember saving me from those bullies back when we were young? I was the little girl in front of your house, you saved me from my bullies."

Boboiboy smiles, "It's no big deal, I always try to help others. Except when I'm trap at my house..."

"Ever since that day, I developed feelings for you. When you became famous, I knew it would be hard to grab your attention. So I became a model, and here I am, I've become a top model. Then when I first found out that you were going to enroll to this school, I knew fate was bringing us together. What I'm trying to say is........ I Love You..."

There was silence, only the rustling of the tree branches and the gush of wind were heard. They all awaited Boboiboy's answer, it was either a yes or a no. Finally, they could hear Boboiboy take a deep breath. Boboiboy looks at Ella.

Boboiboy sadly smiles, "I'm truly sorry, I have feelings for someone else..."

Yaya and Ying gasps, they didn't know Boboiboy had fallen for someone else. Shocked was an understatement, they were 100% sure that he wasn't interested in someone. They all had one thought, "Who had captured Boboiboy's heart?"

Ella's tears were threatening to fall down, she didn't want them to fall, not in front of Boboiboy. She wanted to show him that she became strong over the past years. But she wanted to know, No... she needed to know.

Ella gathered her strength, "May I ask? Who did you fall in love with?"

Her voice cracked, while her eyes began to water.

Boboiboy looks at her hesitantly, "I'm pretty sure, you'll think it's weird... but I'm in love with the famous 'YA'..."


~Time Skip brought to you by screaming BOYA shippers~


All of the students were in their respective seats, chatting with their seat mate. Yaya on the other hand, was not functioning. Boboiboy's words were echoing in her mind, which made her unable to think properly. Ying was watching her friend closely, she knew Yaya had some kind of interest in Boboiboy. But what confused her was that, her friend seemed happy? How could some one be happy, that the love of their life was in love with someone else? Who knows...

Ying sighs and mutters, "I'm confused..."


~Time Skip brought to you by a lazy Author~


When the students hear the school bell, they all cheered. School was over, it was time to go home. Unfortunately, they have homework. This made them groan in frustration, but then their frowns turn into smiles. Tomorrow was the weekend, that meant that they didn't have school.

"I'll be up all night playing video games!" One of the students yells.

"I can finally watch anime all day!"

"You guys have no responsibilities, since I'm the soccer team captain! I have spend my weekends practicing! How about you Boboiboy? What are you plan on doing?" Kean said with a smug smirk on his face.

"Meetings, Interviews, meeting celebrities, speeches and many more..." Boboiboy said.

"Also probably performing at night..." Boboiboy thought to himself.

"Your going to meet celebrities? Bring me with you!" Gopal tells him.

Boboiboy smiles, "My father wouldn't probably agree with that."

"Oh man..."

While the whole class were talking, Fang was silently reading. He was holding his red carrot donut-themed bookmark, gazing at it. 'YG' had given him this, it was one of the things he cherishes the most. He transfers his gaze to Ying, she was poking Yaya, who was in daze. Fang stands up, he brings the red carrot donut-themed bookmark with him. He taps Ying's shoulder, which caused Ying to slightly jolt. She turns towards him, confused.

"Oh um... Hi Fang..." Ying said.

"I need to talk to you..." Fang told her.

Ying looks at her friend then at him, "Sure, what is it?"

Fang holds her hand, and drags her out of the classroom. "Some where more private, would be better..."

Ying slightly blushes, "Okay..."

*Few Minutes Later*

The two ended up inside the Band Room, both of them were seating in the couches.

"So.... what did you want to talk about?" Ying asks him.

Fang looks at her, then he simply shows the bookmark. Ying looks at it, the bookmark was familiar, but she couldn't remember when she saw it.

"You gave this to me.... 'YG'...." Fang tells her.

Ying's eyes widen, "H-how did you know?"

"It all made sense, you had the same characteristics, talents and don't get me started on how you look."

She glances at the bookmark one more time, then finally it clicked, her eyes widen. It was the bookmark she had given 'F', that meant Fang was 'F'.

"'F-f? You're 'F'?!" Ying exclaims.

Fang nods, obviously amused by her expression. Ying was in complete shock,  her crush was actually her band mate. Ying was trying her best to process it, it was a lot to take in.

"Now that's been cleared out, I have to tell you something." Fang said.

Ying looks at him, "What is it?"

"This may shock you even more...." Fang informs her.

"What could possibly be more shocking than you being 'F'?" Ying asks him.

Fang's expression became serious, "Ying, don't hate me after this but... I am in Love with you."

(Author: I dedicate this chapter to the BOYA and FAYI shippers, especially to my brother TheChosenChronicles who is having his birthday today. Love you bro ❤️! Anyway thank you guys for reading this chapter, I hope you like it. I'll be updating as quick as I can! Oh! Don't forget to comment your suggestions!)

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