The Invitation

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Third Person POV

Boboiboy was in his room, the moonlight as the only source of light. Boboiboy was feeling very impatient, he was continuously walking back and forth. He stops and takes a look at the clock, he groans.

"It's still 7:58 pm?!"

Truthfully Boboiboy was excited, he wanted to tell his band mates about what happened in school. He would only tell them a few things, he didn't want them to figure out his identity. They would be in shock, if they found out. Boboiboy takes another glance at the clock, '7:59 pm'. Tired from walking back and forth, he sits down on his couch. Then he reaches out for the remote, he presses the 'On' switch. His tv opens, the tv program he chose was 'Cartoon Network'. Since their band performs at 9:00 pm, he thought maybe he could watch a show for a while. Usually his parents would give him multiple tasks, including advance studying. But according to the school, Boboiboy was way too advance. This made their lessons too easy for him, making some of the students begging him to teach them *cough* Gopal *cough*. 

Apart from advance studying, his father would usually make him meet 'beautiful' women, apparently his father was trying to do an arrange marriage. Which he gladly turned down. Since their were no tasks given to Boboiboy, he was bored. Pushing away his thoughts, he puts his attention towards the tv, the show he was now currently watching was named 'Adventure Time'. Boboiboy really enjoys that show, mostly because it was a blend of comedy, action and romance and it had good plot-twists. Don't worry, he doesn't watch his own series 'Boboiboy'. It would probably break the fourth wall. Anyway back to the story, Boboiboy brings out his phone. He makes an alarm, that would signal him that it was already 8:50 pm. Smiling to himself, he watches 'Adventure Time'.


~Another Time Skip~


30 minutes has passed when the show had finished. Boboiboy stretches his arms upward, and he looks at the clock. It was 8:29 pm, nope never mind it was now 8:30 pm.

Boboiboy reaches for the remote and turns the tv off, then he stands up. He was walking towards his walk-in-closet, that was until he hears a knock. Thinking that it was probably his parents, Boboiboy rushes towards the door. The person continues knocking, can you blame Boboiboy for taking so long, his room was huge! It would take a couple of minutes to reach the door. When he finally reaches the door and opens it, a man was waiting there. The man was about in his 20's, he had raven hair and crimson red eyes. Which Boboiboy found familiar, it reminds him of 'F' and Fang. The man had a serious expression, he looks at Boboiboy.

"You must be Boboiboy, I'm Kaizo." The man introduces himself.

Boboiboy examines him, he was quite familiar. Perhaps he met him when he was 'B'? Gears running through his head then it clicked, Kaizo was a part of another famous band. Why would he be here? Noticing the confused expression from Boboiboy, Kaizo sighs. Kaizo hands him an envelope, the envelope was beautifully designed. Looking at the envelope then at Kaizo, Boboiboy takes it.

"It's from the Music Academy called 'TAPOPS', we saw how you performed at your school. It was posted in the internet." Kaizo explains.

Boboiboy looks at him, he was utterly confused. He had so many questions in his mind, some where probably unanswerable. The first question that came into mind was "Why would people video my performance?"

"Thanks, I guess?" Boboiboy told Kaizo, dismissing his questions and thoughts.

Kaizo looks at him, he knew that expression. It was quite familiar, his brother always had it splattered in his face.

"This is a once and a life time experience, your lucky that TAPOPS had specifically chosen you." Kaizo told him.

Boboiboy looks at him, "Why is that?"

"Let me tell you kid, TAPOPS doesn't just invite you to their academy. They always gave exams that are very hard, students rarely pass." Kaizo informs him.

Boboiboy looks at him, unimpressed. Boboiboy definitely didn't want this stupid academy, he was having fun in his new school. Even worse, he had just started schooling there. Also joining this academy might lead to leaving the band, and Boboiboy was pretty sure he didn't want to leave. Well not yet anyway. Kaizo notices his hard expression.

"Look, honestly I want you take this opportunity. Some people aren't given the chance you have, so I suggest you take it. It could make you famous worldwide." Kaizo continues.

"I already am." Boboiboy mutters.

"I heard that, anyway I was talking about the music business."

Boboiboy was trying not to smirk, Kaizo had no idea. Boboiboy is already famous in the music business, well technically 'B' is. But still he was the leader of the band 'Beat Heroes', which was famous globally. But Kaizo didn't know that, did he?

"I'll think about it..." Boboiboy tells Kaizo.

Kaizo nods, he hands him a card. This made Boboiboy tilt his head in confusion.

"It has my number, if you've made your decision, you could call me." Kaizo told him, before walking away.

Boboiboy watch Kaizo, as he was being escorted out by a guard. Why would there be a guard you ask? Let me inform you that Boboiboy's Father is a very important person to the country. So that his father and his family wouldn't be assassinated, they placed a high security. That included guards all over the place, including cameras. Sad right? Boboiboy couldn't even step outside his room without a bodyguard with him. It was a miracle that they even let him go to school. Boboiboy closes his door, he places the card with Kaizo's number on top of his coffee table. Boboiboy checks the clock, it was 8:47 pm. He glances at the envelope at his hand, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to open it."

Slowly he opens the envelope, he pulls out a neatly folded letter. He unfolds it, he reads it.

Dear Boboiboy Azaam,

We would like to inform you that our academy is inviting you to join us. We had seen your talent, and we wish to help 'upgrade' your abilities. You will not be taking the average exam, so if you ever consider going to our academy. You better be prepared for the hardest music exam, we hope you consider joining us.


Boboiboy refolds it, and places it on the coffee table with the card. He sighs, he walks towards his walk-in-closet. Boboiboy opens the door and enters, he stops at the sight of his uniform. Not the uniform for school, but the one he wears when he performs with the band. Boboiboy chuckles, he was never going to trade his life in the band in exchange for some academy. After all, the band was the best thing that happened to his life. Boboiboy grabs his uniform and wears it, he places an orange mask.

"It's show time"

Boboiboy walks out using the balcony in his room, he takes a look down. There were about 5 guards, guarding the area. He smirks, he jumps and silently lands into a tree. Sure this was unusual, but he did this everyday, or every night in his case. Boboiboy jumps towards the wall/gate, and lands perfectly. He glances at his home, then smirks.
"I'll be back before you even know it." Boboiboy mutters.

(Author: Hey guys, how was this Chapter? Was it good? Please comment! Got any suggestions? I'm sorry if this chapter was a disappointment. Thanks for reading it though.)

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