Chapter 1. Through Darkness and Hell

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Trigger Warning: Gore

The air is no longer filled with the sweet smell of morning dew. Instead, it is replaced with the overwhelming stench of blood, burning houses, and the screams of people being torn apart, their intestines spilling out on the ground like buckets of squirming snakes.

Peering through the crack in the rock boulders, I watch with bated breath as two people with half their faces missing grab an old woman, one by her head and the other by her feet. Without wasting any time, they pull on both ends, her hoarse screams loud enough to be heard over the rest of the ruckus. They continue tugging. And tugging. Until her yells turn to choked gurgles as her body is torn apart at the waist. Blood, and more blood rushes out, painting the pale red cement below a dark maroon color. 

The two monsters hold onto their halves of the still-twitching body and gorge on her flesh, ripping chunks out with ease. Any normal person would probably throw up at the first sight of something as gory as that, but thing is, I've seen my share of blood and guts. Which is why we're the only people in this neighborhood that have the best chances of surviving the apocalypse. I don't know how far this nightmare has spread, or if we're the only ones affected, but one thing is for sure: we're deep in the middle of it.

Leaving the monsters to feed on the poor old lady, I glance behind us. A seven-foot tall chain-link fence stretches for a good distance before bending on both ends to surround an abandoned construction site. At least there are no flesh-hungry workers on the other side of the wire as far as I can tell.  

A soft gasp ensues from behind me. I turn to find my girlfriend peeking over the boulder, her red hair glimmering a bright coppery color under the dense, orange smoke blocking the sun from view. 

Her curiosity of a kitten will get us both killed.

"Sky, stay down," I hiss, pulling my girlfriend's arm down by the sleeve of her pastel-pink hoodie. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

She looks at me and huffs. "Checking the surroundings. I thought they taught you that in the military."

I let out a frustrated sigh. The entire street before us is worse than the aftermath of any battle I had fought while in the army. Perhaps it's because there are mutilated people, some with limbs torn off or intestines hanging out from their torsos, chasing other people and devouring them like packs of hungry wolves. 

"Yeah well, that's what I'm here for. All you have to do is follow my orders."

"Come on, Aria. You know me. The only time I follow your orders is in the bedr--"

"Shh!" I clamp my hand over her mouth as one of those monsters stumbles toward our hiding place. Holding my breath, I watch as it approaches until its bloody, mutilated hand grazes the rock boulder, the only barrier saving us from becoming nothing more than dinner for those creatures. Or rather... breakfast.

My heart freezes when it stops right before us, its head just peering over the top. It smells the air, dark blood dripping out of its half missing mouth, the jawbone with bumps of flesh still stuck to it in clear view. Drops of blackish liquid slide down our side of the structure. A growl rips out of its throat. It sniffs the air again before glancing down at us. That's when I notice that the fucker is blind. Where its eyes should be, there are two empty eye sockets that seem to have been-- Holy shit, half of its eye is still in the right hole, all... chewed up? What the actual fuck?

Gripping my girlfriend's trembling hand while keeping my hold over her mouth, I wait. As long as we don't make a sound, we should be good. And maybe its smelling skills are not developed enough at this stage. The only weapon I have is the hunting knife I always carry around in my cargo pants, but that's not going to do much against these creatures. Maybe against this one, but if I kill it now, I'll one hundred percent attract the attention of the fifty or so monsters out there.

So as much as I would like to plunge my knife through its empty eye socket until my blade is decorated with its brain matter, it's not the best course of action. At least for now.

If only I had something big and strong that I could use when the time comes... like something iron or steel... Glancing to my left, a crowbar lying beside the fence catches my eye.

Okay, now that will work.

A clicking snarl makes me glance up again. Shit... the monster's blackened fingers are curled around the top of the rock structure. I know that if we don't do something now, we're dead. Blind or not, it will soon sniff us out or... worse. And the thought of my girlfriend being torn to pieces is the last thing I want.

"When I say run, you run. Got it?" I whisper in her ear. She nods, her eyes serious as she takes a deep breath and doesn't question my order. Slowly releasing my hold on her mouth, I dig out my knife from my pocket and hand it to her. "Do you still remember when I showed you how to open and use it?"

She nods again, grasping the camo-decorated handle in her small hand as she looks at me. My breath hitches with adoration, as it does every single time for the past two years we've known each other. But then, a heavy feeling tugs at my heart. Because instead of a smile with the beauty of a blooming red rose, it sits in a faded line. Instead of that golden sparkle of joy in her brown chestnut eyes, they're filled with the hopelessness of a dying star. And instead of her cheekbones twitching with adorable laughter or mischief, they now flinch with worry and concern.

The monster growls again, this time from the other side and out of view. There was a reason why the universe sent me to serve in the army from eighteen years old. At the time, I thought it was to serve and protect my country.  Of course, that was an important reason. But now I know that it wasn't the only one.

The other reason was to arm me with the knowledge and skills to protect my girlfriend. The only person in this whole world whom I love, and will do everything and anything to keep safe. Even if it means putting my own life in danger. 

Because the truth is, I'll kill anyone for her. Especially some undead monsters. 

"Hey, look at me," I  whisper, tucking my finger under her chin and gently tilting it up so her gaze can meet mine. "I promise, no matter what, I'll always be by your side. Through darkness and hell, I'm here. Okay, baby?" my voice trembles at the end as moisture distorts her eyes. 

Her breath shudders. "Together. Forever. Right?" 

"Forever." I wipe away a tear leaving behind a stained, jagged trail on her beautiful face. "Do you trust me?"

"Always," she softly says, placing her hand on my cheek, the warmth from her touch flowing into my heart like overcharged electricity. 

I take a deep breath. "Now, on the count of three: one... two..."

But I don't get to three when Sky is yanked from my grasp and dragged backward, her screams sending a thousand daggers flying into my heart. 

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