Not One of Yours

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Chuuya turned around with his eyes widened. "Tsumiki..."

"Hi Chuuya." He smiled.

Chuuya's eyes saddened. "What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk... Alone."


"Chuuya here belongs to the Port Mafia meaning his talking to you would be betrayal." Dazai smirked with his eyes closed as he had one hand tightly on Chuuya's shoulder.

Tsumiki tsked as he looked at Dazai. "Is that what you want Chuuya?"

Chuuya was about to speak. But dazai whispered in his ear. "It's best you remember your place petite mafia~"

Chuuya's fists clenched. "Yes... that's what I want..." Chuuya spoke softly. Tsumiki knew he was lying. Chuuya couldn't even look at him.

Tsumiki grabbed Chuuya's hand and he pulled him into his arms, and kissed Chuuya deeply, and Chuuya let him. Tsumiki gently brushed his hands through Chuuya's hair, and he put his hat more snuggly on his head. "Remember... you always have a home. We may have our stupid arguments and our moments we don't talk to each other for awhile... but that will never change how much I love you."

Chuuya looked at Tsumiki sadly as he let him go and walked out of the bar.


Chuuya looked up at the hotel and he sighed. Tsumiki when he kissed him and ran his fingers through his hair, he slipped a small note inside Chuuya's hat when he readjusted it. Chuuya had slipped it out when he went alone to the bathroom, and he read it. It told Chuuya to meet him at 3 am. He probably figured that's when the Port Mafia would be less alerted. Chuuya knocked on the hotel room door. Tsumiki looked through the peephole before opening the door. He left Chuuya in and when Chuuya walked in, Tsumiki lead him to the balcony of the hotel. It overlooked the city, it was beautiful. And it was high up enough Chuuya wasn't worried about being on the balcony. He looked down at the white table on the balcony. There was a dinner laid out. Lobster, with asparagus and red potatoes. Sitting in a bucket of ice was wine.

"What's all this?" Chuuya chuckled.

"...My I'm sorry for being a dick dinner..." Tsumiki admitted shyly.

Chuuya laughed. That was cute and thoughtful. How could he possibly be upset with that. Chuuya stood on his tippy toes and kissed him. Chuuya wrapped his arms around him and he looked up at him smiling. "Yeah... You were a bit of a dick... but"

"I know and I-"

"Let me finish." Chuuya complained.


"But... I forgive you." Chuuya smiled.

"I'm glad..." Tsumiki said softly. "I really am sorry..." He said picking Chuuya up and sitting him on the railing of the balcony. Supporting the small ginger so he didn't fall.

"You know..." Chuuya said kissing him. "I'm not all that...mnn..." He said kissing him again. "...hungry. But I definitely could afford to work up an appetite." Chuuya said nibbling Tsumiki's ear. Tsumiki blushed brightly and he looked at Chuuya.

"You gonna just stare at me like I'm gonna disappear or are you gonna fuck me in two?" Chuuya said grabbing his member.

Tsumiki lifted Chuuya up and Chuuya wrapped his legs around him and he laughed as Tsumiki hurried to the bed.


Tsumiki smiled and he kissed Chuuya on the forehead as he ran his hand through his hair. "I love you."

"I love you too..." Chuuya smiled, Chuuya laid on Tsumiki's chest and he kissed it as he snuggled in. "I hate this... it isn't fair... If I was just normal... if I was just a normal person this would have never happened..."

Tsumiki's eyebrows furrowed. He lifted Chuuya's chin up. "To me you are normal. You're perfect just the way you are. It's not your fault other people don't understand you. To me your Chuuya. My Chuuya. The most sweet and compassionate person I know."

Chuuya blushed turning away. "You're so cheesy..." He mumbled.

Tsumiki laughed as he snuggled Chuuya from behind. Chuuya soon was asleep, thoroughly exhausted from the events of the day. He looked so peacefully. Tsumiki hated he'd have to wake him up in an hour. He didn't want the Port Mafia getting too suspicious. But for now... while he could. He'd enjoy their time together.


Chuuya pouted. "I hate I have to leave..."

"I know... but I'm not going anywhere. I'm here." Tsumiki kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too..." Chuuya opened the door to leave but Tsumiki stole one more kiss before he did. Chuuya waved goodbye, and Tsumiki waved backed as he watched Chuuya until he got on the elevator. When Chuuya made it down to the main floor his eyes widened.

"Boss would kill you if he found out." He stated.

"Then you should mind your business so he doesn't kill you too." Chuuya stated bitterly.

"I know you love him... but it's for the best."

Chuuya got in his face. "You! You know absolutely nothing about me! There my family! Not you or the bullshit Port Mafia." Chuuya said angrily as he stomped away.

"Chuuya! We can't be your family if you don't give us the chance!" Oda spat back.

"Oh spare me the bullshit. None of you care about my well being. For the Port Mafia I'm just a good benefit."

"What has ever given you that impression petite mafia?" Dazai said annoyed as he walked towards Chuuya and Odasaku. Chuuya's eyes widened as Dazai stood before him.

"Huh? Answer to your superior Chuuyaaa~" Dazai singsonged.

To Be Continued...

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