Port Mafia meets Cafe Tsukikage

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The ginger haired man watched silently as he looked at the man with purple hair leaning against the edge of the building, with a sniper rifle in hand. He was looking through the scope, and the man walked over quietly and kneeled down beside him. He looked at his watch and then at the man next to him.

"Two minutes tops." He stated.

He continued to look at his watch. "30 seconds."

Just like clockwork, thirty seconds later a black SUV pulled up in front of a café. The man waited for the intended target to get out of the SUV, and he got into a perfect stance, and he aimed and looked through the scope. He shot making the man drop to the ground, and blood splattered all over the SUV from the assassination. He pulled back and smirked. "I'll leave the rest to you hm?" He said looking at the ginger.

He smirked back and nodded. The man jumped off the roof and he used his ability to land on the ground soundlessly. The scum from the rival organization noticed the ginger and they automatically raised their guns at the ginger man. But he laughed and smirked as they had no idea what they were up against. The man activated his ability, and as the bullets started flying his way the man stopped them all mid-air, and he shot them right back at the scum. The ginger heard a man behind him whistle as he saw the men drop like flies.

"Damn. I remember Tsumiki telling me about your ability but I didn't have any idea it was this good."

The ginger looked at him and he turned around, stepping closer. "Amon, what are you doing here? I thought Shirakawa told you to stay away from this mission."

Amon laughed. "Since when have I ever listened to Shirakawa. Plus, Tsumiki wanted me to come and help collect."

Amon said stepping past the ginger to go collect the prized possessions in the car. "Oi! Wait you idiot! Don't grab that without gloves!"

The ginger felt himself being pulled back by his waist and he was kissed softly behind the ear. "Chuuya's right Amon. Don't get careless." Tsumiki said tossing Amon gloves.

"Right, Boss." Amon said.

Tsumiki turned Chuuya around and he kissed him softly on the lips. "You did good tonight baby. Your strength is beautiful."

"Hm, are you appreciating me or more so my ability?"

"You of course." Tsumiki said as he rubbed his nose against Chuuya's.

"Mm. Cute. But not that cute." Chuuya said tapping his face and wiggling out of his arms.

Chuuya walked over to Amon and watched as he started throwing bags on the ground. Chuuya kneeled down and he unzipped the bag and whistled. "Nice. This is enough to keep up the run of the café for years and our room and board."

"We did good guys." Tsumiki said. "Let's celebrate."

"Drinks on me!" Amon said as he picked up a few bags. Chuuya and Tsumiki followed behind Amon.


Dazai punched Akutagawa in the stomach hard, and he snatched him up by his hair. "Look at that! Look at it!" Dazai said snatching his head that way. "They're all dead... and I am out of a lot of fucking money! You had one simple job Akutagawa! I told you to get the fucking money and you can't even do that!"

"Boss..." Hirotsu said calmly. "Akutagawa did fail the mission. But is finding the money not more important?"

Dazai threw Akutagawa to the side and he turned around looking at Hirotsu. "You're right. It is more important but now I have to work harder than needed because of his fuck up." Dazai said rolling his eyes.

Dazai's eyes wandered up, and he saw security cameras but the light wasn't blinking. Meaning whoever took these weak underlings out was skilled in what they were doing.

"Have those cameras up there checked. Maybe it caught something before it was destroyed." Dazai said.

"As you wish boss." Hirotsu said bowing.

Dazai turned around again looking at Akutagawa. "And you clean yourself up." Dazai said throwing a handkerchief at Akutagawa.

Hirotsu did just as he was told. He was having the security cameras checked. He was standing behind Gin as she was pulling up the video footage. But it was pointless. All they saw was the man being shot down, he was clearly snipered, and they saw a man jumping down in all black, long black and brown trench coat, ginger hair, hair definitely you'd never deem as common in Japan. But before they got to really see or identify him, the camera was broken. Hirotsu sighed, Dazai would not be happy to hear this.


Chuuya knocked on the door and he waited patiently.

"Come in!"

Chuuya came in along with Tsumiki, and Shirakawa stood up and he smiled at both of them.

"Good work you two. I'm proud of you both bringing in the money. It's definitely enough to keep this place up and running as a cover. Now I have another mission for you both. We're running low on weapons, there is a cargo of weapons that should be delivered by the docs in a few hours. I want you to go and successfully, and without a lot of ruckus collect these guns."

"Yes Boss." Chuuya and Tsumiki both bowed.

"Also, take two people with you. Just in case things do have to get unpleasantly messy." He smirked.

They both nodded before they headed out of the door.

The man hiding in the shadows finally stepped out from his hiding place, as the two took their leave. "You know it's going to get messy. You're dealing with the Port Mafia, there is going to be unnecessary causalities." The man narrowed his eyes. "What game are you playing?"

"You worry too much Yodaka. I'd never put my trusted men in danger. I just... need to test the full power and potential of one."

"Hm." Yodaka hummed as he narrowed his eyes. Shirakawa was trying to sound convincing, but Yodaka didn't believe his bullshit for one second.


Dazai watched and was accounting for all of the cargo coming off the ship. He wanted to make sure this time there was no unnecessary fuck ups. He was counting and checking off the cargo on the sheet one by one. It was going smoothly so far. So, he had thought until he heard the screams of some of his underlings. Dazai looked up and he saw a red glow, and a man flying through the air. Dazai's eyes widened at the sight. He was a beautiful man... he had bright curly ginger hair, striking ocean blue eyes, freckles were dusting his face, and he had a toned but also kind feminine build. He was stunning and mouth dropping. Him and the man-made eye contact and he watched as the man jumped down in front of him, and he saw the pathetic sight of his subordinates behind the man.

"Oi Chibbiko, I don't too much appreciate you being on my territory. Hasn't anyone ever taught you better?"

Chuuya kicked at him but Dazai ducked down and dodged it. "Who are you calling little? Don't underestimate me, I just took out the garbage, and you're next Mr. Boss of The Port Mafia."

"Hm, so you have heard of me then?"

"I've done my research well enough to know that you're no match for me." Chuuya said smirking as the ground around him started pulling up and flying next to him. Chuuya felt another presence and he knew something was coming for him but it didn't get even close as Tsumiki shot at it.

"I've got you back baby. No worries." Tsumiki said to Chuuya.

Chuuya smiled. "I know. Let's get this over with." Chuuya said as he raised his arm, and threw the rocks towards Dazai. But they didn't get the chance to hit Dazai as a man with red hair had moved Dazai out of the way. Chuuya tsked in annoyance and he ran for the man and Dazai. Chuuya went to go kick at Dazai but the man grabbed Chuuya's ankle, but Chuuya wouldn't be stopped that easy he used the man's shoulder to toss himself over him and make him loosen the grip he had on him, and Chuuya kicked off his back and went to go punch Dazai. But Chuuya was surprised at how well the brunette could keep up with his attacks. But Chuuya was suddenly distracted as he heard the pained yelp of his boyfriend, which gave Dazai and open opportunity to grab Chuuya and toss him on the ground. Chuuya winced as his back made contact with the ground, Dazai pinned Chuuya's wrists above his head.

"Get off!" Chuuya yelled as turned his head a little and bit Dazai's arm. A cheaper move than Chuuya would ever use but it got the bean pole off. Chuuya kicked him in the stomach sending him flying back, and hitting a wall hard.

"Tsumiki!" Chuuya said as he was running to go help him. But it was too late. Chuuya's eyes widened as he heard Tsumiki hit the ground with a thud. Chuuya fell to his knees and his eyes saddened as he looked at Tsumiki. Chuuya was angry so angry. The gravity shifted tenfold, and everyone on the battle field winced as the could barely stand. Chuuya felt that nasty side of himself taking over, he felt himself being filled with the rushing hate.

O grantors of dark disgrace... do not wake me again!

Everyone's eyes widened as they felt the rush of power coming from Chuuya as they saw how the nasty red marks crawled up his skin. Chuuya lost complete control of himself. Tsumiki groaned as he looked up from the ground at Chuuya, he had been stabbed but it wasn't deadly enough to kill him. Tsumiki watched in horror as Chuuya lunged for Akutagawa and anyone who was affiliated with Port Mafia. Chuuya seemed aware enough to know who was an enemy and who was a friend. Tsumiki was suddenly lifted off the ground by Amon and Izuna.

Amon and Izuna's eyes widened as they looked at Chuuya. "Holy shit..." Amon said shocked.

"Chuuya, stop! Stop!" Izuna yelled.

Dazai stood up and he pushed through his pain, he realized if he didn't stop the petite red head. He would hurt everyone here. Dazai ran and he slid, and he dodged attacks from Chuuya. Just a brush, it was all he needed. Dazai reached out, and he grabbed a small piece of Chuuya's hair and it was nullified within seconds. Even though Tsumiki was hurt he ran as fast as he could. He had to reach his boyfriend. Dazai was going to catch him, but he stepped back as Amon shot at him. By that time Tsumiki had reached him and he caught Chuuya in his arms. "Chuuya... Oi... Chuuya!" Tsumiki shook him but he wasn't moving. Tsumiki checked his breathing and he sighed in relief as he heard the red head breath, it was shallow, but at least it was there. Izuna popped the door open and reached for both of them. "Get in!" Tsumiki pulled himself and Chuuya into the car and they sped off. This was the first time the Port Mafia and Café Tsukikage had met. And this was the first time Dazai had took a special interest in anyone, that red head had definitely caught his eye. So much power wrapped up in such a small and beautiful man. Dazai definitely wanted to make that man his, he knew he would. And one thing Dazai never got wrong was his predictions.

Okay guys please let me know what you think of this work. Cause I was really going back and forth on if I should post this or not... My stories lately have been quick, short, and not much time going into it. But I want to be able to get back into writing passionality. Anyway thank you so much for the support even through the bad stories. I adore you guys! I hope you enjoyed also here are picture images of the characters mentioned so you know what they look like.

That is Yokada

This is Shirakawa. The Boss of Café Tsuskigawa.

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