Chapter 1, in which everything is only starting

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It was definitely a pleasant day. Sun was shining, birds were singing beautiful songs, breeze was blowing the leaves... Or maybe, the weather seemed so beautiful only for a redhead. Sakata Akira was enjoying that peaceful morning.

The boy looked happy - today was his first day in the new school! He had moved in a new apartment, which was too far from his previous school, so he and his parents decided that it's going to be the best decision.

"Sakata!!!" - a loud voice distracted the boy from his thoughts. The redhead saw his best friend ran to him.

"Senra! I'm glad to see you!" - said Sakata, when Senra finally reached him, and hugged a blonde, who returned the gesture. Those two have been friends since childhood, always supporting each other. But then came time to choose schools, their ways separated. So, Sakata was extremely happy that he had moved near the school where Senra had been studying.

"Ready for your first day at school?" - asked Senra, his friend just nodded. - "Are you already nervous? - the blonde decided to tease the younger for a bit.

"No, I'm not!" - Sakata quickly adverted his eyes. Senra laughed.

"If you say so~ Appositely, have you decided about entering a school club?"


"It's even better! Would you like to join the Literature Club?"

"E-eh?" - Sakata stopped, thought a bit and continued - "I'm not really interested in books and that stuff, so..."

"But things can always change!" - exclaimed Senra. "Maybe... you shouldn't reject the offer right away? Can you think about it until the end of the school day, please?" - blonde pleaded, and Sakata couldn't say no.

The boys finally got to the school building and said goodbye to each over.

"I'll come visit you after lessons" - Senra shouted and ran to classroom. Sakata sighed. "What did I get myself into?" - he thought.

The time had flown quickly. Sakata was amazed at some facilities, which he didn't had at previous school.

The last lesson had ended and the time to decide came. "Should I join?" - the redhead had been asking this question to himself, not paying attention to anything.

"Hey Sakata!" - Senra walked into the classroom, waving to the redhead to catch his attention.

"E-eh?" - Sakata was scared of a sudden voice - "Oh, it's you, Senra" - he whispered, relieved

"Did you expect someone else? By the way, have you thought about Literature club?" - the blonde asked his friend.

"Yes... But I haven't decided yet..."

"Come on! You can go there for once, and if you dislike this place, you can join another club." - Senra answered. Sakata just didn't have a choice.

"Okay then! Let's go" - he beamed and headed to a clubs' part of the school. The blonde grunted and went after him.
"Hey everyone! The new member is here!" - said Senra proudly

"E-ehh, Senra that's not de..." - the redhead stopped, receiving a plenty of amused glances. He took a deep breath.

"Hi! I'm Sakata! Nice to meet all of you!" - the boy tried to cover up his anxiety.


"Seriously, you brought a child? He'll definitely kill all the atmosphere" - Sakata heard a comment from a short brown-haired boy and frowned.

"Urata, stop being so rude!" - he heard another voice from a white-haired boy. The boy turned to Sakata and continued. - Don't pay attention, he's always like that! You are Sakata, right? I'm Mafumafu, pleasure to meet you! Senra told us a lot of good things about you! - Sakata blushed and whispered a quite "Thank you".

"Sakata! Long time no see!" - a familiar voice greeted him

"Ama-chan! You're here too" - Sakata hugged his friend, who was slightly laughing

"Yes, I'm the leader of the club after all~ And I'm so glad you're joining our club!"

"E-ehm..." - Sakata wanted to disagree,  but was interrupted by Senra.

"So, Sakata, this is Mafu, always cheerful and kind to everyone" - Mafu, the albino, slightly blushed - "That shortie is Urata" - Urata, the brunette, didn't seem to be delighted with Senra's words.

"Whom did you call a shortie?" - Urata angrily shouted, but the blonde just ignored him and continued.

"That raven-haired is Soraru, the smartest in our club" - his childhood friend gestured to a boy whom Sakata didn't notice. The boy felt the gaze and waved his hand to the redhead before turning his eyes back to the book.

"And you've already known Amatsuki, am I right?"

"Yep, we are in the same class~" - Amatsuki nodded. At first glance, Amatsuki seemed kind, cheerful and energetic - like a typical popular guy. Sakata still wondered, why had the boy offered him a friendship that day.

"So, if all of us are introduced to Sakata, we can star..." - Senra was interrupted by the sound of opening door

"Hello! I'm sorry I'm late" - a purple-haired boy said before noticing Sakata. - "So, you're that new member, about whom Senra was talking all the time! Nice to finally meet you!" - he extended hand for a handshake, slightly smiling. Confused, Sakata shook his hand.

"So, can we finally start our club meeting?" - Senra chimed. Shima laughed and nodded.

"One more time, welcome everyone and thank you for attending literature club! Today we greet our new member, Sakata, so... Urata and Soraru, can you please prepare cupcakes and tea?" - Amatsuki cheerfully said. Sakata expected that Urata would start bickering, but he stood and went to the corridor with Soraru, while guys were moving desks to one big table, where everyone could sit. Sakata's place was between Mafumafu and Senra.

"Sakata, what kinds of stories do you like?" - asked Mafu.

"I don't know... different? And what's your favorite genre of stories?"

"Maybe, sad ones... but the happy ones are great, too! I like so many genres..."

"And I like the horror stories!" - Shima replied "What about you, Senra?"

"I adore cute stories with deep thoughts in them. It's interesting to watch how author can put a lot of sense into simple words. And what stories does our leader like?" - Senra dreamily smiled.

" It's a hard question. Honestly, all genres of stories are beautiful in their own way. So, for me the meaning of them is more important." - Amatsuki responded - That's why I can't wait to see all of your stories, especially Sakata's!"

"Eh?" - Sakata questioningly looked at the Senra

"Sakata, I've almost forgotten to tell you! We are preparing for the festival, where we will read read poems to students! So, we write short stories to every club meeting!" - the redhead was surprised by those news. «Should I say what I haven't decided to join this club?" - he thought.

Fortunately, at that moment Soraru and Urata came back with tea set and cupcakes.

The raven-haired placed a cup in front of Sakata.

"I don't know your tastes in tea, so, I hope that you like green tea..." - he quietly stated.

"Yes, I like that sort of tea very much! Thank you a lot" - Sakata said, smiling. Soraru smiled back and went to his chair.

A second after the short brunet placed on the table a plate with cupcakes. Everyone took them and ate.
"Wow, Urata! These are delicious!" - said Mafu, while the rest of guys just smiled. Sakata still hadn't eaten a piece. Suddenly, the redhead noticed Urata, who was looking at him. "Is he waiting for my opinion?" - the boy thought. Finally, he bit a little part of cupcake. It tasted wonderful.

"It is awesome! Urata, thank you so much!" - Sakata happily exclaimed.

"It's not like I cook them for you or something..." - Urata slightly blushed

"Anyways, it's getting late now, so we should gather home. See you tomorrow!" - after some time passed said Amatsuki, gesturing to the window.

"Yes, you're right. Sakata, let's go home together!" - suggested Senra.

"Sure! Bye guys" - Sakata waved, took his bag and went out if class with his friend.

They were walking in silence, until the redhead decided to say something

"Senra, I am very grateful to you for bringing me to Literature club" - his friend didn't answer anything but hugged him.

Although the day was great, Sakata was delighted to be at home.

"Alright, I  have to write a short story. In what genre should I write it? Happy or sad ones? Maybe, horror? Or even romantic?

Also, I met so many interesting people. With whom should I chat more?" - he thought
Thank you for reading the first chapter of my fanfic! o(*><*)o
I hope you'll continue reading the story)

Also I wanted to say that you can influence on next events in the story by answering the questions. They are going to be written in Italics. So, please, answer on questions in this chapter while waiting for the next.

I hope you've enjoyed the beginning of the story, so, please, leave your comments)

See you in the next chapter!

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