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Everybody needs to see this.

There is a woman going around, very homophobic must I add, who is claiming to kill everyone who is a part of the LGBT community.

She has been trying to leak their personal information, out them to family and friends, and has been succeeding.

WARNING: what you're about to read is extremely offensive. These are all her words and not mine. Reading this just makes me sick.

"I'm not hiding. The only reason that I don't have a tumblr is that it has been deleted when I started telling the truth about gay people: that you are disgusting and abnormal.
My name is (Not going to show this), I'm a 21-year-old female undergraduate student from Germany. You also know me as smartypants. You can contact me by sending a message to:
I am not hiding. I'm not afraid of you gay people. I will fight you as long as I can.
I know that by putting me out there I will be harassed and threatened. That is the price I have to pay for telling the truth about gay people. But I am not afraid of being physically harmed or killed. You may break my bones, but you can't change the facts: that homosexuality is abnormal and disgusting.You are what you are and have to deal with it, like everybody else. Stop trying to pretend to be "better" than others because you consider yourself "transsexual". You have to play your gender role, you have to do what society expects from you. If you don't, you have to suffer from the consequences.

Just look what you have between your legs. If you have male private parts, you are a man, if you have female private parts, you are a woman. Understood?
I am sorry to inform you that your gay and transsexual experiment won't have a future. Please try to understand this. It was fun for a while, like watching weird looking animals in a zoo, but only as long as you were hiding and not showing your affection to the same sex in public. Years ago, transsexuality was merely the base for novels or movies. But now that you are demanding equal rights, we straight people have to face a real problem. You are naughty and greedy. You have overdone things. And because you demand too much, you won't get anything.
I want to say that I will use every legal measure to keep off transsexual people from having equal rights.
There isn't an endless amount of human rights available, we have to deploy our resources carefully and wisely.
Eventually you will understand this one day.
It is unbelievable how you, the LGBTQ people think that your sexual orientation could ever be socially accepted. It is such a miscalculation to assume that you would ever be equal. You can never expect that. Never ever. I will take every legal measure to fight you, I will try to avoid contact with you in real life. I don't want to be touched by you (e.g. by shaking hands), I don't want to sit next to you in a bus, I don't want you in or near my family. I might have already met transsexual people, that's why we need some sort of worlwide database where all the LGBTQ people are listed. So that we normal (=straight) people can avoid you.
There are things in the world that are just not okay. Being transsexual is one of them. I would love to be able to avoid you, but even in my peaceful, normal city there was a "Pride" this summer, a LGBTQ march for equal rights. How dare you to claim that transsexuality is normal.
Most straight people don't show openly their aversion for you, but that doesn't mean that they approve your lifestyle. Straight people might not beat you up, they might even talk and smile to you, but only on the outside. On the inside they wait until the laws that protect you will become invalid and then...dare you.
If you can't conform to our (straight) society, you won't be a part of our society.
We will get rid of the transsexual perverts. One way or another.
Discipline, self control, rational thoughts should always dominate your mind.
I'm not very religious, and I don't know what God wants. We just have to deal with the facts: why are far more than 90% of all people straight? Because we are RIGHT and you LGBTQ people are WRONG.
Your wrong sexual orientation disgusts me to no end.
Soon you will be very sorry for who you are. You will apologise to all of us normal people.
As soon as scientists will find the "transsexual gene", there won't be any transsexual babies anymore in this world. Then we can get rid of the LGBTQ peverts from the very beginning.
LGBTQ people won't have a future, that's why they should become normal immediately.
And because only 10% of all people are LGBTQ, we can abandon them. The world population is already large enough, why should we keep the gays alive?
It isn't anything personal, it's just a job.
"##", you are what you are. Stop trying to be better than others by altering things that you don't like about yourself. If you can't get along with the fact that you are a woman, it's your own problem. Stop bothering other people with it. In fact you don't have any problems. All that you're doing is just a weird idea that comes from the fact that today, everybody is trying to stand out and to be selfish.
"##", you are a woman. You have to be with a man. If you don't attarct any men, you should consider growing your hair longer, wearing makeup and dressing more girly.
I hope you will never have kids. Because you would mess them up.
Delete your tumblr and youtube.

This whole thing makes me sick.

If you are apart of the LGBT community and has released any personal information online, (ex. face reveal, name, age) DELETE IT. I deleted all my information off of here as well

Please stay safe everyone.



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