Chapter Nine

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TW: Major abuse. Like, really. Read at your own risk.

Evan's P.O.V

~flashback (January 29th, 2010)~

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

I curled myself up into a ball on the cold bathroom floor as loud shouting and crashing could be heard from downstairs. My mother told me to run. To get help. Go to Jenna's house. I sobbed onto my knees as my father's loud voice screamed horrible things at my mom. I was always told that there was good in everyone, but I don't know if I could believe that anymore. I want to leave. I want to leave. I want to leave. They're gonna get louder and louder, and I won't be able to stop it. Last time I even tried to stop it, my father got me sent to the hospital. Even after my mom found out, he wouldn't let her leave. Which was the worst part of all of this.

He punched me and kicked me. He slapped me broke me mentally into pieces with his words. I was only eight years old. Yet this has been happening for years. He would never hesitate to tell me that I was a mistake and a disappointment. But at the end of the day, my mom always ended up bringing herself together and comforting me, putting on a sad smile in the meantime. I wanted the pain to stop. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.

I opened the window of my bathroom and felt the cold wind on my tear-stained face. I hummed a melody through pained emotions, trying my best to stay positive. Stay positive. Stay positive. Stay positive. That's what I was always told. My one and only job is to help other people, not myself. However, I wish so badly that wasn't true. I pulled the window open more.

A tall oak tree stood beside my house. I watched its leaves sway in the wind, occasionally some falling to the ground. Sometimes, people sway like leaves. But only the truly weak and suffering ones crash and fall to the ground, not trying to grasp any of the branches. I always thought of doing that. Falling. Down, and down, not even making any noise. It seemed ideal at the time. The soft breeze seemingly blew those thoughts out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head.

I closed my eyes and swayed my head slowly from side to side, the sounds of my parents fighting drifting away as I calmed myself down more and more. Unconsciously, I drifted farther out of the window. Out and out. My foot was on the edge of the window as I was completely outside of the house. I looked down at the ground before quickly stopping myself. His words echoed in my mind- telling me to jump. Do it. Do it. Do it. But I didn't listen. I ignored the sound. I closed the window.

I quickly jumped forwards, catching a branch of the tall oak tree and climbing up it. I didn't know where I was going. I just continued. Keep moving. Keep moving. Keep moving. Eventually, I reached a small clearing at the top of the tree. A little wooden trapdoor stood above me. I listened to the creaking noise it made as I slowly opened it to reveal an old, abandoned tree house. It had nothing in it besides a small carving of the word 'T-E-R-R-I-F-I-E-D' on the wooden floor. Seemed accurate enough.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

They found me. They're gonna start to shout soon.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

I'll be out soon. Out soon.

Out soon.

I jumped up in my bed as my door creaked open to reveal Connor, looking disheveled and sad. He stepped in, his hands in his pockets, and sat down on my bed beside me. "You haven't came out of your room in days since Jared went with his brother to the hospital." He said, shuffling his feet. Jared didn't stay at the hospital, though. After a few days, Jeremy could go home. But they needed a bit of time, obviously. While my household family was used to abuse, they weren't. So they wanted to recover without the father there. But I wanted to see Jared so badly. Knowing him, he probably did too.

"I know." I replied vaguely, no hint of emotion in my voice. Connor frowned. "I'm gonna make eggs. And bacon, actually. Want some?" He offered, placing his hand softly on my shoulder. I flinched, he pulled it away. "I'm not hungry." I said in the same monotone voice that I've been speaking in for the past week. We sat in silence for a bit before we heard the front door unlocking and someone entering the house. I froze. It couldn't be... my father, could it...?

My fears soon went away as I heard Jared's voice. My eyes widened and out of the corner of my eye I saw Connor grinning wildly. I jumped off my bed and swung open my bedroom door to reveal Jared, who was obviously about to open the door as well. I didn't hesitate to pull him into a passionate kiss, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist as he jumped up and wrapped his legs around my waist. After a minute, we resorted to just normal hugging, and we both felt Connor pull us into his grasp as well.

Now that I think about it, maybe this world isn't so cruel to me after all. I have the best friends and the most amazing boyfriend I could've ever asked for in my life.

And this is definitely a memory I don't want to get out of my head.

950 words on the dOt

I still feel angsty woot woot

Wanted to add more backstory to Evan's relationship with his dad so here ya go. No one asked for this but I'm bored and should be asleep

See ya losers

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