Chapter Thirteen

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more fluff because im in class and idk what to make this chapter about (okay i wrote the first bit in french class dont hmu)

~like half a year later~

Connor's P.O.V

I clicked my phone on, squinting my eyes at the bright light. 3:56 am, Monday, May 12. I groaned and threw my phone on the floor, which landed with a loud thud. I stared up at my bedroom ceiling. "Let me sleeeeep!" I said, mumbling to myself. I heard a muffled "shut uuuup" coming from Zoe's room. I snorted. I heard someone else getting up from Zoe's room. Knowing it was Alana, I listened in on their conversation slightly. They have been dating for a few months now, and I couldn't be happier for them. Our parents could care less, to be honest.

"Babe, why are you waking me up at four am?" She asked groggily. Zoe made an unexplainable noise and all sounds that were audible went silent again, aside from the wind that could be heard from my open window. I flopped my head back down on my pillow and picked my phone up. I opened Tumblr and started scrolling through the app. I tried my best to quiet my laughter whenever I came across cat memes or really stupid jokes. The basis of Tumblr: memes, aesthetics and hentai.

Before I knew it, the sun was already rising. Throwing the covers off of me, I stood up and annoyingly walked out of my room and through the hallway, passing family pictures. I stopped at one of them. We were at the beach in the photo, years ago. Zoe and I looked so young, her climbed on my back and the innocent smiles plastered on my face. I remember when we were a happy family. She seems the only one in the house who is a real person. We were always there for each other, got on each others nerves, yes, but still there. I smiled slightly before continuing down the stairs and into the kitchen. My parents were still obviously asleep.

I pulled out my phone and started texting Jared.

420blazeit: how are you holding up my dude?

microsoftnerd: Aside from having to deal with the sounds coming from my brother's room, I'm good.

I smirked to myself.

420blazeit: lemme guess, michael?

microsoftnerd: Correct

I shut off my phone, still trying to contain my laughter as I poured myself a glass of milk. I walked out of the kitchen, not bothering to put back the bag of milk, with my cup in my hand. I set it down on the table before gathering all my books and homework from the night before and putting it into my backpack. I quickly snatched an apple from the basket on the table and bit into it. Alana walked downstairs at that very moment, stopping dead in her tracks upon seeing me. "Dude, that's a plastic apple." She said. I gave her a dead stare, taking another bite slowly without breaking eye contact. She scoffed.

"Where's Zoe?" I asked. She talked without looking back at me as she put the milk away and got out a yogurt and some granola. "Asleep. Still tired from last night." She started opening the yogurt before freezing, face turning completely red with what she just said. She slowly looked up at me. "D-don't punch me-" I cut her off by bursting out in fits of laughter. "Wow, Zoe's a bottom? Now I got more things to make fun of her for, geez!" I said, wiping my eyes. Alana shot me a glare before going back to making her breakfast.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door. I closed it shut behind me with a loud thud. I continued down the street until I reached priso- I mean school.

I saw Evan waving at me. I waved back before walking at a fast pace towards the blonde boy. I looked down at him and ruffled his hair. "How's the flaming homo doing?" I asked. He groaned. "Staaaaap. I'm doing fine." He said. A certain bus skidded to a stop behind us. I saw Jared step off of it and immediately saw us. He ran towards us and, literally, slid into frame. "Nice entrance." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I looked the other direction, but my head immediately snapped back when I heard the words "Michael makes an entrance" being mumbled by one of the two shorter boys. I gave them cold stares. "How dare." I said.

"Uh- Jenna- no, Jared- damn, I don't even know where to start, ugh.." I wheeled around to see none other than Heather Chandler, looking different than her usual cocky and rude self. I scowled at her. "What do you want, Heather." She shuffled her feet. "I-I mean... I guess I wanted to apologize-" my face softened slightly, but I still didn't really trust the girl. I kept on my average dead-panned expression. "-for being such a jerk to you. To everyone in the school, I guess. I-I don't expect you to forgive me! I just..." she paused, then sighed. "I don't wanna be the bad guy, not anymore at least. My reputation still won't change quickly enough for my liking, but I'm still able to change myself as a whole, and I've... decided to do that." She looked up again, making eye contacted with me for a bit before looking down at Jared.

"I'm so extremely sorry for how horrible I was to you. I'm asking you to take time to think this through, I don't want to be forgiven too early, that wouldn't be right..." she held out her hand, which to my surprise, was shaking. Hesitantly, Jared put his hand in hers and shook it slightly. Once he let go, after not even two seconds might I add, Heather gave all of us a smile. "I guess... I'll see you guys next time. Hopefully in better circumstances..." she mumbled the last bit, turning away and walking into the school building. I turned to look at Jared. "Do you trust her?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I'll do what she said and give it time. After all she's done, I can't just accept that immediately." I nodded. "That makes sense. We should get to class."

Once we got into the school building, Evan and Jared pulled each other into a short kiss as they went to their separate classrooms. I was happy for them, a lot. Not even a tang of jealousy, as an asexual, aromantic, stoner boy. What did you expect? I was finally happy.

No one's P.O.V

Little to Connor's knowledge, that happiness wouldn't last very long.

1123 words


Is that a spoiler or a cliffhanger? Idk. Find out next time on game grumps.

pEaCe OuT 💦😫😫👌🏻👌🏻💦

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