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Hi guys here is the next part.

Laksh's face shrunk when he saw Vikranth standing behind him with Ramya. "that say Vikranth proposed Ragini and she accepted that proposal" Ajay's words echoed in his mind and his heart pained at that thought.

"hi Ragini" Ramya said and hugged her, while Vikranth stood glaring at Laksh.

"Why are you here? That too with him" Ramya's question made Laksh frown. "He, he is Laksh, my friend" Ragini said holding his hands and Ramya openly hated that.

"how can you roam around him Ragini, you don't even know him for a week. How can you trust him?" Ramya's words hurt Ragini more than Laksh.

It didn't took ten minutes for her to fall for him deeply, then why can't she trust him, after all he is her husband, her better half. Who else can she trust if she can't trust him. She wanted to ask these to Ramya yet kept silence.

"Even I trusted you and roamed the city with you in the first weekend we met Ramya, I trust him the same way I trusted you and if he is trust worthy for My Ajay Anna, he is more than just trust worthy for me" she said and Ramya clutched her hands in anger.

Both Laksh and Vikranth decided to play silence. No man with Brian will interfere when two girls argue, do they?

"Ragini, I'm coming strait to the point, When Vikranth proposed you, you accepted his proposal na? Then why are keeping silence about that now. All these days he lived only having you in his heart. Now your activities say otherwise. Now I want to know Ragini, tell me when you are going to get married to Vikranth "Ramya asked and both Ragini and Vikranth stood rooted with the change the saw in Ramya.

" Ramya, why are you forcing her like this? She just came back form hospital, give her some space "Vikranth said dragging her back.

" She... She should accept you Vicky.. You.. "Ramya kept mumbling as Vikranth dragged her to the other side.

Reaching her home Ragini dropped herself in her bed. The memories of her whole life kept flashing in her mind like a movie.

She can't tell whether what she doing now is right or wrong. She can't tell whether she chose a right path or wrong one.

She didn't know whether the desision she chose to forgive Laksh is right or wrong. But she knows one thing, even she is not a saint to balme Laksh. She dared to kill Swara and he did the same to her, she deceived him and he did that back. He faked himself as Abhimanyu and she is now faking her memory loss, but can she really forgive him for not being with her when she lost her child?

She has no idea about that. But one thing she knows, she can't stop herself from loving him more everyday. The morning incident disturbed her a lot to be frank. She never expected this from Ramya.

The last thing Ragini remember form her past is the call she received and she accepting Vikranth's proposal after that the accident never came to her mind, but she remember meeting Laksh for the first time, she remembers every second she spend with him. She remember the days when she spend in Kanyakumari. She tried to think again and again, where she missed a point that she is not discovering her enemy till now.

Shahil. He is indeed a villian in her life but not worthy enough to compete with her, she knows that man is afraid of her one word. Even though he planned behind her back many times he won't cross a particular limit.

Then her step sister, even though she acted like a saint after her accident she knows her true face from the day she lost her child surely that devil has her hands on it.

And one unknown person. One who knows her weekness and her power, one who knows even the tinest details about her, a very known but unknown enemy.

Now Ragini has to find out the point which connects these three to find out what happens in her back. Apart form all these the thing which bothers her the most is Ajay.

Ajay....Ajay do know about her love for Laksh from the beginning, then why, why he pretended like not knowing that. Why did he used her memory loss to hide the fact it was Laksh who was Ragini's lover form almost everyone.

She remembered the day she saw Laksh for the first time in her life. Shbe saw him in a theme park fighting for his friend with some thugs. She didn't remember what attracted her towards him but everyday form then she did followed him until one day Ajay found her stalking him

"So Ragu baby is in love and decided to stalk her man by herself without our knowledge?" Ajay asked Ajay asked crossing his hands.

"Anna, that.. I wanted to keep it as a secret and tell you guys after I proposed him" she gave him a sheepish smile.

"anyway, let me cheak his background, I'm allowing you to love him only if he is good man, otherwise prepare to forgot him okay" Ajay said and Ragini smiled at his care.

But Ragini's choice can never go wrong can it? When she got green signal from Ajay she decided to propose Laksh on his birthday.

Finally that day arrived, the day she waited for a long time, Ragini finally decided to show herself to the person she ever loved. Buying a bouquet of red roses she went to meet her, but before she could do that her phone ringed. Attending that phone was her greatest mistake of all.

"Ragu" She heard a call but found no in one. Ignoring that as her imagination she decided to sleep unaware of the presence of her husband who is waiting for her to sleep to get a clear glimpse of his wife and to spend few hours with her.

Ajay took a bottle of alcohol and gulped that I a go. He is really tired, more than tired with all the happenings. Isn't a few hours is enough for a person to understand reality? Then why this Ramya, his Ramya is like this, he has no answer.

He loved Ramya more than anything, but can be allow his love hurt others. He always felt bad for sperating Ragini and Ramya when Ramya lost her memory. But now he didn't regret that decision of his. If only he introduced Ramya that time, she must have brain washed Ragini into loving Vikranth for sure.

But one thing is sure! Before anything touch Ragini or Laksh, it must go through him first...

Precap : revelation

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