part 10

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"My shoru looking so beautiful" Dida praised Swara which make her smiled.

"But you have to be careful Swara because your husband looking so handsome, what if any girl try to impress him " Dida tease swara seeing Sanskaar who was coming towards them looking extremely hot.

"But My wife is looking so beautiful that I will not  able to notice them" Sanskaar wink Dida were swara blush sliding her hair back.

"It's important to go there" shomi asked come near them.

"Actually mom insist me to come for the party and I can't denied her" Sanskaar explain.

"Shona take care of yourself" Shomi said and left from there.

Sanskaar and swara reach in the MM. Swara feels nervous as she did not face them from one month but she was happy that she did not face Ragini in this one month.

Sanskaar and swara enter in the mm. Swara feels nervous seeing so many people looking towards them as she always get taught from people, seeing swara nervous Sanskaar hold her hand and walk forward making swara relief.

Sujata smile seeing Sanskaar, she walk towards him and hug him happily were Sanskaar hug her back.

"How are you my son??" Sujata said touching his face.

"I am fine mom" Sanskaar said with smile.

"Fine?? See how much you become thin" her motherly feeling spoke.

"Mom don't spoke like we before never met" Sanskaar shake his head seeing at her drama.

"What if we met or speaking on mobile that does not mean I am not missing you" Sujata said with teary eyes.

"Mom now don't cry.. you know na I don't like if you cry" Sanskaar hug her were she hug her back while wiping her tears.

"Now let's go" Sanskaar said were Sujata glare swara which swara felt bad.

"So how are you feeling swara, staying with Sanskaar without marriage" Ragini said to the swara from her behind gaining her attention who was standing alone seeing towards Sanskaar who is talking to his client..

"What  she feel or  staying with Sanskaar without  marriage is her problem. Instead of worry about her you should concentrate on your life." Sujata said making Ragini angry were swara looking at Sujata suprisingly.

"What happened mom??" Sanskaar asked seeing Ragini angry face.

"Nothing Sanskaar, some people don't have work instead of poking their nose on a others matter" Sujata taunt Ragini. Ragini went from there angrily.

"Hello" Ragini gain attention standing middle of the hall while taking mike in a hand.

"I requesting some couple for join us with dance along with my sister and Jijaji" Ragini give swara smirk were all cheers for them . swara touch her belly thinking how she will dance when their small Jaan growing inside her which was no one has seen at her belly.

Sanskaar hold her hand and take her middle of the place were Swara just looking at him that what he is doing.

Song play.... Ve Mahi...

Sanskaar forward his right hand and give sigh Swara to place her hand on his. Swara place her left hand on his, Sanskaar hold her waist from  left hand were she place her right hand on his shoulder. Sanskaar pulled Swara towards him slowly.

They start dancing slowly while looking at each eyes. Sanskaar carefully make her turn and hug her from behind while placing both hand on her belly. His soft breath touching her neck making her breath fast. Feeling him so close She close her eyes.

Other side Laksh and Ragini doing dance making themself embrace. They are trying to match each other step but they just failed to do it.

Laksh looking at Swara painfully who was busy to dance with her husband. His heart is paining seeing them but what can he do now instead of seeing her with his brother.

Ragini is burning in jealousy seeing her husband who is staring her sister were her sister happily dancing with her husband. People also adoring her sister and husband.

Swasan came into sense listening people clap who was lost in each other eyes. Swara feel extremely shy so she lower her eye lashes down while tucking her hair behind the ear were Ragini staring them angrily.

In room
"Dadi why that Swara getting everything??" Laksh ji instead of looking me he was starring that Swara?? Why dadi why? " Ragini angrily shout.

"Lado come down" dadi try to calm her down.

"Why I should calm?? What I did not do ?? I make Swara sleep with that Sanskaar so she leave this city feeling disgust herself but still she staying with that Sanskaar who is standing beside her every step" Ragini angrily said trying to control her anger.

Someone come from behind and slap her hard making her stumbled. She looks towards that person shockingly while holding her cheeks.

"Swara" Ragini look toward Swara.

"I did not know Ragini you will fall this much low to get Laksh. I will not say anything to you as I know it will not affect you but you don't know what I felt that day. Hope Ragini you never go through as it hurt so much to soul. " Tears roll down from Swara eyes were Sanskaar hug from side while fisting his hand tight to control his anger.

"And don't worry I will not tell your truth anyone as now I don't care now. I was came here for to unite my father and mother but now my maa don't want that spineless men in her life" saying this she left from there running.

"Swara slow" sanskaar run behind her.

Sanskaar came  behind Swara and see her who is crying sitting on the bench. Sanskaar sit beside her and pulled towards him and hug her while rubbing her back.

"Shh now stop crying" sanskaar rub her back to make her calm.

"Why she did it Sanskaar??" She cried while hugging him.

"I am also sorry because of me " intrupt by swara understanding what he is going to speak.

"She is not kid Sanskaar, if she really love me then she never harm me " Swara said still hugging him.

"Now stop thinking about her, don't spoil your health because of her" Sanskaar said breaking hug. He wipes her tear with the thump.

"I am sorry for accusing you that day" swara said feeling guilty.

"Don't be sorry, it was not your mistake. Instead of you any girl present in your place she also reacted like you" Sanskaar explain.

"Now we should leave " Sanskaar get up from there were Swara nod. Swara also get up to leave but they both stop seeing Sujata infront of them.

"Can I ask you something??" Sujata asked sanskaar were he looked Sujata confusingly.

"Yes mom what happen??" Asked Sanskaar seeing Sujata serious face.

"You want to spend all life with swara" asked Sujata were swara immediately look towards Sanskaar.

"Why are you asking me suddenly??" Sanskaar asked thinking Why she asked this question suddenly.

"Yes or no" Sujata Said blankly

"Ofcourse mom... I want to spend my all life with swara and I am happy with her" Sanskaar hold swaras hand and look toward her who was giving her small smile.

"I know I supported Sanskaar in wrong path as I love him so much , I can do anything for my son." Sujata said shifting gaze Sanskaar to swara. She again take long breath and continue.

"Its not easy for me to accept you as I always had dream about Marwari girl but his happiness is with you then I am ready to accept you as I can do anything for my son happiness" Sujata said smiling were swara listening her carefully.

"But I want something from you" Sujata said making swara little fear.

"What you want mom??" Swara asked her slowly.

"Take care of my son " Sujata smile. swara take relief breath and smile back.

"Mom" Sanskaar call her from back who was turn to go.

" What happen??" Sujata asked turning back.

"We are going to be parents" Sanskaar said taking long breath.

"Really" Sujata asked him happily but something strike her mind.

"In which month" Sujata asked them suspesiously.

"4th month" Sanskaar  bow his head as he told her what happen that day but did not told about her pregnancy.

"And you are telling me now" Sujata get angry.

"Sorry mom " Sujata ignore him.

"You take care of yourself and don't do any heavy work" Sujata left from there.

"Mom is angry with you'" swara said looking towards Sujata who was gone.

"I know but she will forgive me. You don't take tension " Sanskaar said giving her smile.

In car
Sanskaar stop car due to red single on high way.swara open the window and look outside, her eyes fall on puchka. Her mouth start get watery. She looks towards Sanskaar  who is looking forward, she sadly again look towards puchka.

" I know baby you also want this puchka but how can I tell your father" swara gulp her Saliva looking towards puchka while roaming her hand on belly.

" What happen swara??" Sanskaar asked looking towards swara who's still seeing puchka.

"I want that puchka" swara immediately said happily pointing towards the puchka stole.

"Outside food not good for baby" Sanskaar said starting car again.

" If he don't want to give my then Why he ask me" swara angrily shout in mind while making faces. Sanskaar smile seeing her making faces.

"Swara what happen" Sanskaar smiles but hide immediately.

"Nothing" swara said suppressing her anger.

They reach in badi, swara get down from the car and left from there without waiting for Sanskaar.

"Swara you came"  Shomi asked seeing her daughter coming.

"Hmm " swara replied and left from there angrily.

"Why she is angry??" Shomi asked sanskaar who came after swara.

"Because I did not give her puchka" Sanskaar shooking his head.

"Kindly explain me why you did not give my shoru her puchka" Dida asked resting her both hand on waist.

"Because I don't want to give swara outside food as it affect swara and baby so I don't want to take any risk" Sanskaar explain.

"But it's not good to suppress her caving, it's happening with her due to her mood swings" Dida said sadly.

"Her grandmother is present then why she will not eat " Sanskaar said showing his full teath.

"I will not You are going to be father so you should make for my shoru" Dida said trying to go from there.

"Dida don't forget you also getting promotion so don't escape" Sanskaar said comming infront of her.

"You also getting" Dida replied.

"Dida plz" Sanskaar said making puppy face.

"Don't melt me showing your this face, you also help me" said Dida.

Shomi smile seeing them.

"Baby what should we do now I badly need puchka and I know you also want" swara rub her belly slowly while moving here and there.

"But your father ready to do anything but can't fullfill your Mummas little wish" swara again said angrily.

"But why this is happening with me?? I think due to mood swing" swara explain herself taking long breath.

She heard door opening sound, she went toward bed and sit quietly without looking Sanskaar who just enter in the room. Sanskaar walk toward swara and place tray infront of her and himself  settle down infront of her.

"Eat this" Sanskaar said.

"I am not hungry" swara said trying to be normal

"Really you don't want??" Sanskaar smile seeing her wife who is angry but still trying to hide her anger.

"Asking like he brought my puchka" she cried in Mind remembering that puchka.

"I think I should finish this puchka as I feeling very hungry" Sanskaar said removing tray which was covering puchka. Sanskaar filled puchka with water.

"I want" Swara immediately said seeing Sanskaar who was about to put his in mouth.

"But you now only said that you don't want" Sanskaar asked innocently.

"Wo I was angery" she said immediately seeing that puchka. Sanskaar make her eat puchka and she happily eat.

To be continued..

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