part 12

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"Kavita" ward come out from Sanskaar mouth making swara shock. Tear roll down from eyes seeing her husband  love standing infront of her eyes.

"I will not able to give Kavita place in my heart" word ring in her ear. She was so lost in Sanskaar care that she forgotten this word which he said that day. She start getting her happiness but again her destiny betrayed her.

Shomi look towards her daughter who is crying silently. She hug her from side and look towards Durga maa while asking her "Why her daughter is suffering" were tears roll down from her eyes seeing her daughter condition.

"Maa if my shoru suffer again I never come in this Pooja" Dida look towards Durga maa angrily were tears rolling from her eyes also.

Sanskaar don't know how he should react but his first attention went towards swara who is crying seeing them were her maa and Dida supporting her from side. His heart itching seeing her like this.

He depart from Kavita and gave her fake smile. Kavita smile seeing him.

"How you are alive Kavita? I mean?" Sanskaar asked.

"My mom addmited me in hospital while giving money saying that I am mental but today Laksh rescued me" Kavita said crying.

"Kavita Stop crying" he said

Sanskaar don't know how to Console her, the things between them change. His more attention is on swara but he can't able to move toward swara as Kavita also crying infront of her and no one there to Console her.

Kavita look towards Sanskaar who is looking towards other girl who is pregnant with small baby bump were that girl also crying seeing him.

She again look towards Sanskaar who is not looking at her, his face saying her something different to her,who eyes always showing love towards her but today he had something different which she can't able to understand.  Instead of wiping her tears he is looking to the other girl.

"Who is she??" Kavita wipe her tears were Sanskaar look towards her shockingly.

"My wife" Sanskaar said taking long breath were tears roll down from her eyes.

" I am sorry" Sanskaar said feeling guilty seeing her tears.

"I am sorry it's my mistake that I thought my Sanskaar waiting for me but I forget that time never stop for anyone" she cried in pain.

" But I don't think they love each other" Ragini said comming towards them while covering her smrink.

"Ragini just stop it" Laksh come towards her angrily.

"Laksh ji I just telling her truth" Ragini make innocent face were Laksh ignore her.

"I want to say something to all of you, I married to this Ragini infront of you na but today I am breaking this marriage  here only" Laksh said angrily making all of them shock.

"Laksh ji are you joking na and who makes this kind of joke " Ragini asked smiling.

"This is truth Miss Ragini Gadodia, I came to know the truth so better to Stop this drama" Laksh angrily shout making Ragini shock.

" what truth Laksh ji??" Ragini still asked gaining some courage.

"First stop calling me Laksh ji and I know how you played games with Swara so Stop showing your goodness" Laksh angrily shout were his eyes become red due to the anger were Ragini remain shock.

"What are you saying Laksh? You have some mistaken. I can't believe this" Asked Anpoorna not believing what her daughter in law does.

"Mom I don't know who will believe me or not but this is the truth. I breaking this marriage and this is the punishment for this Ragini" Laksh look towards Ragini with hatred eyes.

"I said na you will get your punishment now see today you got your punishment" Dida shout angry comming towards her.

Ragini eyes got red in anger, she looks towards Swara and walk towards her angrily. She stand before her and shout.

"It's just happen because of you, if you don't come in my life then Laksh ji never able to love you. I tried to separate with you from Laksh ji and I got succeeded also but still you come between us. It just happening because of you" saying this Ragini angrily push Swara making all shock.

"Swara" Sanskaar shout but get relief seeing Shomi holding her from behind.

All run towards Swara were she is too shock to react, shiver run down from her spinal. She hold her bump tightly in fear were Sanskaar hug her from side making her calm were he also shiver seeing Swara.

Laksh pulled Ragini and slap her hard making Ragini shock.

"You are reduculas" Laksh look towards Ragini with blood shoot eyes.

"Ahhh" painful moan come out from swara mouth making Sanskaar and all panic.

"What happen Swara" Sanskaar cup her face in one hand while fearing.

"Feeling pain Sanskaar" Swara cried in fear as she is feeling pain in her abdomen.

"What??" Sanskaar panicked listening her ward.

"Sanskaar we should take her to the doctor" Shomi cry seeing her daughter State.

"Haa" Sanskaar pic her in arm and went from there.

They reach in the hospital, Sanskaar lied her down on streacher and called doctor. Sweat running from his body due to fear.

"Sanskaar nothing will happen to our baby na??" Swara asked Sanskaar in fear while holding her baby bump.

"Nothing happen to our baby don't take tension" Sanskaar place his hand on her baby bump to assure her but he is more consoling himself.

Dr take her in room and examine her were others Sujata, Shomi and Dida pray infornt of the God. Sanskaar placing here and there thinking about Swara and baby were tears rolling from his eyes which he hold from long time.

Dr come out after examin Swara, seeing Dr all run towards her.
"How is Swara and Baby??" Sanskaar asked being worried.

"I gave her injection to stop this pain. If this pain will not stop then it leads to labour pain and as she is just 5month we will not able to save the baby so prepare yourself to face this situation" Doctor clear her side making them shock.

"You can meet her but don't disturb as her BP also high so I gave her sleeping injection so she can't able to stress herself"Dr left from there.

"Nothing happen to our shoru and our grand baby" Dida console Shomi.

Sanskaar enter in the room and look towards Swara who is sleeping were tears mark clearly visible on her face. He went near her and sit beside her, he wipes her tear and kiss her forehead.

"Nothing happen to you baby" he kiss her baby bump.

He is sitting beside her just starring her, he mind involved around  Kavita who is came back in his life.

"You are my present and future, there is no more place for Kavita. When she hug me there is no feeling Present on my heart expect shock, I don't know why?? I just fearing what you thinking  thinking about us" he kiss her palm.

" I can't see you in pain, I don't know why my heart etching seeing you in pain " he struggle about his behaviour.

"I think I love you" sudden happiness rise in his heart. He feeling really good thinking about love, finally he fall for his wife, but he again get sad thinking about present situation.

Swara open her eyes after sleeping 3hours. She looks towards Sanskaar who is looking towards her being worried. She immediately touch her stomach but get relief feeling baby.

"Swara how are you feeling now?still feeling pain?" Sanskaar asked Swara seeing her opening eyes.

"No , I don't feeling pain now" Sanskaar get relief listening her answer.

"But what are you doing here till now?? You should be with Kavita" swara said trying to control her tears.

"and you don't want me??" Sanskaar look towards Swara.

"You don't take tension about me and baby, I will take care of my baby. You go with Kavita, she need you" swara heart scream in pain while saying.

"You asked my opinion?" Sanskaar asked little angrily.

"I know you love Kavita and don't let your love go because of us" swara touch her belly.

"You should sleep Dr said don't stress yourself" Sanskaar control his anger listening her word.
To be continued..

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