Beautiful Night.

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The cool breeze brushed passed me. I felt the warm sun rays fall on my skin. The wind made the skirt of my knee length dress wave lazily With every little step I took I felt the tips of the grass ruffle. The sounds of happy and excited laughter, joyous screams and light notes of music filled the background. I chuckled in happiness and excitement. The fact was that I could hear everything around me, but I couldn't see. Wonshik stood behind me, his arms around my shoulders as his hands covered my eyes.I could feel his breath near my neck as he whispered to my ear,

" We're here."

I felt him step back as I opened my eyes. The light of the Sunday afternoon blinded me at first before the colours of red, yellow and blue started to fill in. The picture became clearer, I was at a carnival.

I laughed in happiness as I spun around. Wonshik smiled at me but before he could say anything I hugged him, my arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, my fingertips just touching the soft black hair on the back of his neck.

" Wonshik! A carnival!? Thank you!"I exclaimed, my eyes closed tight as happiness overwhelmed me. I had just come back to the country after completing my studies in university. Wonshik was waiting impatiently till I came. He wanted to take me out as soon as I came. A day after I arrived I agreed to go out. He knew I loved carnivals and that I hadn't been to one since I was twelve. This was amazing.

" What do you want to try first?"He chuckled as he looked back at me, holding me from my waist, our faces were inches apart. I could easily see the happiness gleaming in his eyes.

I looked back at the carnival that was buzzing with people. At a glance I could see the colourful tops of the tents, colourful balloons tied at some places and the top of a Ferris wheel at the far end which indicated where all the rides were.

I couldn't help my happiness. It was years since I went to a carnival. The familiar sounds and images made me flash through the memories of my childhood. I shook my head from right to left, eyeing all the stalls that each help it's own wonders.

" I don't know!" I exclaimed. Wonshik came up to me and I felt his hand slip in to mine. My hand locked in his, he's dark eyes looked back at me, a smug smile appeared on his lips. His other hand In the pocket of his light blue ripped jeans.

" Come on, It won't be long before you find something. We'll start from this end of the carnival, after all, we got the whole evening too." he smiled as he pulled me closer to him, staring in to my eyes. I smiled back at him, I leaned closer to his face, planting a small kiss on his soft lips.

" Your the best Wonshik!"

He stared back at me, then eyed my lips, then my eyes again. His fingers gently caressed the bottom of my chin, his eyes seemed to tell me that he was lost in a whole new haze. He inched in closer to me, involuntary making me close in too.Suddenly he stopped, and eyed my curiosity.

" Wait till the end of the carnival."He smirked before walking ahead into the crowds.


" Here's your ticket." Wonshik had a wry smile as he handed me a blue ticket. My curious gaze went from him to the ticket.

' Horror House'

" WONSHIK NO!" I disagreed as I looked at him with a scrowl. He couldn't help but laugh at my devastated look of fear, anger and irritation. He knew I hated horror houses and yet bought a ticket for it. I crossed my arms.

" Horror house? " I could only say before he ignored my look of disapproval and grabbed my wrist and started to walk through the crowds.

" Y/N, have you been to a horror house yet?" he asked as he stopped walking and looked at me,bending his head to one side as his lips pressed together in a playful scrowl.

" No..." I answered back.

He continued walking, facing forwards,

" So you don't know how it is for you to not like it in the first place. Give it a try."

" I don't like anything scary to begin with." I replied but Wonshik pretended not to hear.

" Your tickets?" the man at the front desk asked politely. We were in line forever and I was already a bit pissed. But Wonshik promised me that I would somehow 'enjoy'this. Only two people were allowed to go at one time.

Wonshik gave our tickets and the man at the desk smiled at us, "enjoy."

'Enjoy..' I mumbled under my breath as I involuntarily clung onto Wonshik's strong muscular arm, walking with him we entered the dark house. My anger melted away as fear crept into me. All those horror movies I watched started to replay in my mind. The sounds of the carnival were blocked out and the creaking of the wood floor below us echoed in the long hallway which was now completely dark. I couldn't even see Wonshik, I could make out his silhouette when I looked at him, my grip on him tightened. He scoffed at my fear and kept walking.

" You can be ridiculous at times."he chuckled.

I was too scared to reply. We spotted a flicking white light in the hallway. My hands were begging to get ice cold. Suddenly a little girl in a white dress and long black hair in front of her face appeared under the light. I gasped and pressed myself on to Wonshik. The next flicker she took a step forwards.

" No no NO!" I screamed in my head.

The light flicked again, she was 6 feet away from us.

Another flicker, 5 and a half feet away.

" Wonshik" I whimpered as I tucked my face in his muscular arm, I was shivering. I glanced back and the girl was gone, the light was switched on properly.

We both started in confusion when suddenly a scream echoed from behind us. We both quickly looked back to see another freaky figure, dragging itself on the floor, it's messy hair covering it's face as it reached out to grasp my ankle.

The next thing I remember is that we were running, me and Wonshik running, I bet he regrets buying those tickets now.

We suddenly stopped, an arm grabbed me from my shoulder pulling me into the shadows. I screamed for Wonshik and he grabbed my other arm and pulled me, the arm pulling me from the shadows let go as we ran forwards, darting forwards, I wanted to get out of here.

Great, a dead end.

I stared at the darkness, a door was there, a locked door.

"Wonshik! What do we do?" I asked terrified I looked at him, barley managing to see him. A sudden noise of chains echoed in the darkness and I looked around. It wasn't long before we noticed a figure, dragging his limp leg, head bent to one side, broken chains on his ankles warned us about him. A quick light fell on him for a second revealing his horrifying face, a stitched mouth, blood dripped from his hair line, wounds covering his face. I was too scared after seeing his face that I didn't realize the huge chainsaw he carried in his hands. He started it, sending the sound chainsaw echoing in the narrow dark hall. I screamed and grabbed the soft material of Wonshik's shirt. Shaking and begging,


Without hesitating he started to hit hard against the wooden door. Taking a few steps back and ramming into it again, applying his full force before the old door swung open, making Wonshik fall on the green grass on the other side and the bright sunlight blinded us. I ran out, without seeing Wonshik fall, my foot got caught under his body and I tripped , falling on top of him.

" Oh my gosh I'm sorry!" I blushed as I quickly got up, adjusting my knee length summer dress and Wonshik got up, rubbing his right arm.

"It's okay." He scoffed as he looked at the door which was now closed. It took me time to realize that it was all part of the experience.

" A trap door, that's brilliant."he smiled as he looked at me. He suddenly broke in to heavy laughter,I looked at him, an eyebrow raised and my arms crossed.

" I was genuinely scared okay!?" I spat out, irritated by his laughing. He just looked at me and kept laughing.

" You were so terrified! You were even dragged in to that dark corner! Your face! " his words melted in to laughter again. Honestly this guy. He could be so irritating at times.

" Okay okay, I'll stop. I really wanted to see your reactions in a horror house that's all." He smiled as he wiped the corner of his eyes, his chuckles were melting away.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. He started to walk forwards, searching for something else to try out. A sudden idea came in to my mind.

" Wonshik! There's a bug on your back!"

" WHAT!? WHERE!?" He shot back as his arms reached for his back, grabbing his shirt as he started to shake it wildly, he spun around to face me, his eyes filled with panic.


It was my turn to laugh now. He pressed his lips together as he looked at me laughing my lungs out. I stopped laughing, chuckles left my lips as I walked up to him,

" Aww sweetie, I'm sorry, I just love it that a guy can make It through a horror house and still be afraid of imaginary bugs!" I squeezed his soft cheek making a beautiful smile appear on the corner of his lips.


In no time it was already twilight. The sun had melted away in to the dark blue sky in which the moon appeared. Wonshik and I walked together, hand in hand. His left handheld a stick of bright pink spun candy fluff which was already half gone. I looked at the carnival, the lights were all lit, the tents were eye catching, a huge pole was fixed in the middle of the ground,strings of yellow lights which started at the top of the pole spread to all corners of the carnival. It looked like a golden umbrella.

The carnival was amazing, we went on all the rides, tried all the games and went to all the stalls with the most wonderful food and drinks. It was an evening well spent.

I leaned my head on Wonshik's shoulder,

" Thank you for this Wonshik, I really enjoyed this."

He suddenly stopped walking. I looked at him to see him looking somewhere else. His mind seemed to be somewhere else.

" Wonshik ah?" I asked as I looked at the direction he was looking. Next to all the lively stalls and tents, two closed tents stood, in between them was a small space which lead to a wide grass land.

He quickly let go of me and ran towards the two tents. I followed him until we were both between the two tents, facing a fence which was up to mu knees, an old sign was fixed on the fence,

'Stay out, Private property.'

My gaze went from the sigh to the land, the grassy land was dotted with pine trees which had the wind whisper through them. The darkness that dawned on this bit of land made it look very peaceful and beautiful.

" Let's go in!" Wonshik's low voice whispered to me, his gaze still fixed on the land.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

" Wonshik it literally says it's private property."

" There's no building here." he debated.

" Maybe it's part of a big estate,who knows?"

Without warning he dropped the cotton candy on the floor and grabbed my wrist, jumping over the fence I had to go along, I was not strong enough to wriggle out of his tight grasp.

" Wonshink I.."

" Shh." he whispered under his low husky tone, his finger on his lips, making me look into his mesmerizing eyes. I stood quietly, the cool wind passed us. He sat down, still holding my wrist I sat with him. The place was so quiet,I looked up at the full moon, the blue sky was beautiful, slowly, one by one, the stars were coming out.

I layed back on the grass, already caught in the spell of nature, a smile on my face I watched. There was a long pause of silence as Wonshik and I watch the stars slowly peek through the dark blue curtains in the sky. I don't know how long we stayed there, but it was really dark and I didn't mind it one bit.It was peaceful and quiet, the starts were out and the only noise was the chatters of crickets and the whispered of the cool winds that brushed pass the pine trees. It was a beautiful night.

Wonshik layed on the grass to my right.He turned side wards, putting all his weight to his left side as he leaned his head against his left arm and looked at me. My gaze went from the stars to him and was immediately locked in his eyes. The moonlight bright enough to show the outlines of his muscular arms, his perfect jawline, soft lips and his perfect eyes.

His right hand reached out to me, his fingers caressed my cheek before locking on to my hair strands behind my ear, making my blush.

"Y/N, I missed you." his low and husky voice seemed to echo in my ears, something in his tone was seductive, I couldn't help but fall for it.

"I missed you too Wonshik ah.." I whispered back, a sly smile appearing on my lips as my right hand started to play with the soft hair which fell from the corner of his face.

He leaned in closer to me, his gaze fixed on me like a predator does to a prey, I felt his warm breath against my cold skin. My gaze fixed on his pink and soft lips. He was only an inch away from me.

" Whisper your love to me.." his husky voice trailed off before his lips were on mine. Both my arms reached for him as I wrapped them around his neck, kissing him more,I missed this. I was yearning for his love. I didn't resist as he kept kissing me, pulling back to take a short breath before kissing me again, making me even more intoxicated.

Suddenly a bright light flashed upon us, making him immediately pull away and look up, I looked back to see a bright light, a voice barked at us.


Before I knew it, Wonshink had grabbed my hand and we ran, ran as fast as we could until we could see the fence, the lights of the carnival just a few feet away. I heard the security guard run behind us, the light of his torch swayed from side to side as he kept yelling at us to stop running.

We jumped over the fence and kept running. The bright lights of the carnival seemed to teleport us to a completely different world. We ran pass the rides, the horror house and till we reached the array of lively tents that were crowded with people. We both looked at each other before breaking in to laughter.

Wonshik looked at me as his hands wrapped around my waist, bringing me closer to him. His words light as he panted softly.

" Sorry that guy ruined it."

I smiled as my arms wrapped around hisneck.

" It's okay, Wonshik ah, It was the best evening I had and the most beautiful night I've ever seen." I smiled back.


Hi guys! I hope you like this story! To be honest It took me a while, but I hope it was wort the wait. Thank you so much for reading! <3<3<3

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