Starting Today, You Are A Host

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Darkness. It comes in many forms in our lives. There's the type of darkness where everything around you is nothing but pitch black. The type of darkness that blinds you from seeing things that are inches away from your eyes and no matter how close you get, you are still blind. Then, there is the type of darkness that hunts you, day and night. That darkness keeps you up all night through nightmares and fear and keeps you on your toes the next day that seems like it will never stops. Then, there is the type of darkness that is within us. The darkness that we will forever carry around until light can shine on that darkness that has been building up bigger and bigger each day. A big, bright light to take away all of that darkness. A light so bright that it can take away all of the pain and suffering and wounds made by the ones closest to you. The ones who you thought you where safe with, the ones who said that they will keep you away from harm but actually cause you harm themselves... It seems impossible to have a light that bright to take that darkness away, is it possible?

"Wake up Y/N!" I hear Haruhi's yell as she opens the window letting the light shine through. I groaned and quickly pulled my pillow over my head. Then Haruhi start hitting me with another pillow causing me to shoot straight out of bed.

"What! I'm up! I'm up!" He finally puts down the pillow and grabs arm.

"Were going to be late to school because of you!" She starts pulling me out of bed and I let her. She let's go and throws me my bag and pushes me into the bathroom.

"You know, I'm pretty sure we could have slept in a little longer." I say as I began to change into a pair of skinny ripped jeans and a cropped hoodie over my black tank top.

"It's 6:30." She yells through the door over the sound of the sink running so I could brush my teeth.

"So?" I say with my mouth full of toothpaste. I quickly rinsed my mouth and walked out the door to see Haruhi dressed in an over sized clothes. "You know Haruhi, people might think you are a guy dressed like that." She rolled her eyes and starts shoving me into the kitchen.

"We're gonna be late!" She says as she throws me my backpack and starts to put hers together.

"We have plenty of time. School doesn't start till 7." I say and I pull out my phone and start to check my texts.

"Its a 25 minute walk."

"What?!"  I yell as I quickly put my phone away and start helped her get ready. I then ran out the door with her behind me and we started jogging to our new high school. Haruhi and I are best friends. We do everything together and we always have each other's back. We both got accepted into the big fancy rich school, Ouran. We were provided scholarships to attend for four years due to our academics. Sadly that doesn't include uniforms so we just wear our normal attire.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ouran. A fancy school full of smart, spoiled rich kids who solves there problems just by throwing money at them. What a life.

"Haruhi?" I ask as we stand outside of the school, taking in the building. "Why pink?" We both continued to stare.

"Who knows."

"Out of all the colors, the rich people chose pink." I sigh and start walking inside as haruhi begins to follow me behind. "I'm a little embarrassed to be attending this school now." She chuckles and we made our way to the Library.

Haruhi and I have been friends for as long as I remember. We're so different but that's why we're friends. But she doesn't know the real me. She knows a little bit about my past which is why I'm living with her now but she doesn't really know what exactly happened when I was at home. She knew that it was unsafe but she didn't know the details.

"You think at lest one library room would be quite." She says after the 3rd one we tried. It seems like it's the 'hang out place' to be at since there is no actual studying going on.

"Yeah sometimes I think they go to school just to have a good time."

"Come on I think I saw a abandon music room up stairs." I followed her up the stairs and we were in front of music room three.

"Music room 3." I began. "I guess this is the only place we'll be able to study in peace and quiet." Haruhi opened the door and a bright like and rose petals flew towards us and six men stood in front of us.


~Time Skip

"This is a Host Club?" Haruhi was leaning against the door and I was so confused on what is going on. What's a host club?!

"Oh wow, one of them is a boy!" A pair of twins say together. Told yeah, Haruhi.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, I believe this young men and lady are in the same class as you, aren't they?" A boy in glasses asked. I'm guessing that's the twins names.

"Yeah, but they're shy. They don't act vary sociably so we don't know much about them."
I can't believe they can say that in unison. I guess it's a twin thing or something.

"Well, that wasn't vary polite. Welcome to Ouran Host Club, Mr. and Ms. Honor Students."

"What? You guys must be Haruhi Fujioka and Y/N L/N! You're the exceptional honor students we've heard about!" A boy with blonde hair says while Haruhi and I were trying to open the door until Haruhi stopped.

"How did you know our names?" She asks and I continue trying to pry the door open.

"Why, you're both infamous. It's not every day that two commoner gains entrance into our academy. You both must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as honor students Mr. Fujioka and Ms. L/N." the boy with glasses again.

"Well uh, thank you, I guess." I say as I look around the room at all the faces. Still confused on what is going on.

"Your welcome!" The blonde boy put his arm around Haruhi and I but I shoved his arm off of me. "You're both a hero to other poor people! You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy." Haruhi started scooting away from him but he kept talking and following her around. I just stayed in one place hoping he won't come to me. "It must be hard for you two constantly be looked down upon by others."

"I think you're taking this poor thing too far." I said as I stand in front of Haruhi but then he pushes me aside and continues to talk to her.

"Spurned! Neglected! That doesn't matter now! Long live the poor! We welcome you, poor man and women to our would of beauty!" I rolled my eyes and started walking to the door dragging Haruhi with me.

"We're out of here." I said but all of the sudden a little guy grabbed Haruhi's arm and pulled her away.

"Hey! Come back here, Haru-chan and
Y/N-chan! You both must be, like, superheros or something! That's so cool!"

"We're not heros. We're honor students." I said as I gently took the little boys hand off of me. All I wanted to do was study, not be stuck with these rich people.

"And who're you calling Haru-chan?!" Haruhi yells at him and starts breathing in and out to try and calm herself down.

"I never would've imagined that one of the famous scholars would be so openly gay." The blonde hair boy says as Haruhi looked at him with a very confused look. Oh no.

"Openly what?" I face palm myself realizing how stupid this whole thing is. What is even going on?

"So tell me what kind of guys you are into? Do you like the strong, silent type?

The boy Lolita?

How about the mischievous type?

Or the cool type?"

Haruhi was walking backwards with a worried face.

"Uh... I, uh... It's not like that!" She says as she backs up against the wall with the Blonde walking closer to her

"We were just looking for a quiet place to study." I say But he got closer to Haruhi and he put his hand under her chin giving her chills up her spine.

"Or maybe... you're into a guy like me? What do you say?"

Haruhi backed away as fast as she can and bumped into a vase and we both gasped. Haruhi turns and tries to grab it but she missed. I ran and slid across the room trying to catch it. I barley touched it and broke into several pieces. Hikaru and Kaoru groaned.

"We were going to feature that Renaissance vase in an upcoming school auction!" One twin said.

"Oh now you've done it, commoner. The bidding on that vase was supposed to start at eight million yen!" Haruhi's face went pale once she heard how much money it was.

"What? Eight million yen? How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in a million? Uh, I'm Gonna have to pay you back."

The twins spoke together. "With what money? You two can't even afford a school uniform."
One of the twins looked at me up and down. "What's with that grubby outfit you've got on, anyway?" I rolled my eyes and started walking out the door.

"Ok well, sorry to intrude in your little club of yours, so if you don't mind, I'm just going to leave. Good luck Haruhi with the money thing." I was almost at the door until one of the twins grabbed my arm and dragged me in front of the guy with glasses.

"Your not going anywhere." He says coldly to me. What's with this guy and his dumb glasses?

"Why not!"

"Because you and Haruhi owe us eight million yen." I shake my head.

"But I didn't brake the vase!"

"But you touched it last, Mr. Fujioka might of bump into the vase but you touched it last so you are responsible for the accident as well."
I lend up against the wall and fell into my knees. "Well, what do you think we should do, Tamaki?" So that's what the blonde hair guy's name is.

"There's a famous saying you may have heard, Fujioka and L/N. 'When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do.' Since you both have no money, you can pay with your body's." Um.... what? "That means starting today, you two are the Host Club's dogs!" I just sat there in awe of what had just happened in a span of a whole 15 minutes. We have to work for this club now?! I can't! I can't work here!

~Time Skip

Haruhi and I had to go and buy groceries for the Host Club, so now we are walking back to the club with bags in our hands filled with Instant coffee and other random, useless things like that.

"Why this club? Out of all the clubs in this stupid school, why this one?" I groan and started looking down at my feet as I walk.

"I don't know, maybe this is what is supposed to happen." She says positively which was a little out of character for her.

"Like this is our destiny of some sort? No, it's more like a cure." We opened the door and walked into the room seeing a bunch of girls all over the place. Glad I'm not like them.

"Speak of the devil! Thanks for doing the shopping, little piglets. Did you get everything on our list?" Tamaki said with a smile.

"What? Piglets?" Haruhi said with confusion.

"Hey, wait a minute, what is this?" He pulls out the instant coffee we bought and looks at it.

"Just what it looks like. It's coffee." I said as I dropped the bag I was holding onto the ground.

"I've never seen this brand before. Is this the kind that's already ground?" I rolled my eyes. Rich people. They don't know what it's like.

"What do you mean? It's instant coffee." I said coldly to him. I should probably be nicer to the boss... he might make me do more work.

Two girls had confused faces. "It's instant?"

"Whoa. I've heard of this before. It's commoners coffee. You just add hot water."
Then out of the blue more girls show up and started to crowd Tamaki.

"I didn't know there was such a thing!" One of them said.

"So it's true then. Poor people don't even have enough free time to grind their own coffee beans." Then the twins and Kyoya appeared to join the 'fun'.

"Commoners are pretty smart." Kyoya says staring down at the coffee.

"One hundred grams for 300 yen." One of the twins say.

"That's a lot less then we normally pay." The other one with a tiny bit higher voice. It's hard to tell but it's the small things.

"I'll go back and get something else. Excuse me for not buying you guys expensive coffee." Haruhi says In a irritated tone but then Tamaki stopped her.

"No, I'll keep it! I'm going to give it a try. I'll drink this coffee!" He held it in the air and people started clapping. "All right, Y/N! Get over here and make some of this commoners coffee!" These damn rich people. I walked over and once I turned around I saw Haruhi still at the couch. I kept walking and made the coffee for everyone. Then Haruhi came over Once I was done I held out the tray.

"Here." I say in a annoyed tone. I can't believe these people.

"Let the tasting begin!" The girls started talking and I wanted no part of this so I walked over to Haruhi.

"Hey Y/N, I can take that if you want to walked around?"

"Sure thanks."

"No problem." I handed her the tray and walked over and started leaning back on once of the couches. I looked around for a bit but the twins caught my eye.

"Haha so he had this nightmare that made him bolt up, right out of bed."

"Hikaru! Don't tell them that story! I asked you not to tell anyone that. Why are you so mean to me?"

"I'm sorry, Kaoru. I didn't mean to upset you, but you were so adorable when it happened, I had to tell them. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you." Kaoru is kinda cute when he blushes like that. I smiled.

"Your not falling for the twins are you?" I jumped and quickly turned around seeing Kyoya right next to me.

"It's not like that. I'm just trying to figure them out." I say as I kept looking at them from afar.

"People tried to figure them out for a long time, but are never successful. The only people who will ever understand them is them." I don't know why but, his comment bothered me. Why can't anyone figure them out? "You'll notice that our club utilizes each man's unique characteristics to cater to the desires of our guests. Just so you know, Tamaki is number one around here. He's the king."

"The king?"

"Yes, his request rate is 70 percent. And in order you to pay off 4 million yen debt with us... you will act as Ouran Host Club's dog until you graduate. I'm sorry I meant our errand girl. You two can try to run away if you want to,     Y/N, but just so you know, my family employs a private police force of 100 officers. By the way, do you have a passport?"

"No." Stupid rich people and there power over common people. I look around this room seeing all the girls getting flattered by fake compliments. So stupid.

"Good." Then I here Tamaki's voice calling me over

"Y/N come here for a second." I walked over and see him blow on Haruhi's neck.

"Please, don't do that again." She says as she holds the back of her neck.

"You need a makeover or no girls are going to look twice at you." He says to Haruhi as I just stand there wondering why I'm over here.

"Im not trying to get girls to look at me."

"Are you kidding me? That's the most important thing. You have to learn to be a gentleman and please the ladies, like me."

"I just don't think it's all that important. Why should we care about appearances and labels anyway? I mean, all that really matters is what's on the inside, right? I don't even understand why you even have a host club like this."

"It's a cruel reality, isn't it? It's not often that God creates a perfect person like moi, beautiful both inside and out." Oh, please. I know I have to be nice to this guy but his ego is really starting to get to me.

"Say what?" I say in disbelief to myself. As I walk next to Haruhi.

"I understand how you feel since not everyone is blessed as I am. But you must console yourself. Otherwise, how would you go on living? And think about this you two. Why do you think they put works of art in museums? Because beauty should be shared with the world! And those born beautiful should promote..." Dose he go on and on with this. This guy is really in charge around here? I can't believe these girl would actually fall for their look besides getting to know them personally. Like the twin for example, I bet not one girl can tell them apart. "But above all else, you two must remember how effective a glance to the side can be." Haruhi catches my attention.

"Huh. I got it!"

"Oh, did I strike a chord--?"

"Obnoxious! Uh, I'm sorry Tamaki-senpai."

"Nice one Haruhi."Then the twins came over and One twin puts his arm on my head.

"You're a hero, all right!" That was Hikaru, I think? The one over putting his arm on Haruhi.

"I'm sorry, senpai, but your lesson did strike a small chord with us."

"It did?" Haruhi elbowed me. "Owe!"

"Really? It did? Let me teach you more, my friend."

"Well, he got over that quick." I said under my breath.

"Boss?" Who I think was Kaoru on my side.

"Call me king!"

"You can teach him all the basics of hosting..."

"...But he's not going to get vary far with the ladies if he doesn't look the part, you know? He's not exactly Host Club material...but maybe if we took off Haruhi's glasses, it'll help." Hikaru starts to take off her glasses.

"Hey! I need those! I used to have contacts, but I lost them on the first day of school." Tamaki pushes the twins out of the way and started making demands.

"Hikaru! Kaoru!"

"Got it!" They said at the same time and grabs Haruhi and ran.

"Kyoya, my hairstylist! Mori-senpai, go to the eye doctor and get him some contact lenses!"

"What about me, Tama-chan?"


"Yes, sir?"

"You...go have some cake."

"Um, Tamaki? You called me over here for something earlier." I say just standing there with my hand raised.

"Oh! Right! Y/N, could you get us more creamer from the kitchen?" Of course.

"Sure thing, Boss." I say with a fake smile and start making my way into the kitchen next door.

~Time Skip

I was in the kitchen trying to find the stupid creamer but I couldn't find any. "Where is the stupid Creamer!" I yell as I keep throwing things out of the cabinet aggressively.

"You're never going to find it if you keep making a mess." I quickly turned around and saw a twin with a smile on his face just standing there with his hands in his pocket. Based on his voice I'm going to guess it's Kaoru. I look around at the mess I have created in the kitchen.

"I've never been good finding things." I smile as I continue to look through the cabinets. I hear his footsteps coming closer until they stopped right behind me. He was so close that I could hear his breath when he exhaled. I tried to ignore him but he started to reach over my head causing him to get even closer. He grabs a bottle from the top shelf and talks a small step back. I turned around seeing him with a smile on his face.

"Is this what you're looking for?" He holds up a bottle of creamer and I just rolled my eyes with a smile.

"I would've found it eventually, you know." I say as I grab the creamer out of his hands. He puts both hands in his front pocket again and leans against the counter next to me as I start putting cans back into the cabinet.

"Maybe, but I found it first." He had a confident look on his face and I just rolled my eyes again. "You roll your eyes a lot don't you?" I Look back at him with a confused look.

"I guess so. Just something I've always done." I gave him a smile and continued my work.

"What do you think of the club?" I paused what I was doing and started thinking about the club.

"You're asking me? It's only been a day since I knew this club even existed." He laughed a little.

"I know, but seriously. What's your first impression?" I turned around and leaned against the counter with him.

"Well, to be honest, it's not my thing." He gave me a confused look with his head tilted to one side. "Having attractive guys pretending to be in love with me just seems...wrong? Like it's all one huge lie. If a guy is going to tell me I'm beautiful then I would actually want him to mean it, you know? To truly be in love with me and only me. To have a guy look at me and smile every time. To have a guy who love me for me... you know what I mean?" I look at him and he had the widest eyes as if he was truly listening to what I have to say. He blinked a few times and a small smile appeared.

"Yeah, I get it." He looks away from me and stares at the door leading back to the club. "Those girls in there aren't looking for reality. They want a fantasy. So, we give them that fantasy. To keep them happy and not live in darkness." He looks back at me. "And others want reality. To live in the good and bad times. To have something real. There's nothing wrong with that." I smiled and so did he. Koaru then begins to walk closer to me. My heart started to beat a little quicker as he got closer. He's so tall, my head barley reaches his shoulders. "Let me help." He starts to pick up cans and place them back into the cabinet. I smiled and began to help. As we continued, he chuckled to himself a little.

"What is it?" He looks down at me with a big smile on his face.

"So, you think I'm attractive, huh?" My cheeks grew red and I rolled my eyes at him and looked at the ground. He chuckled to himself at my reaction.

"Well I'm not blind, and I don't think you are either." He had a small smile but his eyes looked sad almost. Like I said something wrong or hurt his feelings. It was a compliment about his appearance though, how can that effect him like this? I don't know him well enough so I better not pry.

"I guess we are all pretty attractive group." He starts to put the last few cans back into the cabinets.

"You're all attractive in your own ways." He looked a little confused on my comment but didn't want to understand. He closed the cabinet doors and let out a sigh.

"Let's head back, before the Boss finds out you're alone with me." I was a little confused.

"Why would he care?" Karou, I think, smiled and started walking towards the door as he scratches the back of his neck and I followed him.

"Well, the Boss doesn't like us alone with girls because he is a little over protective."

"I can see that. Is he like that with all the host club members?"

"Nope, just with Hikaru and I." So he is Karou, I knew it. He looked as if he let something slip, maybe he didn't want me to know which twin he is... why would that matter? I push those thoughts aside and gave him a small laugh.

"Why just you two? Are you guys shady or something?" I say with a smile as He giggled a little.

"You know, he actually calls us shady all the time." We both laughed a little harder.

"Shady is the last word I would describe you. Hikaru on the other hand, I don't know about him." His face sorta lit up in a way. Like he heard something for the first time. He just smiled and we both arrived back to the Host Club. We open the door and we see everyone crowding around the changing rooms. "Oh is Haruhi done with her makeover?"

"Looks like it." We began to walk closer.

"You know, Haruhi is a girl right?" He laughed a little.

"Yeah, Hikaru and I figured that out when we were trying to get her changed." I gave him a shocked look and he admitted start to panic a little. "Wait! No! We didn't see anything! I swear!" I gave him a small smile as we finally approached the crowd. Hikaru came over to us and whispered to his brother

"Where were you, Karou? I turn around for one second and then you were gone." Karou looked a little embarrassed or shy and started to rub the back of his neck.

"Uh, well-"

"Are you really sure that I can keep this uniforms?" Haruhi says as she pulls back the curtain reveling her new look. Her hair wasn't as messy and she has a pair of contacts in along with a new high school males uniform. She did look like a boy but she still looked like a girl too. It's weird. We were all in shock as we just stared at her.

"Cute! You are as pretty as a girl! Adorable!" Tamaki says with tears in his eyes.

"Haru-chan, you look so cute!"
Honey says with his adorable face.

"If we had known that's how you two look..." Hikaru starts, then having his brother finish for him. "...we would've helped sooner." Geez, twins are so unique.

"Who knows? Maybe he'll draw in customers." Kyoya says with a surprised tone, I think? It's hard to tell with this guy.

"You know," Tamaki starts. "that's just what I was thinking! Our errand boy is moving up the ranks! Starting today, you are an official member of the Host Club. I will personally train you to be a first-rate host. If you can get 100 customers to request your service, we will completely forget about your 8 million yen debt."

"A host?" Haruhi says with a worried and scared tone. To be honest, I'm a little sorry for her. Having everyone thinking she's a guy and getting dragged into this club, got to be a little bit rough.

~The Next Day

The Host Club is open for Business and I'm still the clubs personal waiter I guess. My job is to go around each of the host's tables and make sure they have food and drinks. Tamaki tried to put my into a female waiter outfit but I strongly declined. After I finished pouring tea at Honey's and Mori's table, I make my way to Haruhi's to check in. I hope things are going ok.

"So, tell me, Haruhi, do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do?" One of the three girls asked.

"I'm curious, what kind of products do you use on your skin?" Another asked.

"Yes! It's so pretty!" The other one says.

"So why did you join the Host Club, Haruhi?" They all said in unison.

I feel so bad for her right now. I walked behind the girls and I mouthed the words 'good luck' to her then made my way over to Tamaki's table and started refilling everyone's drinks as Tamaki does his fake compliments and smiles. All I can do is just ignore them and keep working.

"Haruhi! Come here for a minute."I see Haruhi get up from her seat and began walking over. I quickly finished up everyone's drinks and walked over to where she was standing. "I'd like you to meet someone. This is my regular guest, Princess Ayanokoji."

"Miss, it's a pleasure to met you." Haruhi says with a smile, but Then Tamaki push me to the ground along with water and hot coffee. Lucky only the water spilled on me inside of the coffee which spilled onto the floor. He then started spinning around with Haruhi in his arms. I groaned a little and stood back up. Geez, he is pushy at time. Suddenly, Mori grabbed Haruhi from Tamaki's arms and put her down onto the floor.

My clothes were soaked and had water dripping everywhere. I look up and see all the girls starting at me and started whispering to each other about me. How I'm nothing but a poor commoner who shouldn't be here. I knew coming to this school that I would get a lot of negative attention but it really doesn't matter. I've been through much worse then stupid mean girls. I ignored their comments and started to pick up the drinks and wipe up the liquids.

Once I finished, I took everything back into the kitchen and started cleaning them. Being back in this kitchen brings back memories of Karou and I. It was just so easy to talk to him. I felt like that I can ramble on about nonsense and he would still listen. There's something about him that sets him aside from everyone else. I just don't know what that is, not yet at lest.

"You thinking about me?" I turned around and see Kaoru leaning agains the door frame with his hands in his front pockets. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Believe what you want." I turn off the water and started to scrub the pitchers with soap. Karou walks closer and leans against the counter next to me.

"You know, there are people paid to clean dirty dishes at this school."

"I know but it's no big deal. I'll do anything to keep away from what's going on out there." He sighs and faces me.

"Yeah I saw what happened from my table. You okay?" I look up at him and gave him a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe a few bruises but I'm fine." I then turned the water back on and started to rise the soap off the dishes. "Can I just ask something?" He seemed surprised at my question but nods his head in response. "I see you all the time with your brother, but when I leave alone, you always come looking for me by yourself. Why is that?" He looks away and down at the ground trying to come up with the answer.

"To be honest, I have no idea." He pause and looks back at me. I turned off the water to listen to the rest of what he's about to say. "I have this feeling inside me about you. I don't know what it is. All I know is that when I saw you come in here, it was telling me to follow you." He turns his head towards you and you did the same.

"Well, maybe I'm supposed to be apart of this club somehow in some way." I look out the window and started to remember about my first impression of this crazy club. I laugh a little to myself.

"What's so funny?" He asks in a calm tone. I look at him and giggled.

"It's just that, the first thing you said to me was you saying I have a grubby outfit on." He started laughing along with me.

"I'm sorry about that. Hikaru's and my mother is a famous fashion designer." My face lit up a little bit and I smiled. He looks at me with a confused face. "What?"

"Nothing. I just think that's really cool." He nods his head and pats my on the shoulder.

"Well, I better get back. Sometimes these girls become really irritated if we're not both there."

"Wait, you left your table to follow me?" He smiles and walks out the door leading back into the host club. He did that, just so he could see me? Then out of no where I hear a loud scream coming from the club. I ran out of the kitchen and saw the women that was with Tamaki earlier today. She was on the ground crying as Haruhi was on top of her.

"No, Haruhi! Leave me alone! Somebody help. He just attacked me!" Oh no, we've got ourselves a drama queen. "Someone do something! Teach this commoner a lesson!" Hikaru and Kaoru then pored cold water on Haruhi and the girl. "Why did you do that?" The girl asked but Tamaki walked up and helped her off the ground. I then made my way closer to the crowd. "Do something, Tamaki! Haruhi just assaulted me!"

"I'm disappointed in you. You threw his
Bag into the pond, didn't you?" Tamaki says coldly to her.

"You don't know that. Do you have any proof that I did?"

"You know, you're a beautiful girl. But you aren't classy enough to be our guest, dear. If there's one thing I know, Haruhi is not that kind of a man."

"But why, Tamaki? You idiot!" She ran out of the club while crying as Tamaki turned towards Haruhi.

"Hmm... Now how am I going to punish you? Because it is your fault, after all. Your quota is now 1,000!"

"One thousand?" Haruhi's face was priceless.

"Hahah! Sucks for you Haruhi." I pointed at her and laughed until All of the sudden I got slashed with water. I looked behind me and see the twin laughing at me. Tamaki faced me and gave me a look.

"Yours is one thousand too you know."

"What?! I didn't do anything!"

"I like to have you too around."

"I guess I have no choice." I say with cold water dripping off my clothes. Tamaki reached out his hand and pulled Haruhi up.

"Come on. I've got high expectations for you, my little rookie."

"Huh?" Haruhi says as Kyoya held up a pink bag for her.

"This is the only spare uniform we have. Sorry, but it's better the a wet one, right?"

"Thanks a lot, you guys. I'm gonna go change." Haruhi said as she walked away. I then walked up to Kyoya.

"What about me?"

"I'm sorry, Y/N. They didn't have anything left." I frowned.

"Of course they didn''s fine. I'll live." I say as I then walked over to the changing rooms to put on my gym clothes.

~Time skip

I could hear voices outside the changing room and it was Tamaki's And Haruhi's.



"So, you're a girl?" He finally figured it out.

"Biologically speaking, yeah." I walked out in my shorts and gray hoodie and stood over by the twins. Tamaki screamed at haruhi once he saw her in a big yellow dress.

"Listen, senpai, I don't really care whether you guys recognize me as a boy or a girl. In my opinion, it's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are rather then for what sex they are."

"Well, isn't this interesting?" Kyoya added.

"Oh, yeah!" The twins say in unison. I look at Tamaki and knew he had a thing for Haruhi.

"Uh, you know, I have to say, Senpai, I thought you were pretty cool earlier." Tamaki's face turned so red and I knew Haruhi has a thing for him as well. She just doesn't know it yet.
"Being a host and getting fussed over by a bunch of girls might not be that bad. I wonder how we can pull if off? I've got it! I'll just call everyone 'dude' and 'bro' now!" Haruhi laughed and smiled. And I couldn't help but smile too. I could tell that this club is going to be better then I thought it was going to be.

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