A Bad Deed For A Good Cause

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(A/N I hate Ruby's speeches in Volume 6 as well as her borderline verbal abuse towards her obviously depressed Uncle)

3rd person pov

Cinder showed the vault off to Neo as she flipped a knife in her hand. The shorter of the two slowly approached it and held her umbrella tightly.

Cinder: See what i mean? They have the relic, i'm under orders not to kill Ruby but you on the other hand are not. So you can kill Ruby, and i get the relic

Neo weighed her options, it felt horrible to think about working with Cinder again and the deak wasn't fair to her.

She had to kill someone and Cinder got something from the gods... yet she could probably find Y/N again.

Neo nodded making Cinder smirk, she stepped over after melting the knife in her hand before offering her other hand to Neo.

They shook as Cinder kept the same look om her face, Neo on the other hand looked hesitant although had a plan building in the back of her head.

Yang's pov

Walking back to the house after looking for Oscar and Y/N, who had both gone missing each for assumedly different reasons.

I saw JNR outside too, looking slightly emotional although we all turned to the door upon hearing it open.

We saw Oscar who was wearing a new outfit for some reason... did he really leave to just get some new clothes?

Oscar: Oh, you're all back... from looking for me apparently

The other dove towards and hugged him although i didn't, still not satisfied without Y/N being here with us.

Going inside we heard a ding from the kitchen making Oscar hold the sides of his head in a panic

Oscar: My casserole!

Terra: Don't worry, we got it

Her and Saphron walked into the kitchen and sorted out the dinner. I looked around nervously, still worried about Y/N.

Jaune: Oscar, i'm sorry...

Oscar: It's okay. I get why you were angry, honestly i can't blame you

Oscar: That's sweet and all but you should all leave

Looking to Uncle Qrow i saw him walking up the stairs before taking a swig from his flask.

Qrow: Become Hunters or something, don't continue with Ozpin's plan

Jaune: Actually... i had a plan to get us to Atlas

Qrow: Don't bother with-

Ruby: I want to hear him out

Y/N's pov

Staring at the statue of Pyrrha that stood in the centre i sighed and crossee my arms. Was this made before or after she died?

'Cause that makes the messgae for this completely different, was it for her fighting achievements or in memory of her.

I sighed before walking away from the statue after giving it one last glance. Cinder will probably be coming after us as we go to Atlas

So just going will be best for me if i want to find Cinder. If the others heard of my plan they'd definately be against it, so i'll have to go on the airship tomorrow.


Walking towards the base i saw the guards open the gate, i stepped inside as they lead me towards an airship.

I saw Weiss and Saphron being lead by Caroline which confused me. I thought she didn't want to go back.

The guards brought me over and grabbed Weiss' suitcase, however she didn't want to let them before Adrain started crying.

The guards went over to try and console him as Weiss quickly put her suitcase in the airship.

Caroline: I told you to take those off, you'll be an embarrassment at Atlas

Me: Unless you want people to die then i won't

Ignoring her i walked into the airship as the guards went into the cockpit, Weiss sat across from me as she looked to her scroll.

On the other end i saw her connection to the others... just what is she doing? When the airship took off she kept her gaze on it.

Eventually she got out her seat and placed her scroll down, she walked into the cockpit as i heard some noises from inside.

A few seconds later the hatch opened making my grab into something as the guards flew out, attached together by one of Weiss' glyphs.

The hatch closed as she walked out and pointed her rapier at me

Weiss: Either comply or you'll be kicked out like them

Me: I need to get to Atlas

Weiss: We do to, however ours is a more dangerous plan

3rd person pov

Soldier: Ma'am, one of the airships have gone off course

Caroline walked over to see what was happening, she grabbed a radio transceiver and turned it on

Caroline: Airship Delta 0 5, turn back on course immediately or you will be treated as a threat

Radio: ...Sorry, pilots have collapsed and the ship's controls were jolted. Turning on autopilot

Caroline: Y/N? What happened?!

Y/N: The pilots just collapsed for some reason, they messed with the navigation when they fell on the controls. Give me a few moments to land and reset the controls, afterwards all should be fine

Caroline: No. You turn that ship around and come back to base

Y/N: Sorry, i've got too much to lose on this. If you don't see me again, give mom and dad my regards.

The radio cut out making Caroline grip the transceiver tightly, she threw it down and marched past the others.

Y/N on the other hand looked at the transceiver and put it down, he turned to Weiss who was unconscious with bruises and blood running down her forehead.

Maria had been tied up as Y/N flew the ship to the meeting place for them.

Maria: Why are you doing this?

Y/N: Revenge

Maria: Against the person who did this to you?

Y/N: Yeah, that and i need to meet someone. Tell Yang that i didn't want to drag her into any of this

(Lemme know what you think)

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