A Mad Enemy

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Y/N's pov

We walked down a path as Nora stretched her arms, i rubbed my head as i hadn't got much sleep last night.

Nora: Another day, another adventure!

Ruby: What's on the agenda today?

Jaune: Walking

Nora: With a side of...?

Me: Existential depression?

Ren: Walking

Ruby sighed and slouched over slightly, Jaune lead us as he held the map... how can they be so energetic?

Ruby: Haven is a lot farther than i thought.

Ren: Ruby... How long did you think this journey was going to take?

She hesitated for a moment before flailing her arms for a second

Ruby: I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home.

Jaune: Right but... how long?

Ruby: Maybe like, uh... two weeks?

Jaune: What!?

Ruby: Okay fine, three or something! Look, whatever.

We approached a town and saw the outside, Nora hopped onto a fence and tried to look over it.

Jaune: That's strange...

Me: What is it?

Jaune: I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days.

Looking at the map that Jaune held i saw that he was right, this town wasn't on the map whatsoever.

Nora: Are those buildings... damaged?

Me: There could be survivors

We ran towards the town as Jaune threw down the map. Going through the town i saw that it wasn't like the last town.

Most of the damage was from years ago, like it was abandoned... or something far worse.

Ruby: Anything?!

Nora: Nothing i can see!

Jaune: No one over here either!

Ren: It almost seemed like the town was abandoned.

The others walked away as Ruby stood there for a moment. Even if it's a ghost town something feels really wrong

Nora: Hey! I think i found something!

Going over i saw Nora moving shrubbery away from a plaque

Nora: Oniyuri? Never heard of it...

Jaune: Me neither

Ren: I have

As i took a glance at Ren the others did too, it's not even on the map so how does he know about it?

Ren: You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it never been completed. Years ago, the richest members of Mistral were unhappy with how the kingdom was being run. So they pooled their resources to make their own city. Many thought i'd be the future... I know my parents did.

He walked over to a low fence making me sigh.

Ruby: What happened?

Me: Grimm, it's obvious

He turned halfway and clenched his fists, this is what he's gone through then. We went to walk through it to leave but Ren held his hand out to stop us.

Grabbing my gun i saw the others do the same, undoing the safety i held it tightly and listened out for anything.

Suddenly a man jumped out from the rooftops and landed a bit in front of us. He held his arms out and looked up to us before letting out a grunt.

He ran towards us but Ren jumped in the way, he tripped kicking the man but he dodged it as well as blocking the bullets with his weapon.

Swinging at Ren, he jumped back before the man ran at Ruby. She blocked it and jumped back so he got close to her and attacked which she blocked again.

She tried dodging but failed and eventually he cut her whcuh her aura managed to block. Jaune ran at him but he jumped onto his shield.

He leaned close to him as Nora ran towards him, he lept off her hammer and crashed into a tower where he stood like nothing happened.

Jaune: We're not looking for a fight!

Ren: Who are you?

He jumped down and chuckled, i gripped my pistol tight in my hands, shaking slightly... why though?

?: Who i am matters not to you. Or you... Or, well you do interest me.

He gestured to Jaune making him gasp before pointing to me

?: You're an anomaly... No, I only matter... to you

He once again pointed, this time at Ruby which made a look of confusion appear on her face.

Ruby: Me?

The man started chuckling insanely but managed to compose himself

?: You - You haven't the slightest clue, do you? Oh, how exciting this must be!

Ruby: What do you want?

?: Oh, the rose has thorns! My little flower, I'm here to whisk you away with me-

Firing at him, he blocked the shot. Looking at me he wore a strange expression but u didn't falter

Me: That's enough. Keep going like that and you'll be filled with holes

He giggled insanely again and civered his mouth till he stopped, i can't let this happen... i may not be a Huntsman, but i'll still protect her.

?: Now i'm interested. Tell you what Mummy man, after i take her, we'll have a go

Nora: That's not going to happen

Nora stepped up and clutched her hammer tightly before Jaune did the same, holding his shield high.

Jaune: We're not going to let you do that.

He breathed in through his teeth and looked to us with a smile

?: Good.

He seemingly appeared behind Jaune but Ren fired at his shield, ricocheting off it and at the mad man.

He blocked them and spun around atop Jaune's shield, kicking Ruby away. I began firing at him which he blocked before hitting Jaune away.

The man ran at Nora but Ruby shot her with a lightning dust bullet, throwing her backwards.

This made him start laughing as Ruby smiled... what's going on with her?

?: Well... if that isn't ironic

Nora stood up as lightning sparked around her, she dashed forward and swung her hammer at him making winds fly out.

Covering my face i looked to see he was blocking it with a scorpion tail? A moment later, he shot up and spin kicked Nora away.

He threw off his jacket and hopped onto a building where he placed his hands on his hips.

Ren: He's... a Faunas!

Ruby: What is this about? The White Fang? Roman Torchwick?

?: Plastic soldiers and pawns! My heart and body belongs only to our goddess!

Ruby: Cinder...

?: Only in her wildest dreams!

He dashed forward and knocked her back abit with his tail, he spinned and kicked at her which she just managed to dodge.

Once again firing at hin i emptied the clip as he blocked all the shots beofre clicking Ruby away.

Reloading again, i fired at him before he knocked Ren and Jaune away. Nora ran at him but he kicked her back, he threw Ruby back and away from her weapon.

He lept after her as i aimed at him but my hands shook too much for me to get a steady shot on him.

Ruby's aura broke before he thrusted his stinger at her however it was blocked by a man with black hair who wore a red cape and used a sword.

?: Heh... Hey

(Lemme know what you think)

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