Glance At A Simple Life

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Y/N's pov

After we made it into Argus we put Bumblebee away, i looked around to see a normalish city. It would be great if it wasn't for the massive wall.

?: Little boy Oz!

Turning around i saw Nora leap towards and hug Oscar, bringing him to the ground. Jaune and Ren came into view so the others went to greet them.

I sighed and looked down to my hands. We were all lazy and tired because of a Grimm? That's a pretty terrifying affect it has, easily able to make their target give up.

Hopping aboard a tram we made our way through the city as i watched the buildings pass us by. Ren gave some information about the city which i wasn't interested in.

Eventually we made our way off the tram as i stretched my arms, looking to Jaune he was scratching the back of his head

Ruby: So where are we staying?

I saw the tram move behind him to reveal a woman who... kinda looked like him and was holding a baby.

Jaune: We're... staying with my sister, Saphron.

They went to greet her and hesitantly i went to do the same. When it came to my turn she was, obviously, surprised by my appearence.

Me: Thanks for putting up with us for a few days

I held my hand put and she took it, shaking my hand as she smiled, the baby just looked  at me and tried to reach for the bandages

Saphron: No problem, i'm glad to help out Huntresses and Huntsmen. So are those to make you look all mysterious or...?

Me: Sadly not

I took my hand away amd briefly upwrapped one of my fingers to show her, her expression dropped as the baby grabbed it.

She giggled as he squeezed my finger, looking up to me with a curious expression.

Saphron: I think Adrian likes you

Me: Uh... yeah


We sat around Saphron's house as Blake, Yang and Weiss fauned over Adrian. Ruby, Nora and Ren came out with some sandwiches as Saphron sat down.

The others took their sandwiches although i didn't making Saphron look to me confused.

Saphron: Aren't you hungry?

Me: It's not that, i just can't eat solid foods

Saphron: Oh, would you like me to make you something else then?

Me: No no, it's fine

The front door opened so we all turned our attention to see a woman walking in holding shopping bags

?: You wouldn't believe how bus- Oh, we have company. Hun, mind helping with the bags?

Saphron nodded before going into the kitchen to help whoever that was. Feeling a tug at the leg of my trousers i looked down to see Adrian trying to get onto my lap.

The girls looked to me with serious expressions, like they'd kill me if i didn't let him so hesitantly i picked him up amd placed him on my lap.

He seemed content enough, occasionally pulling on my vest as Yang sat beside me with a smirk on her face.

Yang: You know you look nice like this

Me: Like what?

Yang: With a baby, gives me a few ideas

I begsn blushing slightly under my bandages i covered Adrian's ears and turned to Yang

Me: Careful what you say around young kids... that includes Ruby

3rd person pov

Cinder was knocked out a window although managed to land on her feet, she held her side while wincing in pain slightly.

She turned and threw at Neo who had walked out the shadows, now wearing Roman's hat and brandishing Y/N's old gun.

Neo blocked it with her Umbrella and aimed at Cinder, both glaring at eachother. She fired although Cinder used her maiden powers.

She floated up as a vortex of wind surrounded her, the bullet was flung into a building as Neo looked on in shock

Cinder: You're not the only one who wants Ruby dead, and if you're still pent up about Y/N then don't be, he took the punishment for you so you can only be mad at yourself

Neo hesitated, not wanting to believe it. She breathed out through he nose as she shut her eyes and lowered her umbrella.

Cinder floated down as the winds calmed down, as did the flames around her eye.

Cinder: Okay, let's talk

Neo pointed to her throat making Cinder sigh, she went back inside the bar while Neo stayed outside, she looked to Ms. Malachite making her roll ger eyes.

Ms. Malachite: Here you go... and one more thing, if you find Y/N, do me a favour and make him suffer

Cinder: I intend to

She took her info, walked out the bar and met with Neo in the alley, sitting down on a wooden box she held her side gently and took in a deep breath beforw looking at the info.

Cinder: It says her they were last spotted boarding a train to Argus, the only reason outsiders would go now is it's one of the only ways to get to Atlas due to the travel ban... most likely going to Atlas Academy to give Ironwood the Relic. Well, it looks like we'll have to stop them before they reach him

(Lemme know what you think)

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