The Build Up

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Y/N's pov

Ever since last night, it's been weird. Admitting that i loved Yang was... something i didn't take time to think about.

Maybe i only said it because she said it, to make it so she doesn't feel embarrassed. But whatever it was, i don't regret it.

Glancing to my right i saw Yang sleeping beside me. We didn't do anything, she was just really tired and fell asleep on my bed.

I wonder what the others would think if they walked in on this. Sitting up i ran a hand through my hair before throwing my feet over the side of the bed.

Yang groaned and began stirring, she opened her eyes slowly as i looked back, most likely woken up from the bed shifting.

Yang: Y/N?

Me: Morning

She took a moment before sitting up and yawning as she stretched her arms upwards, afterwards she slouched forward and rubbed her eyes

Luckily i kept my bandages on last night... and every night, if i didn't then my possible snoring would've killed everyone here and melted the house.

Yang: How long have you been up?

Me: About seven minutes give or take

Yang: It's too early

She flopped back down and hid her face in the pillow. I looked to the bedside alarm, which hadn't gone off, and saw it was about 11:25.

Poking her arm she groaned and moved her head to look at me, i pointed to the clock so she lazily turned around before sighing.

Yang got back up as i got out of bed and grabbed my clothes, glancing backwards i saw that Yang looked a bit hesitant about something.

Yang: I've only seen some of your burns... can i see the rest?

Me: S...Sure

Hesitantly i took off my top, revealing the burns and scars i have on my chest. She moved forward a bit and traced them with her right hand.

Yang: This isn't all of them... is it?

Me: No

I put my top on, feeling uncomfortable as Yang pulled her hand away. I finished putting my clothes on before opening my door.

We stepped out my room as Yang rubbed her arm, i placed my hand on her shoulder making her turn to me.

Yang: What do we do now?

Me: What do you mean?

Yang: I mean we confessed and whatnot but... i don't know what we do afterwards, we're not in any position to go on dates or something right?

Me: I guess when it's over we can, or when we have a moment of peace

Yang: That... That sounds good

Neo's pov

Walking through the streets of Mistral, i kept a disguise up. Ever since that day... since Y/N protected me from Cinder i can't stop thinking about him.

I looked at the bar before walking in, some furniture was ruined and Ms. Malachite was sat at her table although she was wrapped up in some places.

Moving towards her i sat across from her as she looked to me, she had her left arm underneath the table for some reason.

Ms. Malachite: Forgive me for the mess, we had a... situation the other day. What can i do for you?

Taking out two photos i placed the first one down which was of Cinder, placing a kiss on the other one i put it down which was a picture of Y/N.

She looked at them before raising an eyebrow, i took out a satchel and placed it on the table. Her guards who also had been bandaged took it and counted through the money.

Ms. Malachite: I assume the man in the picture is important to you

Nodding she gained a look of sympathy

Ms. Malachite: Must be hard having the person you love going missing. Don't worry, we'll find them both

Love? Do i love Y/N? I mean all he did was protect me from Cinder, he took all that punishment for me... i don't know how i feel about him.

I got up and walked out the bar, looking down to my umbrella i clutched it tightly. All i know is that i'll make Cinder pay for what she did.

For letting Roman die and for torturing Y/N, she deserves what's coming to her. Reaching behind me i pulled out a gun, Y/N's gun.

Once i find him, I won't leave him... and i'll make him know that someone cares about him, especially after everything he's been through.

Y/N's pov

Walking up to Haven i took a deep breath as i tried to steady my nerves. There's no reason to be nervous anyway, we're not doing anything to be nervous about.

Ruby stopped and looked at the transmit tower before continuing to walk with the rest of us.

Going inside we walked up as Lionheart stood atop a podium of sorts with a statue underneath

Lionheart: Why hello. thank you for... uh coming. There... seems to be more of you than last time

Qrow: Ey you know what they say "The more the merrier". So what's going on with the council?

Lionheart: Why... did you bring your weapons?

He placed his hands behind his back as his voiced shook.

Qrow: What? Leo, we're huntsmen. Are you okay?

Lionheart: Of course! Of course, sorry just haven't had my evening coffee.

Yang looked over to the balcony and i followed suit until my eyes landed on a Raven... what's a bird doing in here?

Qrow: Look, it's nice to see you but we've got work to do, are we getting support from the council or not?

Yang: Mom?

Everyone looked over to the Raven before Qrow fired a shot at her but hit the banister as it flew off it.

It flew behind Lionheart and transformed revealing a woman who was wearing a mask.

Ruby: Raven!

Nora: They... they really ARE magic!

Raven took off her helmet as i looked at her in shock, Ozpin wasn't lying about it

Raven: If you're going to shoot me, Shoot me! That was insulting!

Qrow: What are you doing here?!

She began walking down the steps while holding her helmet

Raven: I could ask YOU the same thing, you've been scheming little brother! Planning to attack your own sister


Lionheart: I-

Raven: Leo did what any sane person would have done in his position, he looked at all the information he had infront of him, assessed the situation and made a choice and it seems you all have too

Qrow: YOU have the spring maiden

Raven: I do

Qrow: Then hand her over and let's work together, we can beat Salem!

Raven: All that time you spent spying for Ozpin and you still have no idea what you're dealing with

Raven: There is no beating Salem!

Ruby: You're wrong

She turned to Ruby as i watched on, i feel this is gonna end badly

Ruby: We've done things most people would call impossible and i know that the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone! We have people to teach us! People to help us! We had eachother! Work with us! At least i know we'll have a better chance if we try together

Ruby reached her hand towards Raven

Ruby: Please...

Raven: You sound just like your mother!

Quickly she opens a portal as a fireball flew out and hit Ruby making her fly back and roll along the ground.

Yang: RUBY!

She ran over to Ruby as she got up, a few moment later Cinder, Emerald, Mercury and someone else walked out the portal

Cinder: Hello boys and girls

(Lemme know what you think)

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