Chapter 1. A Turn of Events

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Chapter 1. A turn of events

"Tears, pain and stress. Why would someone need friends if that's all they can offer you?"


I actually carried a smile on my face as I went to school. I couldn't stop thinking about the weekend.

Normally I wouldn't give two flying shits about Homecoming, but my amazing boyfriend, Jason, made it all worth while.

We have been together for 2 years and now we are seniors and still dating. I was kind of an outcast, and I still kind of am, but for some reason he saw something in me. I don't know how or why. But he talked to me, and then next thing I knew...he had asked me out.

He was my first boyfriend. What's strange is he is popular and the star quarterback. So why me? I often ask him that and he says I'm just different from other girls. I've never met anyone so amazing.

I eagerly got into my older sisters car and we soon took off.

"So how are things with you and Jason?" my sister, Eve asked. She had long brown hair that ombréd into caramel. My sister was everything I wanted to be. Smart, beautiful, kind, popular and loved by all. She was in college but never minded driving me to school in the morning and picking me up.

I let a hot blush take over my cheeks.

"Oh, um, yeah we're great." I told her with toothy grin and let out a nervous laugh. As we turned the corner, she rose her brows up in a questioning manner.

"Just great?" she asked with a hidden smirk. She rolled her chocolate eyes before gasping at me.

"No way ... did you lose your v-card!?" she hissed as we continued to drive. My heart froze and now my face was on fire. Just great. I swallowed uncomfortably.

"Not so loud! It's still ... embarrassing." I whispered the last part as I hung my head low. I heard her let out laughter.

"Elle Reigner, my little sister is growing up!! Ok, details pleasssse!" she whined as we neared the school. I groaned.

"Well it was uh. . . Painful? And we didn't do it for very long." I muttered bitterly. Although my first time had been with my loving boyfriend of over 2 years, it wasn't as magical or heart felt like how I thought it would be. In fact, not only did it hurt but I feel like Jason was just in a rush.

"Well how long?" she asked in curiosity as we pulled into the Highschool parking lot. I gulped.

"About 3 minutes I think." I told her and her head jerked towards mine with wide eyes.

"Elle! That's pretty bad. It should have been WAYYYY longer. My first time with a guy ... mind you I was 16 and not proud of my high school decisions - but it happened for at least an hour and a half. And all through out it-"

"Ew no more!! My poor innocent ears!" I said with a grimace.

"Not so innocent anymore now are ya sis?" Eve retorted. I snorted but she was right. I'm just happy me and Jason took our relationship to the next level. It's Monday now and I'm excited to see Jason.

However he hasn't called my all weekend after we...ya know. It worries me a little. Was I bad? Did I do something wrong? OH GAWD THE THOUGHT OF ME DOING SOMETHING WRONG WOULD BE SO EMBARRASSING I SHIT YOU NOT!!

But maybe his phone died? Maybe he went to New Mexico on a Sunday? Kidnapped by aliens and they refused to let him have a cellular device because it would interfere with their intergalactic plans?!?!

"Have a good day, and hey, be careful. Kay?" Eve suddenly said to break my paranoia.

I glanced at her. She had a concerned look on her face. I sighed, knowing she always had suspicions about Jason.

"I'm always careful. See you after school!" I said chirpily. I quickly got out of her small old Volkswagen. She smiled and quickly took off as soon as I slammed the heavy rust covered door. As I forced my feet to carry me to school, thinking about Eve's words of caution. Inside my head I guess I had a little doubt. After all, he did promise to call me Sunday, and I got no messages . .  calls. . . facetimes . . . emails...

NOTHING! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW THAT MAKES A GIRL FEEL?! (A/n-if a male is reading this then it was meant for ya(;)

I sighed. When I had lost it with him, I admit that it didn't feel special at all. Just . . . rushed as I said before. Did I say anything to him to make him upset? I can't recall anything. Great, now I can't stop worrying as I walked to school. I made my way over to where me and Jason usually met, near my first class. 

Sometimes his rude friends would walk by or this really attention loving girl named Jackie Terrance. She had fiery red hair and a horrid fiery attitude. She constantly gave me dirty looks and was always flirting with my boyfriend. Trashy.

I sat down on a bench near the teacher's room, wondering if Jason was here or not. Was he maybe . . . avoiding me? But why? I couldn't think of anything I had done wrong! I started to let my nerves take over. What if he was going to dump me? I started laughing at the ridiculous thought.

I pushed the negative thoughts to the back of my mind and soon enough more kids started to pour into the school. I haven't texted him . . . maybe he wanted me to text first? 

Feeling more than pathetic, I pulled my cracked white iphone from my pocket and started to text Jason.

Hey, r u at school?

- Elle :p

I hit send and started to wait, noting that school officially started in 5 minutes. Jason was always here early, so why hasn't he come to see me? Maybe I'm being too clingy... Yet then again I used to be that nerd no one talked to so I guess Jason became my security blanket. I couldn't help it. I had never felt close to anyone except Eve and Jason.

I glanced down at my phone and let my heart freeze, seeing as there was a little "R" below my message, which was seen TWO WHOLE MINUTES AGO! Is he mad at me? Why would he even want to ignore me, I haven't even spoken to him since . . well ya know. 

I sighed and got up from the little bench, and hastily walked into my AP Chem. I sat down and started to let anxiety take over. I couldn't focus on the lecture about STD's, or how to treat them. I was too busy thinking about my damn boyfriend who won't text me back!!!

Getting angrier and more frustrated by the minute, I pulled out my notebook and started to doodle - not that the teacher would notice because he repeatedly puts me in the back of the class although I'm incredibly short and can't see past all the giraffes residing in this class.

I drew two little stick figures, one with a pony tail and one normal one. I put an E above the girls head, and a J across on the guy. I then forced my pen above his head, and above the J and started to sketch a thunder cloud and him being zapped by lightning. Then there was me with my hands on my hips and staring at him while he was being struck with electric bolts. You see, I absolutely hate being ignored, considering for most of my life that's what my dad and most of the kids here usually do to me.

My dad is in love with Eve and everything she does, so I'm just mediocre. 

Most conversations in my house go like this :

Dad : Hey Elle, where's Eve?

Me : I don't know.

Dad : Did you hear about how she made it to Berkely? She is such a talented young girl.

Me : Yeah, but I got 100 % on my finals.

Dad : Well you need more extra credit if you want to get to where your sister is so keep on working on it. 

And that's pretty much how are our convos go. Plus I was that geek so no one wanted to interact with me, but for once, someone came along and started to care about me. And that person was Jason.

Class finally ended, so I had to stop doing hateful sketches. I put my notebook away and pressed my specs back up my nose before walking out of the boring class and going to 2nd period. I quickly glanced at my phone ... still nothing. I groaned as I walked through the hall. I couldn't think of one reasonable reason as to why he can't talk to me right now!! I'm acting like such a girl.

I really need to stop making him the center of my universe. Someday it'll come back to haunt me, yet I just pray that never happens. In fact, I'm just over reacting. I sighed out in relief. I'm sure I was freakign out over nothing. I waited near the corner of my building, hoping to see Jason. We always met after class and he'd walk me to my next one.

I realized I looked like a hanus girlfriend with clingy qualities so I didn't bother waiting for him, and just went to statistics.The class went by until someone walzted in through the door right as the bell rang.

"You are late." The teacher announced to the newcomer. I sighed, what was HE doing in this class.  The guy in front of the whole class was . . . kind of mouthwatering to be honest. But I have a boyfriend so I can't think those thoughts.

He had messily touseled dark brown hair that looked like that "I just had sex." look. His jaw was strongly chiseled and he wore a dark blue shirt, along with somewhat tight and dark slim jeans, with black vans to top it off. His navy blue backpack's strap was slung on one shoulder and his other arm trailed down to his pants where his hand dissapeared into his pant pocket. His pale icy eyes scanned the room and he didn't seem to have a care in the world that he just waltzed on in all late and what not.

His eyes lazily landed on me, until his eyebrows scrunched into confusion, then annoyance.

Ok, what was it with me pissing off people lately? Was it my face?? I immediately felt intimidated by his cold eyes staring into my soul, so I ducked my head down and covered it with my face. I heard footsteps approach, ever so  slowly. However my heart was racing faster than Lightning Mcqueen from cars.

They inched towards me, but I couldn't see past my veil of hair. 

"Move." A deep voice said, with a small rasp to it. It sent shivers down my spine. I forced myself to look up into the eyes of this bad boy. I frowned. I always sat near the window. It was my favorite seat, it allowed for me to doze off and imagine. 

"You deaf?" He asked. I gulped as I took in account that the whole class was staring at me and the teacher just sat there in his desk pretending that absolutely nothing was going on. What a coward.

"No." I replied in a stronger voice than I thought possible. I was actually kind of scared. This guy had a lot of muscles.

"Tate Green, find another seat." The teacher hissed from behind. Oh so now ya do something badly?!

The guy - AKA Tate - stared down at me with anger in his eyes as well as . . . amusement?? 

Before I could process what was happening, Tate grasped my desk in one swift motion, and pulled the chair that connected to the small desk. I was soon screeched over to the side and he was now hovering over me and  had both of his hands were placed on the hard surface. I was now aware of my face heating up with flusterity. I don't think that is a word, but it is now.

"Either you move, or I move you. You're in my seat princess." He said in a whisper with a tad of husk in his voice. His eyes were a darker shade of brown than I remembered as he glared down at me. His hard stare had my insides churning...but I wasn't sure if it was in a bad or good way . ..


I shook my head and stared up at him.

"I am not moving from this seat." I told him with confidence. I heard the class gasp, and yet the teacher still wasn't doing anything!! Tate lowered his head before shaking it, his hair ruffling a little to the left. It looked so soft . . . and so silky.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He said before giving me a wink that made my knees turn to jelly. Suddenly, a large and warm hand was placed underneath my thighs, and one was placed behind my back. Before I knew it, I was picked up from my desk and was being held bridal style. My face was on fire and I was more flustered than before. His embrace was warm and small currents were running throughout my body, causing me to lose breath.

I started to feel a little self conscious now. Sometimes Jason would tease me about being chubby or too heavy to carry. I knew he was teasing, but it was hurtful and I never told him.

"Jesus you're lighter than a damn feather." He added as he moved me and sat me on some random kids desk.

I just sat there, stiff and frozen as he flung my dark blue purse at me. I jumped a bit as it hit my chest with force.

He grunted before sitting down and acting like nothing had happened. I looked towards the teacher for help but he was just rubbing his eyes. Then I glanced at the kid who's desk I was on. He had a shocked face, as did the rest of the class. I sighed as I got down, grasped my bag and went to find another seat. 

Who did that jerk face think he was?

'Oh I'm Tate Green, and I walk into classes late and I think I'm such a bad boy and I like to step on people and move people out of their seats mer.'

I mimicked as I sat down. 

"Would you like to say that to my face nerd?" Someone asked. My head snapped up and my stomach fell out of my butt. 

I did not just say that out loud. Yeah I think I did. I gulped as I had the class's attention again. 

"I said-"

"I know what you said." He snapped with an attitude. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well you're the rude one who moved me from MY seat, so excuse me if I'm not groveling at your feet." I retorted across the class. Fine, if there was no filter and he wasn't going to get in trouble, then clearly the teacher won't mind if I give him a piece of my mind. HONESTLY! Who does this Tate guy think he is?! The Queen of England?! She's an old fart and is still nicer than he is!!

"One day you'll be groveling on your knees." He said with a dangerous smirk. I sucked in a sharp breath of air at his innaproppriate comment. That was horrid! Did he mean a . . . I dare not say it out loud. Has he no shame?! My cheeks were a billion different shades of red by now. 

"You're such a stuck up bratty pig!" I shouted across the room. God I hated him and I just met him.

"And your a prissy, uptight, annoying, naive, nerd that probably hasn't had any experience in her life what so ever. I'm sure you've never even-"

"That is enough!!" The teacher stepped in. Wow, you're not late at all...

How dare that Tate!! HOW DARE HE!? He knew nothing about me.

"You're a shithead who probably has sex 3 times a day with a different girl each time!!!" I yelled in pure hatred. I've never sworn in class. Ever. I've never said the word 'sex' out loud before. Well, not in class, in  front of everyone. 

"You're a bitch who is incredibly prude and doesn't know how to have a good time!" He shouted back, his face contorting into one with anger.

"You don't even know me you ass!" I screamed in desperation.

"You two! ENOUGH! If I hear one more word out of either of you, I'll suspend you each!" The teacher screamed. I sat back in my seat more than exhausted. How can I hate someone I barely just met? It seemed possible enough. Tate turned his back to me in anger and sat in his seat, clearly sulking.

The class went by with me sending him glares, and the class waiting for another outburst to happen. It wasn't going to. I am not going to continue fighting. Besides, I think I'm already losing my voice.

An hour of agony finally passed, and I wasted no time in bolting out of that class. What the hell?!?! I am so getting a schedule change if I find out that Tate is staying in there the rest of the year!

It was lunch now, and I could finally see Jason and confront him. Kids were pouring out of classes and walking to the lunchroom, where I found myself walking. I felt alone without Jason's company. I walked in through the doors and welcomed the noisy students sitting at tables with friends.

I searched for the center table where Jason and I sat with his friends. I found him with his two best buds, Cole and Rowen. They were twin brothers and had black shaved heads. They were kind of rude and sort of pigs. I walked over to him, yet stopped once I saw Jackie hanging onto Jason's shoulder.

I didn't know what was worse : Seeing her on his arm again, or the fact that he wasn't doing anything to move her. 

I took in a deep breath to calm myself down before walking down to the table. Suddenly, one of the jocks at the table saw me, and started to shush everyone. Was this a joke? A prank maybe?? Were they all talking about me?? It looked like they were. But I could be wrong. Everyone at the table was now looking at me, or holding in laughter. 

I walked up to Jason that had a strange look on his face. Jackie gave me a once over before licking her lips and smirking. What is happening today?!

"Hey." I nudged on Jason, who stared back at me. He sighed as he got up and stood up eye level with him.

"Hey babe." He said with a fake smile. What was wrong?

"Is everything ok?" I asked him. He looked back at his friends which were snickering and trying to hide their chuckles.

"Yeah." He said in a clipped tone. I raised my eye brows.

"Listen . . . I don't think we are working so . . ." He trailed off as his eyes stared at the ground. I went silent, and I think the cafeteria did too. That was unexpected. Maybe I'm dreaming. I blinked hard to make sure I heard correctly. The person who swore their love to me, just suggested we . . . No! I wont' even say it.

"W-what?" I asked. A small smile broke out onto his face.

"Elle, your a uh . . . nice girl and all, but I think we should just stop what we're doing. I don't see us going anywhere soo . .  uh yeah." He announced while biting his lip and trying not to smile. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Is this a joke or something? Cuz I'm not laughing." I stated as I stared him in the eye, forcing my tears to stay inside.

"We are!" Someone from his table said and the whole cafeteria broke out into laughter. I gulped. I just got dumped. But for no reason. No reason at all, and now I was being humiliated. Everyone that attended this school just watched the popular foot ball star break up with me. 

"B-but . . what did I do wrong?" I whispered as I stared at the ground. Suddenly, Jason's two fingers pinched my chin and made me look up at him. My vision was threatening to blur so I blinked hard.

"Oh Elle, did you really think that highly of yourself . . .?" Jason asked until a smile broke onto his facial features. The smile I came to love, now became one that I never wanted to see. Now the whole lunch room was booming with laughter.

"I thought . ."

"Sorry Elle, but I'm the football quarterback. You're . . . well you're you. But I won't forget homecoming." He said with a wink. 

Then it hit me. He didn't ever want to love me. He just wanted my panties, and he very well got into them. I was used. I was left to hang high and dry. For two years, it had all been a lie. I was naive, like that Tate said in class. And here I was, watching as the whole school boomed with laughter. I would not cry. I refused to.

In fact, although I was feeling crushed, I would act as though this had no affect on me.

"Well, I'm glad we're done." I said matter of factly as the lunch room silenced after a bit.

"Oh are you now?" Jackie asked from behind with a grin. I faked a smile, although my heart was aching.

"Yep. I guess we had a good run for it . . . or whatever. See you around." I told Jason. His eyes widened in shock as I spoke those words. I clamped my jaw shut as I turned around and ignored the stares of the whole school. My eyes trailed to all those who had just witnessed everything.

To my right, someone familiar was doing the kickstand position against a wall. I frowned even more as I recognized Tate. His eyes narrowed as he stared at mine. I gave a humorless chuckle as I froze in spot. Tate got what he wanted although he barely knew me. I broke. But I refused to let Jason know that. I was in a lot of pain as I people whispered about me as I left the lunchroom and welcomed the cool air. As soon as I was out of that hell hole, a sob raked through my whole body.

I ran down the hallway, in a frenzy to get to the bathroom. I turned the corner and ran straight in and let out all that I had been holding in. I have never cried so hard. Jason made me come out of my shell. He made me feel special. I thought no one liked me then he came along. It was too good to be true. I knew it. 

I reached for my phone as I wiped my stray tears and took a shaky deep breath before sniffling.


"Eve . . . can you pick . . me up from school?" I asked as I forced my painful cries back inside.

"I'm on my way. What happened?" She asked in a concerned voice through the line. With her last question, I broke into another crying fit. It was so painful. I wasn't capable of being anyone's first priority. Other than Eve, but she's my sister and is always gone and usually at college. 

It hurt so badly. I felt my heart crush, then as I started to convince myself to be strong, it just rebroke and the process kept repeating. 

I actually liked how this chapter happened.

Should I write more?




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