Chapter 13. A Trip Down Memory Lane

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Elle's POV***

I grabbed his hand as we walked through the large corn field. Each stalk brushed my shoulder, sending tingles down my spine. 

"Why here?" I asked quietly.

"My favorite spot is just past this corn field. It's creepy, I know," He chuckled. I forced out a laugh.

We continued to walk in silence. Fields made me nervous, especially considering the reason why I no longer have a mother. It was scary no doubt, but I wouldn't let Tate see my fear. With determination, I shook my head free of the past, and kept the memories locked in a little box in my cranium.

"We're almost there," He said quietly, pulling me further into the field. e

"What's over there? Where are you taking me?" I asked with a shaky voice. But as I was hurdled over a large bush, I came to a stop. In front of us no longer lay miles and miles of corn field. Instead, there was a large wooden gazebo, that sat in the middle of a green grass field.

"It's, amazing," I whispered.

"My mom is a wedding planner, this was one of the venues she's offered to a young couple. She doesn't know I come here," He said, leading me to the meadow. 

"I didn't peg you for the hidden flower field guy," I teased. I saw his shoulders tense and I wonder if I shouldn't have said anything.

"A lot of people peg me for certain things," He said, sitting us down. As I sit, the grass tickles me but it's cold and soothing. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. 

"So, since we're in the midst of our grand scheme, might as well find out about each other some more," Tate said, leaning on his elbows. His eyes are somewhere off, and almost as though he's disinterested. I frown and pull my knees up.

"Any siblings?" I asked him. He nodded. "I had a sister."

"Had?" The word comes out before I can help it. His eyes become cold and I feel him glare at me before looking away.

"How old was she?" I asked gently.

"11." The air is different as he answers and I hope I haven't totally blown anything. The thought makes me cringe.

I decide not to push the subject further, and instead, switch over to something else. 

 "Do you know what you want to do after high school?" I asked him. He shrugged. 

"As long as I'm away from this small minded town then anything sounds nice," He regards. I nod, and can't help but agree. The thought of leaving here scares me, but staying seems to terrify me. 

"You?" He head nods towards me. I sighed.

"I'd like to get a job somewhere at a publishing firm. Maybe New York, or Seattle. Chicago maybe."

"Don't writing jobs get like shit pay?" Tate asked with a flat look. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Sounds like my dad," I mutter incoherently. 

"Does he not approve?" Tate asked. I bit my lip, unaware of how much information I should be sharing with him. For all I knew, he could pull a Jason, and then humiliate me further in front of everyone one day. I had to play my cards right.

"Well what parent would?" I simply reply without giving too much. 

"I suppose so, but all parents throw away their dreams to give their kids a better chance, only to have the pattern repeat. Kind of gross isn't it?"

His insight on things seem to stun me, and I know he notices it. I hadn't expected Tate to give a shit about anything, let alone having such a strong opinion on parental guidance. I try my best to make it seem like I'm not surprised. 

"Favorite color?" I divert the topic.

"Green, duh," He said with a flat stare. I huff.



Tate scrunches up his nose. "What the hell, why white?"

I put my hands on my hips and become defensive. "I like what it means in literary terms. It symbolizes innocence and purity, and all things good-"

Tate cuts me off with laughter. I gasp and then glare daggers at him as he lays on his back and starts to laugh even harder.

"Why are you laughing?" I hiss.

He begins to sober up as he lifts himself upright. "That's the nerdiest thing I've ever heard of. Like, why not pink? All girls like pink," He says with a grin. I roll my eyes at him and feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 

"Pink is alright, but like I said. I like the color white and if you think that's bad, you like green. That's the color of  . . . of . . boogers and brussel sprouts," I growled in frustration. Tate bobs his head to the side and shakes his head.

"If that makes you feel better," He lifts up his brows in amusement. I feel heat steam from my head but I remind myself he's just trying to get me all riled up so I take a deep breath. I watch him look at the night sky, taking a breath. The way the moonlight hits him almost seems flattering.

"What'd Jason do to you anyways?" I asked with annoyance.

"None of your damn business." His joking demeanor vanishing into thin air. I shrink back. 

"Actually, it is. Whether or not you like it, we're in this together," I hiss. He seems outraged that I retaliated.

"Piss off Elle," He spits. I recoil and can't help but lift my fist and slam it repeatedly on his chest. He seems shocked and tries to get me off but I put all my emotions into the slams and force tears to stay in my eyes.

After hitting him one last time, I sat back and panted.

"You done throwing a temper tantrum Princess Punch?"

"Don't call me that," I hiss in between gathering my breath. Tate rolls his eyes and rubs his chest. "Was that really necessary?" He groans.

"Yes. You can't be rude to me when you feel like it," I told him. He groans and rubs his face with his hand.

"Please, don't be so sensitive," He retorts. I feel my anger towards him only grow and it's like our whole evening didn't even happen. I should've known this was too good to be true. He's truly an awful person.

I cross my arms, turn my back on him, and let my anger simmer. He says nothing as I do so. The air is thick with awkward tension, neither of us willing to break the silence.

"Elle," He says.

"What?" I snap.


But the sound of voices shouting from afar break us from our anger. We each turned towards the orchard field where we came from.

"Shit," Tate curses, and stands up. I'm about to yell at him or ask him a question when he yanks my wrist and begins to run.

"Where are we going?" I shout, but he  takes the lead and his legs move incredibly fast. Keeping up with him begins to tire me out as we run down a small hill, I lose my balance and we go tumbling.

My back repeatedly hits the hill, followed by my body parts flinging into his. I let out a wild scream, but stop short when my landing is abruptly stopped when I land on a soft ground. How did the ground get so warm? And...squishy? I look down. 

"You mind getting off me?" Tate groans. I squeak and move to the side of him and help him up.

"What the hell was that about?" I shout in his face. He rubs his head as he sits up.

"They're bad people I once got involved with."

His answer frightens me more than it should. Were they in a gang or something? I wouldn't put it past Tate. I look over him as he turns over and tries to stand. While his shirt is unruly, I notice some hidden ink on his back. 

"You have a tattoo?" I asked, but he ignored me. 

"You okay?" He asked, looking at my forehead. Confused, I bring my fingers up and a warm substance coats them. I bring my fingers down and notice blood. I gasp and feel queasy. "Shit," He cusses before taking off his shirt. I hold my breath, and take a good look at his torso and midsection. He lifts his shirt above his head, causing his muscles to ripple beneath.

I'm in too much of a trance to notice he's dabbing my forehead, but the sting brings me back to reality.

"So much for a fake date," He says, and I can't help but join his laughter.

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